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Monday, 7 November 2016

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              Change Management & Business Process Re-engineering

(For CNM Cases)
                                                                   Assignment - II
Assignment Code: 2016ITM343A2                            Last Date of Submission: 30th April 2016
                                                                                       Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
  Ques.          1            There are 5 steps for implementation of BPR in any company. Discuss any 3 steps in
  Ques.          2            Total quality management (TQM) and BPR must start from top management in any
                      organisation, Explain how TQM and BPR should be implemented in any organisation
                      at each functional level.
  Ques.          3            After the world war ended in 1945, Japanese Companies stared dominating the
                      western world after 1960, by  “  Rigorous practice  of Kaizen philosophy” There are many
                       features of Kaizen. Describe any five features of Kaizen in details.
  Ques.          4            Describe the qualities of a CHANGE LEADER

Case Study

 Reject Rate Reduction at the Reserve Bank of India

The National Clearing Cell (NCC), Madras, is a division of the Reserve Bank of India, responsible for cheque-clearing operations in Madras area. Cheque clearing has been computerized since 1987 and involves running cheque on a high-speed reader-sorter system (HSRSS) driven by a mainframe computer. The cheques, customers deposit in their banks, that are drawn on other banks, arc presented to the Clearing Cell. which captures the data on the HSRSS, sorts the cheques on the basis  of the drawee bank and branch code. and prints out a number of reports, including the clearing settlement.

 The HSRSS reads the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) code on the band at the bottom of the check. The first fields on the MlCR line (serial, route. account. transaction codes) arc preprinted, and the amount field is encoded after the customer presents the cheques to the bank. cheques that are improperly encoded or of poor quality arc rejected by the HSRSS, they must be manually sorted and their data is manually entered. Banks get back their cheques in two lots, one fully sorted by branch and transaction code by the HSRSS, and the other that still must be sorted by branch and transaction code by the bank.

The quality of the entire operation hinges on the reject rate of HSRSS, and this most important quality parameter  was found to be very high, say around 10 percent. The banks complained that they were receiving  too many rejected cheques  and  were left with a lot of tedious, labor-intensive, and costly work to do after the NCC process was complete The manual handling of the rejected cheques meant possible errors in  both data entry and sorting, which often resulted in reconciliation differences among banks. Also, the banks pay a penalty on every item, if their reject rate exceeds 3 percent.

The controlling authorities  pointed out several times to the manager of NCC  Mr. Srinivasan, that the reject rate was too high and that customers were uphappy that the benefits of shifting to computerized processing had not been realized. Srinivasan explained to his authorities that the high reject rate of cheques  at Madras was due to the peculiarity of cheques  presented there and pointed out the high proportion of bank drafts from other places. In short, the blame was shifted elsewhere.

After about a year  of this, the manager  decided to look inward to try to improve performance, and chose one of his shifts-in-charge Kaza  Sudhakar, to do the job. It was felt that the high reject rate was due to poor tuning of the HSRSS equipment The engineers fine-tuned the equipment and cleaned the entire operations area to eliminate all traces of dust This reduced the reject rate by only I percent. The NCC then issued a series of instruction- to the bank to help them improve the encoding of their cheques, but this did not help much.

 NCC then embarked upon a project to inspect all of the cheques presented by the banks and to separate and repair the bad cheques This reduced the reject rate by 2 percent. but at a tremendous time and labor cost. This approach was abandoned and it was decided to review where the NCC had gone wrong
The clerks receiving the cheques pointed out about the process shortfall at the banks, where the cheques arc encoded. This meant that the solution would have to involve nearly 800 branches of 50 banks in and around Madras. But the potential benefits were great, so the NCC decided to go ahead. Five officers were allotted 10 banks each, with the assignment to train the banks' encoding staff. The first two months of the project produced negligible results, but as more and more banks were trained, the reject rate fell to 4.5 percent!

The banks were advised to continue the training on an ongoing basis, and to train every new operator, and to designate an officer to ensure that only quality cheques arc presented to NCC. The banks were also invited to visit the clearing facilities so they could understand the importance of encoding to the entire clearing operation. Although these steps had resulted in dramatic improvement, the reject rate still exceeded the international standard of 3 percent.

The NCC team once again reviewed the process with people from the banks who pointed out that most of their cheques had five fields pre-printed on them: the banks merely encoded the amount field. The banks felt they were paying for the poor quality of the preprinting done by the cheques printers.

The printers were invited to NCC and asked to send a proof batch of 100 cheques before printing a run, which often numbered in the millions. The NCC promised to run the proof batch on the HSRSS and deliver a report to the printer within half an hour. Some agreed to proof- reading their cheques, others did not. Subsequent, study showed that banks whose printers had proofed their cheques had a reject rate of less than 1percent: This shifted the balance in favour of checking proof batches, and soon all of the printers were doing so the overall reject rate for the clearing operation was now around 2 percent. which proudly measured up to any international standard.

The benefits of this improvement were many. NCC manpower devoted to manual entry and sorting could be dramatically reduced and re-deployed to other areas in need of personnel The banks were happy to receive almost all their cheques fully sorted by the HSRSS and reconciliation  differences among the bank were reduced to negligible levels. Banks.also could redeploy their manual sorting and reconciliation staff which had tremendous financial implication for them.

Srinivasan  initiated measures to standardize all the procedures that enabled  the achievement of low reject rates The staff was even rotated to see, if the standards could be met independent of personnel, and this was accomplished. Regular meetings were arranged with the banks to solicit feedback on the clearing operations and to elicit suggestions for further improvement

NCC’s quality project became truly total in dimension involving thousands of employees in 800 bank branches in Madras. It had the full support of the top management and the newly empowered operation staff. One lesson taken from the project was that no operation could be improved just by tuning up the equipment until the people connected with the operation are also tuned up (trained). The improvement has to be continuous, without accepting defeat at any stage. Perhaps the most important lesson is that a project, when started, aimed solely at better customer service, ended up producing substantial cost savings, without a conscious effort in that direction .

Case Question: 

How many different approaches to quality Improvement were attempted by the National clearing cell? Which were the most effective and why?

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