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Sunday, 13 November 2016

AIMA Assignments: contact us for answers at


                                           Data Warehousing & Data Mining
                                                                   Assignment - II
Assignment Code: 2016ITM402A2                            Last Date of Submission: 30th April 2016
                                                                                       Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
1          What do you know about decision trees? How do the decision trees work? Discuss the CART      algorithm.
2          What do you mean by Neural Networks? How it works? How neural network techniques are       applied in data mining?
3          What is web mining? How does data mining work? How it is used in business.
4          Explain in brief how the information from a data warehouse promotes CRM (Customer    Relationship Management


Case Study

Neural Networks have probably seen their greatest acceptance and application in the financial industry. Applications such as credit card fraud, default (personal bankruptcy), and even customer attrition have all shown successful application with neural networks. For fraud alone, the dollar amounts to be saved by viable predictive models are staggering. In 1995 the combined losses from credit card fraud and counterfeiting was $1.3 billion. Visa member banks alone lost more than $148 million to counterfeiters in 1994. The good news is that neural network system have been introduced that reduced that loss by 16 % to $124 million just one year later.
Despite successes like these in fraud and other applications, the holy grail of the financial applications is still time series prediction: being able to say what is going to happen next- whether it is predicting the closing price of a stock, the market, or even general overall shifts in the market. One particularly difficult prediction is foreign exchange rates between different currencies. Because there are multiple players, trying to exploit small niches to make money. They create the market and its behavior. Because of many people playing with different information, the market is commonly thought to be “efficient”. Here “efficient market hypothesis” is based on the premise that there is little opportunity to exploit the market changes because as soon as a small one occurs that might be predictable, someone probably already beat you to it.  It also implies that the price of anything in the market has been efficiently set to the correct value for the current time on the basis of future risk and future possibilities for profit. Because of this it is generally believed that it is difficult to predict future market behavior based on historical information in any better manner than basically at random. In the case presented here, 4 years of exchange rate data between the Swiss franc and the U.S. dollar were obtained for the years1985-1988. A standard feedforward neural network algorithm (no recurrent paths between nodes of different layers) was used with the backpropogation learning algorithm. Two network architectures were tried. The first had seven input units, seven hidden units, and one output unit.; the second had an input layer of seven units, two hidden layers (five units & two units) and a single output unit.  Both networks individually, as well as the average of their outputs were tried. This averaging seemed to improve the performance of either network alone and was tried in an effort to remove any bias inherent in using one particular architecture. The filtering function used at each hidden node and output node took the summed inputs of the node and output a value between -1.0 & 1.0.

The output to be predicted was the direction of the exchange rate (1.0 for an upswing and -1.0 for a downturn)

5.         Case Questions:

(i)            What are the benefits of using neural network algorithm?

(ii)          How does the back propagation learning algorithm works?

(iii)         Why the two hidden layers are used?

(iv)         Discuss the weakness of this model if any?

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