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Tuesday, 24 April 2012

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MS - 1
Course Code              :           MS - 1
Course Title               :           Management Functions and Behavior
Assignment Code      :           MS-1/TMA/SEM - I /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note: Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to the coordinator of your study center.

1.                  What are the essential components of an effective MIS and why? Describe the MIS of an organization, known to you or you are familiar with, giving detailed description and critically evaluate its effectiveness. Briefly describe the organization, you are referring to.

2.                  State and explain the importance of Mission, Vision, Objectives, and Strategy in the functioning of an organization. Find out these statements of a few organizations and explain their significance. How do they help you understand about these organizations? Describe with brief details of the organization you are referring to.

3.                  What are the essential components /indicators/ Determinants of Organizational Climate and Organisational Culture? Take example of two organizations, list out the component /indicators/ dimensions of their climate and culture and explain their corresponding perceived major focus, with example. Briefly describe the organizations you are referring to.

4.                  What are the element of an organization structure, and the factors influencing its choice? Take example of two organizations and explain with logic as to how are their structures suited to their requirements or influenced by the other factors.

5.                  Why do groups get formed? What are the stages of group formation? Explain the formation of a group and relate it to the stages with brief description of purpose and structure of the group, as you are aware of. Also briefly describe the organization, if this group was the part of it.

Course Code              :           MS - 2
Course Title               :           Management of Human Resources
Assignment Code      :           MS-2/TMA/SEM - I /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note: Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to the coordinator of your study center.

1.                  How do you see the role of HRM changing in the present day context of business? What are the new mandates of HRM? Explain with the example of the organization you have been working for or familiar with. Quote specific situations to explain your point. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

2.                  What are the methods of Job Analysis and techniques of writing Job Description. Take example of a few job descriptions and explain its components as techniques of writing it. Explain the organisation and the context of the job adequately to support your answers.

3.                  What are the methods of Competency Mapping? Explain briefly with organizational example of the organization you are working for or familiar with. Briefly describe the organization and the context leading to mapping.

4.                  Explain the concept of Role and Role systems. Explain them with the help of organizational example. How do you see your role fitting into Role set and Role space, explain. Briefly describe the organisation, you are referring to.

5.                  What are the functions, determinants and objectives of compensation in an organizational context? Explain with example whether the compensation structures are essentially based on evaluation programme? Briefly describe the organization, you are referring to.


Course Code                                      :               MS-3

Course Title                                       :               Economic and Social Environment

Assignment Code                                            :               MS-3/TMA/SEM-I/2012

Coverage                                                             :               All Blocks

Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012,
           to the coordinator of your study center.
  1. What are the important laws related to the functioning and operation of capital markets in India? Briefly Discuss.

  1. Describe the situation in which large and small firms would be more efficient with respect to size of Industrial units.

  1. Assess Industrial Policy of 1956 and explain how Schedule A, B, and C are different from one another.

  1. Analyze the first three phases of Foreign Trade Regime, in the process of economic development.

  1. What does the Quantity Theory of Money (QTM) imply? Also identify two principal purposes for holding money.

  1. Write short  notes on the following:-

a)                  Economic Development

b)      Administered Prices

c)                   Phased Manufacturing Process
Course Code              :           MS - 4
Course Title               :           Accounting and finance for managers  
Assignment Code      :           MS-4/TMA/SEM - I /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note: Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to the coordinator of your study center.
1.         The Balance Sheet of Bharat Machinery Ltd., as on December 31, 2009 and 2010 are as follows: 
Dec. 31, 2009
Dec. 31, 2010

Plant and Machinery  
Land and Buildings
Sundry Debtors

Liabilities and Capital

Share Capital
Profit and Loss A/c
General Reserve
Sundry Creditors
Bills Payable
Outstanding Expenses

Additional Information
(i)                 Depreciation of Rs. 50,000 has been charged on Plant and Machinery during the year 2010.
(ii)               A piece of machinery was sold for Rs. 8,000 during the year 2010. It had cost Rs. 12,000, depreciation of Rs. 7,000 had been provided on it.
Prepare a schedule of change in working capital and a statement showing the sources and application of funds for the year 2010.
2.   From the following cost, production and sales data of Decors Motor Ltd., prepare comparative income statement for three years under (i) absorption costing method, and (ii) marginal costing method. Indicate the unit cost for each year under each method. Also evaluate the closing stock. The company produces a single article for sale.

Selling Price per unit
Variable manufacturing cost per unit
Total fixed manufacturing cost
Opening Stock (Units)
Units Produced
Units Sold
Closing Stock (Units)

3.         From the following information related to XYZ Ltd.; you are required to find out (a) contribution (b) Break-even point in units (c) Margin of safety, (d) Profit
            Total Fixed Costs                    Rs.         6,000
            Total Variable Costs               Rs.       20,000
            Total Sales                               Rs.       32,000
            Units Sold                                             4,000 Units
Also calculate the volume of sales to earn profit of Rs. 12,000.
4.         Write short notes on the following:
            a) Performance budgeting
            b) Zero base budgeting
            c) Factors affecting dividend decisions
            d) Accrual concept
5.         What is capital structure? Explain the features and determinants of an appropriate capital structure.

Course Code              :           MS - 05
Course Title               :           Management of Machines & Materials
Assignment Code      :           MS-05/SEM - 1/2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.            Define Operations Management and describe four activities performed by Operations Managers.

2.            Explain Product Design and development. How does it influence the process design?

3.            What are the objectives of maintenance management? Discuss atleast five important
indices for measuring the performance of maintenance department.

4.            State the principle of central limit theorem. Discuss the process of developing X and R charts for quality control.

5.            What are the common objectives of the purchasing functions? Also discuss the methods of vendor evaluation.

6.            Write Short Notes on the following:
a)      Work Sampling
b)      Acceptance Sampling
c)      Materials Requirement Planning
d)     Value Engineering and Analysis
e)      Assembly Line
Course Code              :           MS - 6
Course Title               :           Marketing for Managers
Assignment Code      :           MS-6/TMA/SEM - I /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before  April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.            a) Explain the concept of Marketing and substantiate the significance in modern          
    organization in accomplishment of their objectives.
b) What is STP strategy? Discuss the concept of positioning by taking an example of your
     choice and the benefits that firms accrue in a competitive environment.

2.            a) What do you understand by the term concept of PLC? Discuss taking any two
     examples of your choice in the recent part. 
           b) List out and explain the three additional marketing mix element essentials in marketing     
              of services. Discus by taking any two services of your choice.

3.        a) Discuss the role and importance of physical distribution in accomplishing the marketing
              goals of a firm.
           b) What are the major pricing strategies available to the marketer? Discuss each of 
    them in terms of this merits and demerits. What pricing strategy would you support in
    the following cases
i)                    Low priced Tablet Computer
ii)                  CNG fitted small car

4.        a) What makes manager rely on primary data for marketing decision? Substantiate with
                suitable examples
           b) Discuss the factors that are major determinants of promotion mix in the following
i)                    Mid size FMCG Company    
ii)                  Banking services

Course Code              :           MS - 07
Course Title               :           Information System for Managers    
Assignment Code      :           MS-07/TMA/SEM - 1/2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.               What are the main types of software? What are the advantages of open-source software? Describe the decision making process of acquiring application software.

2.               “In the end, information system is recognized only as a foundation for human judgment, insight and inventiveness”. Discuss. What are different types of controls and audits required for an information system?

3.               What is computerized maintenance management? Explain the conceptual model through which the maintenance function can achieve its objectives on a sustained basis.

4.               “Excel is a versatile spreadsheet package. It can do wonder for accountants”. Explain.

5.               What do you understand by Artificial Intelligence? What are the factors that highlighted the need of developing AI? What are the goals of AI. 


Course Code                                      :               MS-08
Course Title                           :           Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications
Assignment No.                               :               08/TMA /SEM-I/2012
Coverage                                             :               All Blocks

Note: Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to the coordinator of your study center.
  1. Solve the following simultaneous equations by using Cramer’s rule


  1. From the data given below calculate the value of first and third quartiles, second and ninth deciles and forty-fifth and fifty-seventh percentiles.

Height in
Number of

  1. The probability that a bulb produced by a factory will fuse after certain period of time is 0.05. Find the probability that out of 5 such bulbs
    1. None fuses
    2. Not more than 2 fuse
    3. More than 2 fuse

  1. A supplier of components to an electronic industry makes a sophisticated product which sometimes fails immediately it is used. He controls his manufacturing process so that the proportion of faulty products is supposed to be only 5%. Out of 400 supplies in a batch, 26 prove to be faulty. Verify the manufacturer’s claim. Use 0.05 level of significance.

  1. The ages of husbands and wives in a community were found to have a correlation coefficient equal to +0.8; the average of husbands’ ages was 25 years and that of wives’ ages 22 years; their standard deviations were respectively 4 and 5 years. Find the two lines of regression and from the lines ,measure
    1. The expected age of husband when wife’s age is 12 years
    2. The expected age of wife when husband’s age is 33 years



Course Code                                      :               MS-9

Course Title                                                       :               Managerial Economics

Assignment Code                                            :               MS-9/TMA/SEM-I/2012

Coverage                                                             :               All Blocks

Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30,
          2012, to the coordinator of your study center.

  1. Why is decision making under uncertainty necessarily subjective? Explain giving examples.
  1. Define Point Price Elasticity. Calculate Point Price Elasticity from the price and quantity given below.

Price (P)
Quantity (Q)
Point Price Elasticity






  1. Explain the various types of statistical analyses used for estimation of a production function.

  1. “Products can be related in production as well as demand.”Examine this statement with reference to Pricing of Joint Products.

  1. What is an Isocost Line? Discuss the shifting of Isocost line.

  1. Write short notes on  the following :-

a)      Engineering method of Cost Estimation

b)      Price Leadership

c)       The Law of Demand

Course Code              :           MS - 10
Course Title               :           Organization Design, Development and Change
Assignment Code      :           MS-10/TMA/SEM - I /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before  April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.      Briefly discuss the Meaning and Purpose of an organizational design. Describe the key factors affecting organizational design and their relevance.

2.      Explain the evolutionary process of organization Design. Briefly describe the universal perspectives of organization design and the relationship between strategies of organizational development and Structure with examples.

3.      Describe different approaches to organizing and analyzing work and their merits and demerits.

4.      What is the purpose of organizational analysis and the elements which need to be reviewed for analyzing any organization? Explain in detail the Process of workshop and observation methods for organizational diagnosis.   

5.      What are the factors which are drivers of change in Business? Briefly discuss the phases of planned change and their importance and how to overcome resistance to change.


Course Code                      :               MS-11
Course Title                       :               Strategic Management
Assignment No.               :               11/TMA/SEM-1/2012
Coverage                             :               All Blocks

Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.       Discuss different types of strategic alternatives. Explain their importance in the present context citing examples.

2.       What is cost leadership? Do you think that cost leadership is an important criteria to have competitive advantage for an organization? Discuss.

3.       ‘Performance measures are said to be the indicators of success and form a major part of any organization’. Critically comment on the statement.

4.       Chose an organization and perform a SWOT analysis of that organization. After performing the SWOT analysis, write the inferences drawn from the analysis.

Course Code              :           MS - 21
Course Title               :           Social Processes and Behavioral Issues
Assignment Code      :           MS-21/TMA/SEM - I/2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before  April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.      Discuss the paradigm shift of work culture and the related issues in the present day context.  Briefly describe the factors of organizational relevance.

2.       Why is it important to understand human behavior and the implications to the organization? Discuss. Briefly describe the models to understand human behavior and their relevance.

3.      Briefly describe the salient features of counseling and possible outcomes. Discuss the ethical issues in counseling in organizations.

4.      Describe the importance of teams in organizations. Briefly discuss the factors in building effective teams and how team sustenance is a critical issue.

5.      Briefly discuss the dynamics of power and politics in organizations. Describe the ethical issues involved in politics and power in organizations.  

Course Code              :           MS - 22
Course Title               :           Human Resource Development
Assignment Code      :           MS-22/TMA/SEM - I /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note: Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to the coordinator of your study center.

1.                   What is cognitive Age? What do people want in their careers?  What are the problems generally associated with career? Explain with example and describe the context, situation and the organization you are referring to.

2.                  What are the basic processes of Coaching and Mentoring? Relate them with your organizational experiences, explaining the circumstances and events. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

3.                  Define and describe OD Interventions. How important is the development of internal self-renewal facilitators for the organization and why? Explain with example. Describe the organization you are referring to.

4.                  Discuss the rationale of incorporating cross functional teams in HRD for workers. Briefly explain with organizational example as to what beliefs and values support HRD for workers in organisations. Briefly explain the organization, you are referring to.

5.                  What is Diversity Management? What are the key components of a Human Resource Management System needed to manage Diversity in organisational setup. Explain with example. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.
Course Code              :           MS - 23
Course Title               :           Human Resource Planning
Assignment Code      :           MS-23/TMA/SEM - I /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before  April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.      Explain the Human Resource Planning Process. Describe the forecasting techniques which are being used in human resource planning in your organization or any organization you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

2.      Explain various approaches to changing roles. Describe the factors contributing to role changes with suitable examples. Discuss what kinds of roles you feel that are more useful in organizations.

3.      Define and discuss the selection process of any organization you are familiar with. Describe the placement and retention programme of the organization you are referring to. What are your suggestion for strengthening above said process and programmes in the organization.

4.      Explain the concept and scope of the HR audit. Describe the auditing process of your own organization or any organization you are familiar with. Discuss how audit is beneficial to the organizations. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

5.      Discuss the aims and objectives of career planning. Describe the career planning process and benefits of it by citing suitable examples from any organization you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.      

Course Code              :           MS - 24
Course Title               :           Employment Relations
Assignment Code      :           MS-24/TMA/SEM - I /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before  April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.      Explain the constitutional framework of Industrial Relations. Discuss the role of law in Industrial Relations citing examples from the organizations you are familiar with.

2.      Explain the origin and growth of Trade Unions in India. Describe the functions of Trade Union in your organization or any organization you are familiar with. What are your suggestions for strengthening the Trade Unions?

3.       Explain the meaning and concept of collective bargaining. Describe the structure and functions of collective bargaining of any organization you are familiar with. Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the functions of collective bargaining.

4.      Discuss the concept and objectives of workers participation in Management (wpm). Describe the participative arrangements, structure and levels of participation in decision making on major policy matters in your organization or any organization you are familiar with.

5.      Explain various approaches of grievance resolution. Describe the approaches that are being used for grievance resolution in your organization or any organization you are familiar with. In your opinion which approach is most effective and why? Briefly describe the organization you are referring to. 
Course Code              :           MS - 41
Course Title               :           Working Capital Management 
Assignment Code      :           MS-41/TMA/SEM - I /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note: Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to the coordinator of your study center.
1.               Explain different approaches to the determination of working capital and discuss the concept of operating cycle.
2.               What are the different classes of cash flows? How do cash flow problem arise? Discuss the various methods to overcome this problem.
3.               Discuss the risk return considerations in financing of current assets.
4.               “Liquidity and profitability are competing goals for the finance manager”. Comment.
5.               From the following details you are required to make an assessment of the average amount of working capital requirement of Hindustan Ltd.
Average period of credit
Estimate for the 1st year (Rs.)
Purchase of material
6 weeks
1½ weeks
Overheads :

    Rent, rates, etc.
6 months
1 month
   Other overheads
2 months
Sales cash

Credit sales
2 months
Average amount of stock and work-in-progress

Average amount of undrawn profit

It is to be assumed that all expenses and income were made at even rate for the year.
Course Code              :           MS - 42
Course Title               :           Capital Investment and Financing Decisions  
Assignment Code      :           MS-42/TMA/SEM - I /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before  April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.               Aries Ltd. Wishes to raise additional finance of Rs. 10 lakhs for muting its investment plans. It has Rs. 2, 10,000 in the form of retained earnings available for investment purpose. The following are the further detail
Debt/equity mix                                              30%/70%
Cost of debt                                                   
Up to Rs. 1, 80,000                                         10% (before tax)
Beyond Rs. 1, 80,000                                     16% (before tax)
Earning per share                                            Rs. 4
Dividend pay out                                            50% of earning
Expected growth rate in dividends                10%
Current market price                                       Rs. 44
Tax rate                                                           50%

You are required:
a)      to be determine the pattern for raising the additional finance
b)      to determine the post tax average cost of additional debt
c)      to determine the cost of retained earnings and equity
d)     compute the overall weighted average after tax cost of additional finance 

2.               Discuss the use of EBTI-EPS analysis for designing capital structure of a company.

3.               What is social cost benefit analysis? Make a social cost benefit analysis of any infrastructure project undertaken in your state.

4.               Discuss the various non traditional modes of financing.

5.               What is financial restructuring? What are the driving forces for mergers & acquisition?
Course Code              :           MS - 43
Course Title               :           Management Control Systems  
Assignment Code      :           MS-43/TMA/SEM - I /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before  April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

6.      What are the characteristics of a project organization? Explain how these characteristics affect the control system design of a project. 

7.      Explain the concept of Responsibility Accounting and describe its benefits.

8.      What do you understand by transfer pricing? Explain the criteria used for establishing transfer price.

9.      What is performance measurement? List the various types of metrics used for performance measurement and identify the purpose for which they are being used.

10.  Explain in detail the risks faced by the banks and how management control system can contain these risks.

Course Code              :           MS - 51
Course Title               :           Operations Research  
Assignment Code      :           MS-51/SEM - 1/2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.            Solve the following L P problem through SIMPLEX method
Maximize Z = 5x1 + 6x2
Subject to
            2x1 + 3x2     3000
            5x1 + 7x2     1000
            x1 +  x2            500
            x1 and  x2           0
2.         Write the Dual of the Problem – 1 and give the economic interpretation of Dual Variables. 
3.         Write the generalized form of transportation problem as LP Problem. Also explain how to solve the degeneracy in transportation problem.
4.         Arrivals at an STD booth is considered poisson with an average time of 10 minutes between them. Length of phone call is assumed exponential with mean 3 minutes. Determine
            a) the probability that a person arriving at the booth will have to wait.
            b)Average Length of queue that form time to time
            c) Average utilization of STD booth.
5.         Write short notes on
            i)          Dynamic Programming
            ii)         Integer Programming
            iii)        Pure and Mixed Strategy
            iv)        Queue Parameters.
Course Code              :           MS - 52
Course Title               :           Project Management 
Assignment Code      :           MS-52/SEM - 1/2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.               Discuss in detail the various phases of a project development cycle.
2.               Bring out the importance of site selection for a new project. Is it an economic or personal issue?
3.               What are the different organization structures recommended for project organization? Discuss their advantages and disadvantages.
4.               Elaborate the PERT/COST System as applied to project management.
5.               Discuss the method of ensuring quality in Project Management?
6.               A network comprises of following activities
Activity           Duration (weeks)        Activity           Duration (weeks)
1-2                               6                      2-7                               4
1-3                               2                      4-8                               6
1-4                               6                      6-8                               8                                             
3-5                               4                      7-8                               8
5-6                               2                     
a)      Draw the Network
b)      Determine the project completion time
c)      Identify the Critical Path
d)     Calculate the total float and slack

Course Code              :           MS - 53
Course Title               :           Production/Operations Management 
Assignment Code      :           MS-53/SEM - 1/2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

7.            Discuss GT, FMS and OPT and their importance for improving the performance of production system.

8.            How does a quantitative forecasting differ from a qualitative forecasting? How do we measure the forecasting error?

9.            Discuss the relationship exists between Layout decisions, capacity decision and scheduling.

10.        Compare and contrast PUSH type of production system with PULL type of production system and justify which one is better.

11.        Explain the role of Master Production Schedule (MPS) in the context of overall planning and scheduling of manufacturing.

12.        Explain the six big losses in maintenance. Suggest the methods to reduce/eliminate these losses.
Course Code              :           MS - 54
Course Title               :           Management Information Systems   
Assignment Code      :           MS-54/SEM - 1/2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.                  Define structure and unstructured decisions. Give examples from Steel industry.

2.      Define Management Information System (MIS) and its subsystems. Also trace the growth of MIS in an organization.

3.                  What is system analysis? Discuss various stages of a system development life cycle.

4.      Discuss the various kinds of Network topologies – its advantages, disadvantages and applications.

5.                  Discuss DBMS and RDBMS. Outline the basic sequence of steps for acquiring a DBMS.

6.                  Discuss computer Viruses. What is perverse software? Explain

Course Code              :           MS - 61
Course Title               :           Consumer Behavior  
Assignment Code      :           MS-61/TMA/SEM - 1/2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

6.               Differentiate between organizational buying and individual buying. Explain the differences by taking the example of purchase of laptop in both the cases.

7.               What is the need to study post purchase behavior of consumers? Explain its implications for the marketers of consumer durables.  

8.               You are the marketing manager of a company manufacturing luxury cars. Can you use Maslow’s need hierarchy theory to design promotional campaign for your product? Explain.

9.               What do you understand by reference group influence? Explain the degree of reference group influence with regard to the purchase of the following products and their respective brand choice.
a)      Clothes
b)      Membership of health club
c)      Toothpaste

10.           Explain the concept of family life cycle. How do the family life cycle stages affect the consumption pattern? Give its implications for the marketer of international tour packages.

11.           You are the marketer of higher end platinum jewellery. How would you identify your target segment? What segmentation approaches would you use to segment respondents and why?

12.           Explain the relevance of studying Howard Sheth model of consumer behavior for a
Course Code              :           MS - 62
Course Title               :           Sales Management  
Assignment Code      :           MS-62/TMA/SEM - I /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before  April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.             a) Discuss the role and responsibilities of  Sales Manager in the organization you are  
    associated or familiar with.
b) What are the reasons for firms to critically evaluate the performance of sales force on
    continuous basis? Discuss the merits and demerits of such evaluation.

2.              a) What is sales organization? Discuss the process of designing a sales organization in the
      following situations.
i)                    An FMCG ayurvedic firm with operations in North India.
ii)                   A durable firm with Pan India operations
b) Comment on the role and significance of compensation as a tool for employee
     retention in a enterprise.   

3.            a) What do you understand by the term negotiation? Discuss the various steps involved in
     the said process.
b) Sales displays are conceived with the purpose. Discuss the above statement in the
    relation to creating awareness and customer pull to the store.

4.            a) Explain in detail how territory planning helps a salesman in performing his duties
b) Explain the importance of generating sales reports by the field staff. 
Course Code              :           MS - 63
Course Title               :           Product Management   
Assignment Code      :           MS-63/TMA/SEM - 1 /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.               Explain the various components of product mix taking the example of any FMCG company.
2.               With the help of examples, explain how might a company’s pricing and distribution strategies vary depending on different stages of product life cycle.
3.               Explain the concept of Brand Equity. How would you assess the Brand Equity for a carbonated soft drink brand?
4.               Your company has been dealing in LCD TVs for the last seven years. Now the company is going to introduce a new range of 3D Plasma TVs. How would you go about planning marketing mix for this new product launch?
5.               ‘Packaging helps in product differentiation’. Elaborate the statement with the help of suitable examples.
6.               You are going to launch a range of breakfast cereals with low calories and high nutrition value for heath conscious urban women.
(a)    What brand name would you suggest for this product? Give reasons in support of your answer.
(b)   Suggest a suitable positioning strategy for this product.
7.               Discuss the importance of screening of new product ideas. What factors would you consider while screening ideas for an electrical product like Microwave Oven.
8.               What do you mean by convenience product and specialty product? How does the buying behavior for two differ? Explain its implications for marketers.

Course Code              :           MS - 64
Course Title               :           International Marketing   
Assignment Code      :           MS-64/TMA/SEM - 1 /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.               What do you mean by product standardization and adaptation in context of          international marketing? Give examples of products that may require adaptation across different countries.
2.               As a newly appointed export manager, you have received an export order for export of Handicraft items to USA. Write down the steps you would take for executing the export order.
3.               Explain the concept of Marginal Pricing. What are its implications in international marketing?
4.               How does culture influence international marketing decisions? Explain with the help of suitable examples.
5.               What is the relevance of conducting international marketing research? Explain the role of desk research in context of international marketing.
6.               A small footwear manufacturer presently operating in domestic market only, wants to go international. What methods would you suggest to the organization to reach foreign markets and why?   
7.               Your company is planning to expand its operations in international markets. What pre -investment measures would you undertake to manage the political risk? 
8.               Your company is a leading designer of bridal dresses, currently operating in local markets only. After getting huge success in the local markets, it wants to enter into Asian and US markets. Which approach of EPRG frame work would you follow and why?    

Course Code              :           MS - 65
Course Title               :           Marketing of Services
Assignment Code      :           MS-65/TMA/SEM – 1/2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before  April 30, 2012, to
the coordinator of your study center.

1.               Being a customer relationship manager of a luxurious hotel, you have received a mail from Mr. Mehta. He and his family stayed at your hotel last week. He has complained that the quality of food served was not satisfactory. Also, he has criticized the staff members that they did not listen to his complaint patiently. What steps would you take in response to this letter?
2.                As a manager of a multiplex cinema house (Movie Theatre), what marketing strategies would you use to overcome demand and supply challenges?
3.               Explain the product support services that a car manufacturer can provide to its customers for gaining competitive advantage.
4.               Discuss the importance of physical evidence in context of airline industry.
5.               Explain the Gronroos model of services quality taking the example of healthcare services.
6.               Why internal marketing is important in case of services? Give suitable examples in support of your answer.
7.               Explain differences between search, experience and credence quality. Give example of services that are high in experience quality. How do high experience qualities affect consumer behavior?
8.               Discuss significance of non monetary costs in pricing of services by taking the example of financial services.

Course Code              :           MS - 91
Course Title               :           Advanced Strategic Management
Assignment Code      :           MS-91/SEM -I  /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study centre.

13.  Distinguish between Prescriptive and Descriptive Schools of Thought on Corporate Strategy Formulation.

14.  What is the purpose of Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee Report on Corporate Governance? Also discuss its major recommendations.

15.  Explain any five strategies used by a firm in a stable industry environment. Elucidate it with examples from real world.

16.  Describe the influence of ‘Strategy’ and ‘Support Mechanisms’ in promoting or hindering creativity and innovation.

17.  “The term philanthropy is generally understood as giving in the interest of the recipient.” Elaborate this statement with special reference to nature of Corporate Philanthropy.

18.  Write short notes on the following:

a)      Transnational Strategy

b)      Personalized  Recognition

c)      Corporate Citizenship

Course Code              :           MS - 92
Course Title               :           Management of Public Enterprises   
Assignment Code      :           MS-92/SEM - I/2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30,  2012, to
     the coordinator of your study centre.

1.      “The Indian brand of Socialism chooses a middle path – avoiding the fundamental doctrines of both Capitalism and Communism.” Discuss this statement with special reference to Mixed Economy Model followed by India.

2.      Explain, with the help of an example, the Social Responsibility of Public Enterprises.

3.      What are the major causes of sickness in Public Enterprises? Discuss.

4.      Examine how the concept of Marketing is relevant to Public Enterprise?

5.      Discuss any two major strategic issues arising out of disinvestment.   

6.      Write short notes on the following:

a)      The Impact of Economic Reforms

b)       Retention Agreements

c)      Social Audit

Course Code              :           MS - 93
Course Title               :           Management of New and Small Enterprises  
Assignment Code      :           MS-93/SEM - I /2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before  April 30,  2012, to
     the coordinator of your study centre.

6.      Discuss the role of government in Small Scale Enterprises (SSE) Development. Give examples from new initiatives undertaken with respect to SSE.

7.      How does the entrepreneur arrive at the final project? Explain the additional processes and criteria of selection s/he uses.

8.      What are the various types of loans for a small scale unit and how are they sanctioned?

9.      “An axiom in all personnel relations is that major troubles result from neglected minor grievances” In this context, discuss how Employees’ grievances are handled?

10.  Examine coping strategies followed by successful family business.

11.  Write short notes on the following:-

a)      Tiny Sector

b)      Wage Fixation

c)      Product Life Cycle  


Course Code                                      :               MS-95
Course Title                           :           Research Methodology for Management Decisions
Assignment No.                               :               95/TMA /SEM-I/2012
Coverage                                             :               All Blocks

Note: Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to the coordinator of your study center.

  1. Describe the terms “Unit of analysis”, “Characteristics of Interest” and “Decision-Making Unit”. Why is there confusion between the first two?
  2. Given the technical advantages of probability sampling over non-probability sampling, why would anyone choose the latter? Give some practical reasons for using the less precise methods.
  3. What is the objective of doing factor analysis? Explain the terms involved in Factor Analysis?  How many factors one need to take.
  4. A teacher wishes to determine whether his brightest students (those making the best grades) tend to turn in their tests earlier (because they can recall the material faster) or later (because they take longer to write down all they know) than the others in the class. For a particular test, he observes that the students make the following grades in order of turning their tests in:
If the teacher counts those making a grade of 90 and above as his brightest students, then at a 5 percent level of significance, can he conclude the brightest student turned their tests in randomly?
  1. Discuss the major elements of communication dimensions that are relevant to a presentation.
Course Code              :           MS - 423
Course Title               :           Marketing of Financial Services
Assignment Code      :           MS-423/SEM - 1/2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

19.           Explain the different marketing orientations and discuss the implications that they create for marketers of financial services.

20.           Explain the development of different type of bank branches and other models of delivery of banking services.

21.           What is securitization? How can banks market this product?

22.           Differentiate between life and general insurance. Formulate a strategy to expand insurance business in rural areas.

23.           What are networked banks? Explain the technologies used by networked banks.

Course Code              :           MS – 424
Course Title               :           International Banking Management 
Assignment Code      :           MS-424/SEM - 1/2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the Coordinator of your study center.

1.               What are the objectives and activities of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)? Describe the role performed by IBRD in the development of its member countries in the past 5 years.

2.               Define the meaning of ‘Jurisdiction’ in the context of international law and its applicability to subjects. Explain the legal restriction on Jurisdiction.

3.               What is Interest Risk Management? What are the different types of interest rate risks? How are these risks measured and managed? You may answer this question in relation to your Bank or a Bank of your choice.

4.               Collect data from different sources and prepare a note on the ‘Smart Cards’ and their application in India.

5.               Critically analyze the latest ‘Guidelines on Policies and Procedures for External Commercial Borrowings’.

Course Code              :           MS - 425
Course Title               :           Electronic Banking and IT in Banks
Assignment Code      :           MS-425/SEM - 1/2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the Coordinator of your study center.

1.               Is there a need for banks to standardize their IT networks? Bring out the different kinds of these standards. Describe the areas where the standardization can be implemented in a bank.

2.                  Explain the concept of “Electronic Bill Presentation and Payment (EBPP) system”. Discuss with suitable examples the benefits of EBPP system.

3.                  What do you mean by ‘Disaster Management’ in relation to computing disasters? Discuss fully the disaster recovery systems of a bank of your choice.

4.                  What do you understand by ‘Outsourcing’ and ‘Co-sourcing’? Discuss the various activities that are outsourced and co-sourced by a bank of your choice.

5.         Explain the concepts of ‘System Audit’ and ‘Computer Audit’. Also describe the system audit procedure followed in a bank of your choice.
Course Code              :           MS - 494
Course Title               :           Risk Management in Banks
Assignment Code      :           MS-494/SEM - 1/2012
Coverage                    :           All Blocks
Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.               Discuss the role of Asset Liability Management in a bank. Also explain the typical ALCO set-up in banks in India.

2.               Why are Banks exposed to Interest Rate Risk? Discuss the various classes of Interest Rate Risk that are relevant to the bank of your choice.

3.               What is a ‘Credit Derivative’? What are its features? Explain the different types of Credit Derivatives.

4.               Why is it important to manage currency risk in an organization? Discuss the important products used in managing currency risk.

5.               Write notes on the following:
(a)    Internal Capital Adequacy and Assessment Process (ICAAP)
(b)   ‘Stress Testing’ as a technique of Bank risk management.



Course Code                                      :               MS-495

Course Title                                                       :          Ethics and Corporate Governance in Banks         
Assignment Code                                            :               MS-495/TMA/SEM-I/2012

Coverage                                                             :               All Blocks

Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before April 30, 2012, to
     the coordinator of your study center.

1.       “Corruption and bribery are major issues in the public life in India.” Substantiate this statement with examples from the real world.

2. How are ethical dilemmas resolved? Discuss it both from business and individual perspectives.
   3.  Analyze the key challenges facing corporate governance in India?

   4.  Describe the challenges facing Sustainable Development and examine its practical implications.

   5.   “Reporting of Corporate Social Responsibility includes both Triple Bottom Line and Global Reporting Initiatives.” Briefly discuss this statement.

6. Write short notes on the following:

a)      Attitudes

b)      Consumers’ Rights

c)  Financial Inclusion


Course Code                                      :          MFP – 1
Course Title                                       :        Equity Markets
Assignment Code                            :        MFP -1/SEM-I/2012
Assignment Coverage   :        All Blocks

     Note: Please attempt all the questions.

1.                Identify the components of the Indian Financial System and discuss each of these components.

2.                Analyse and discuss the regulatory framework and processes involved in different types of Equity Issuance. 

3.                Take 3 years annual reports of a Company of your choice and analyse the different financial ratios. Write a note on the trends. 

4.                Meet any Depository Participant of your choice and find out how the depository system works and how settlements are done in a depository system. Write a note on your visit.

5.                Discuss the relationship between investment philosophy, investment styles and trading strategies.



Course Code                                      :          MFP – 2
Course Title                                       :        Equity Derivatives
Assignment Code                            :        MFP -2/SEM-I/2012
Assignment Coverage   :        All Blocks

     Note: Please attempt all the questions.

1.                What is the need for Derivative Markets? Discuss the different types of Common Derivative Contracts.

2.                What is Risk Management? Explain the various strategies of risk management with examples. 

3.                Discuss the impact of prices of stock futures and options when the underlying company merges with another company or when a company announces dividend. Explain your answer with the help of examples.

4.            Discuss in detail any five option strategies for speculation and explain their importance.

5.            Meet a Chartered Accountant of your choice and discuss with him how Accounting of Futures and Options is done. Write a note on your meeting. 



Course Code                                      :          MFP – 3
Course Title                                       :        Commodity Market
Assignment Code                            :        MFP -3/SEM-I/2012
Assignment Coverage   :        All Blocks

     Note: Please attempt all the questions.

1.                Discuss the role played by Commodity Derivatives Exchanges in Asia and the Middle East.

2.                Visit a member of any Commodity Exchange and identify the process of Delivery and Settlement. Write a detailed note on your discussions. 

3.                Discuss the characteristics of the pulses markets in India and the World. 

4.                What are the major benefits of trading in financial Instruments with underlying assets such as Electricity? Discuss the status of Electricity Trading in India and its future prospects.

5.                Write a detailed note on Option Greeks in the context of commodity markets.



Course Code                                      :          MFP – 4
Course Title                                       :        Debt and Currency Markets 
Assignment Code                            :        MFP -4/SEM-I/2012
Assignment Coverage   :        All Blocks

     Note: Please attempt all the questions.

1.                Explain the structure of currency markets in India. Discuss the major currency derivative products traded.

2.                Discuss the various approaches used for determining the exchange rates. Explain the factors impacting exchange rates. 

3.                What is Forward Rate Agreement (FRA). Explain how FRAs can be used to hedge currency risk?

4.                What is Money Market? Discuss the various instruments used in Money Market and Term Money Market.

5.                What is interest rate risk? Discuss the sources and effects of interest rate risk.


Course Code                                      :          MFP – 5
Course Title                                       :        Professionals in Financial Markets Practice 
Assignment Code                            :        MFP -5/SEM-I/2012
Assignment Coverage   :        All Blocks

     Note: Please attempt all the questions.

1.                What are Depository and a Depository Participant? Explain in detail the linkage of depository with other market players.

2.                What is Due Diligence? What are the aspects which needs to be examined by Lead Managers in due diligence?

3.                Choose any bank of your choice and critically analyse it’s marketing and distribution strategy for various products and services that are provided by the Bank.

4.                What is Insider Trading? Discuss the major obligations of a listed company to prevent trading on insider information.

5.                What are Sector Reports? Discuss the PEST analysis and Porter’s Five Forces model used for analyzing sectors.

Current Assignments

Current Assignments

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