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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

CMJU Exam papers 2013: contact us for answers at

1 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) –
1) If you want to plan project activities
such as developing new functionalities or
test cases, which of the following OOAD
artifacts is the most useful?
a. Sequence diagrams
b. Use cases
c. Domain model
d. Package diagrams
2) Which of the following is iterative,
incremental, use case driven and
architecture centric?
a. V-method
b. UML
c. Component Based Development
d. RUP
3) What is true about UML stereotypes?
a. A stereotype is used for extending the UML
b. A stereotyped class must be abstract.
c. The stereotype {frozen} indicates that the
UML element cannot be changed.
d. UML Profiles can be stereotyped for
backward compatibility
4) Consider a beverage machine. If the
actor is ‘customer’, and the scope is
‘machine’, what is
most likely to be found in the main
scenario of the use case ‘get drink’?
a. - enter choice
- if drink available then show price
- put in coins
- if paid enough then deliver drink
b. - customer enters choice
- machine shows price
- customer puts in coins
- machine delivers drink
c. - enter choice
- show price
- put in coins
- deliver drink
d. - machine sends price to LCD display
- customer puts in coins
- coin mechanism verifies amount and tells
machine controller
- machine controller ac2vates boiler
5 ) In C++, a function contained within a
class is called
a. Member function
b. A class function
c. A method
d. None of the above
6 ) which of the following are good
reasons to use an object
oriented languages?
a. You can define your own data types
b. Program statement are simpler than in
procedural language.
c. An object oriented program can be taught
to correct its own errors
d. None of the above
7) What can UML interfaces be used for?
a. to provide concrete classes with the
stereotype <<interface>>
b. to program in Java and C++, but not in
c. to define executable logic that can be
reused in several classes
d. to specify required services for types of
8) Consider the following design.
How would the introduction of a
subtotal() method in OrderLine improve
the design?
a. It enhances the coherence of Ar2cle.
b. It reduces the coupling of Order.
c. It reduces the coherence of Order.
d. It enhances the coupling of Ar2cle.
Question Booklet Code: C Duration: 2 Hours
Paper Code: 702226 Paper Name: Data Structure Using C++
Course: Diploma in Engineering (CS) Year: Second Year
2 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) –
9) What is correct about the following
Statechart Diagram?
a. ‘ON’ is a concurrent state.
b. This Statechart is invalid because it
contains no final state.
c. ‘play’, ‘stop’ and ‘rew’ are ac2ons.
d. ‘ON’ is a superstate.
10) Which of these activities COULD
occur simultaneously?
a. a44 and a66
b. a44, a33 and a22
c. a22 and a55
d. a77 and a66
11) Which are valid events in a State
a. if()
b. when()
c. close()
d. before()
12) This is the structure of a well-known
GoF pattern; which one?
a. Component
b. Delega2on
c. Polymorphism
d. Composite
13) Which of the following are known
refactorings (according to Fowler)?
a. Protect Variations
b. Replace Inheritance with Delega2on
c. Replace Delega2on with Inheritance
d. None of the above
14) If you need to show the physical
relationship between soCware
components and
the hardware in the delivered system,
which diagram can you use?
a. component diagram
b. deployment diagram
c. class diagram
d. network diagram
15) What is a true statement about the
following packages?
a. If package C changes, package B must be
inspected for necessary changes, and if
there are any, package A may have to be
adapted as well.
b. If package B changes, package A and
package C must be inspected for
necessary changes.
c. Packages should be designed so that a
change in one package does not have an
effect to other packages.
d. If package C changes, package A has to
be examined (as well as B), because
dependencies are transitive
16) What is true about a Sequence
a. It describes the behaviour of many Use
b. It describes the behaviour of a single Use
c. It describes the behaviour of a single
d. None of the above
17) Which GRASP pattern do you use to
decide who is going to handle the
incoming system events?
a. Controller
b. Low coupling
c. Adapter
d. Information Expert
18) Which diagram is NOT commonly
used for illustrating use cases?
a. system sequence diagram
b. activity diagram
c. use case diagram
d. collaboration diagram
19) If you want to plan project activities
such as developing new functionalities or
test cases, which of the following OOAD
are facts is the most useful?
a. Sequence diagrams
b. Use cases
c. Domain model
d. Package diagrams
20) Which of the following is iterative,
incremental, use case driven and
architecture centric?
a. V-method
b. UML
c. Component Based Development
d. RUP
3 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) –
21) What is true about UML stereotypes?
a. A stereotype is used for extending the UML
b. A stereotyped class must be abstract.
c. The stereotype {frozen} indicates that the
UML element cannot be changed.
d. UML Profiles can be stereotyped for
backward compatibility
22) What can UML interfaces be used for?
a. to provide concrete classes with the
stereotype <<interface>>
b. to program in Java and C++, but not in
c. to define executable logic that can be
reused in several classes
d. to specify required services for types of
23) What are analysis classes?
a. Early conjectures on the composi2on of
the system that usually change over 2me,
rarely surviving intact into Implementation
b. Incomplete classes that require a
programmer to formalize opera2on
signatures and attribute types before they
can be implemented
c. The classes inside a systems Business
Object or Domain Model, in UML form
d. A prototype of a systems user interface,
developed during the Analysis Phase,
which allows users to define the systems
look and feel
24) Which statement is true?
a. The UML is a development process for
software intensive systems.
b. The UML is a process-dependent language
used for visualizing software ar2facts.
c. The UML is a modeling language for
software blueprints.
d. The UML is a visual programming language
25) Objects that are polymorphic _____.
a. must have the same attributes
b. share all the same operations, and the
operations perform the same
c. can only be implemented through
d. may have the same opera2on names but
the operations perform differently
26) When a language has the capability
to reduce data types, it is said to be
a. Reprehensible
b. Encapsulated
c. Extensible
d. None of the above
27) A normal C++ operator that acts on
special system on newly defined data
types is said to be
a. Glorified
b. Encapsulated
c. Classified
d. Overloaded
28) A relational operator
a. Assigns operand to another
b. Yields a bo9olean result
c. Compares two operands
d. Logically combines two operands
29) A variable defined within a block is
a. From the point of definition onward in the
b. From the point of definition onward in the
c. From the point of definition onward in the
d. Throughout the functions
30 ) The library function exist ( ) causes
an exit from
a. The loop in which it occurs
b. The block in which if occurs
c. The function in which it occurs
d. The program in which it occurs
31) Which statement is true about an
iterative development process?
a. Tes2ng and integra2on take place in every
b. An itera2on focuses on par2al comple2on
of selected use-case realizations.
c. It encourages user feedback in later
d. It is based on func2onal decomposi2on of
a system
32) Which statement is true about
circular dependencies?
a. They do not matter.
b. They are prohibited.
c. They must be avoided.
d. When there are more than two packages,
they are irrelevant
33) What is the focus of analysis?
a. transla2ng func2onal requirements into
b. transla2ng requirements into a system
c. transla2ng real-world concepts into
solu2on-oriented objects
d. transla2ng func2onal requirements into
software concepts
4 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) –
34) When the interfaces between two
classes have been defined from a
sequence diagram, the ports are defined
by the _____.
a. interface
b. operations the class performs
c. user of the system
d. Attributes passed in the sequence diagram
35) Which is a characteristic of a
structured class?
a. must have one interface for each role it
b. can play only one role, no maEer how
many objects transact with it
c. can play mul2ple roles that vary on the
objects that interact with it
d. is limited to one role, but can have
mul2ple interfaces
36) Computer systems are designed by
a. simplifying requirements of system
b. breaking of the system into smaller selfcontained
co-opera2ng subsystems
c. breaking up the systems into independent
d. modular design
37) Functions and procedures are
a. not useful in designing computer systems
b. old fashioned and they are not useful
c. useful in designing computer systems
d. have side effects which require special
care if they are used as subsystems
38) A subsystem of a complex system
must specify
a. what task it performs
b. how it performs a task
c. with which subsystems it co-operates
d. how it co-operates with other systems
39) By polymorphism of a subsystem we
a. it should be reusable
b. it should have polymorphic data types
c. it should accept generic commands and
interpret appropriately
d. it should morph polygons
40) A class is
a. a group of objects
b. template for objects of a par2cular type
c. a class of objects
d. a classification of objects
41) In UML diagram of a class
a. state of object cannot be represented
b. state is irrelevant
c. state is represented as an attribute
d. state is represented as a result of an
42) Attributes are assigned value
a. when operations are performed on an
b. when instances of objects are defined
c. when methods are invoked
d. when classes are identified
43) A query operation on a object
a. has side effect
b. has no side effects
c. changes the state of an object
d. is not allowed
44) An instance of an object is created by
a. query operation
b. update operation
c. constructor operation
d. open operation
45) Equal to is a ____ operator.
a. Compiler
b. Variable
c. Logical
d. Comparison
46) An update operation in an object
a. updates the class
b. has no side effects
c. deletes an instance
d. alters values of attribute(s) of an object
47) In object-oriented design
a. operations and methods are iden2cal
b. methods specify algorithms whereas
operations only state what is to be done
c. methods do not change values of
d. methods and constructor are same
48) By abstraction in object-oriented
modelling we mean picking
a. only attributes appropriate to model an
b. only operations
c. both opera2on and attributes with
operations appropriate to model an object
d. the appropriate abstract data type
5 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) –
49) By encapsulation in object-oriented
modelling we mean
a. encapsula2ng data and programs
b. hiding attributes of an object from users
c. hiding operations on object from users
d. hiding implementation details of methods
from users of objects
50) Inheritance in object-oriented
system is used to
a. create new classes from existing classes
b. add new operations to exis2ng operations
c. add new attributes to exis2ng attributes
d. add new states to exis2ng states
51) When a subclass is created using
inheritance the resulting class
a. may have only attributes of parent class
b. may have only operations of parent class
c. may have new operations only in addition
to those in parent class
d. may have new attributes and new
operations in addition to those of the
parent class
52) By polymorphism in object-oriented
modelling we mean
a. the ability to manipulate objects of
different distinct classes
b. . the ability to manipulate objects of
different distinct classes knowing only their
common properties
c. use of polymorphic operations
d. use of similar operations to do similar
53) A polymorphic operation
a. has same name
b. has same name but uses different
methods depending on class
c. uses different methods to perform on the
same class
d. uses polymorphic method
54) An object is selected for modelling a
system provided
a. its attributes are invariant during opera2on
of the system
b. its attributes change during opera2on of
the system
c. it has numerous attributes
d. it has no attributes relevant to the system
55) An object is considered an external
entity in object-oriented modelling
a. its attributes are invariant during opera2on
of the system
b. its attributes change during opera2on of
the system
c. it has numerous attributes
d. it has no attributes relevant to the system
56) Object-oriented system modelling
using CRC method gives
a. Java programs for the system
b. C++ programs for the system
c. Classes of the system, their responsibili2es
and collabora2ng classes
d. Objective C programs for the system
57) The expansion of the acronym CRC is
a. Collec2ng Responsibili2es Classes
b. Collabora2ng with Relevant Classes
c. Class Responsibili2es and Collaborators
d. Crea2ng Relevant Classes
58) An Interaction Diagram should be
associated with:
a. a Use Case
b. an Ac2vity Diagram.
c. a CRC card.
d. a State Transition Diagram
59) Classes should be grouped into
packages by:
a. project team organiza2on.
b. classes that are related to the same overall
c. classes that work together in the same
interac2on diagrams.
d. the class diagrams they appear in
60) Which of the following is NOT a UML
mechanism used to organize use cases?
a. Generaliza2on
b. Override
c. Extend
d. Include
61) In a well-designed layered
architecture, which layers should know
about which?
a. Model knows View and Persistence, View
knows Model and Persistence
b. View knows Model, Model knows
c. View knows Model, Persistence knows View
and Model
d. View knows Model, Model knows View and
Persistence, Persistence knows Model
62) Abstraction, encapsulation,
inheritance, polymorph area.
Procedural programming
b. Objects
c. OOPS concepts
d. Algorithmic
63) GUI stands for
a. great user interface
b. graphical user interface
c. graphics usable implementation
d. graphical user implementation
6 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) –
64) HTML stands for
a. hyper text made lay
b. high text making lay
c. hyper text markup language
d. hyper text mark language
65) An exception in which we try to
access on object through a null reference
a. Null exception
b. pointer exception
c. zero exception
d. no exception
66) A character variable can at time store
a. 1 character
b. 8 character
c. 254 character
d. none of the above
67). C++ is a -
a. MLL
b. HLL
c. ALL
d. 4th gen. Lang
68) Bitwise operator allows youa.
Bit coordina2on
b. Complement
c. Bit manipula2on
d. Assignment
69) Ternary operator are basically
shorthand ofa.
Go to
b. While
c. If else
d. If else while
70) What variables can a method MF3
a. A2,B2.C2
b. C2,C1
c. A2,,B2,B1,C2,,C1
d. A1,A2,B1,B2.C1,C2

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