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Thursday, 27 September 2012

Summer/ May 2012 Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 6: contact us for answers at

Summer/ May 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 6
BB0027– Cross Cultural Aspects of Business- 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0187)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 What is culture? Discuss the characteristics of culture. [10]
Q.2 Discuss Universalism Vs Particularism [10]
Q.3 Explain the Organizational characteristics of MNC’s [10]
Q.4 What is the importance of different group membership [10]

Q.5 Given below is some information about the communication pattern followed in
multiMoney a financial corporation.
•The information is transmitted from Manager to subordinate.It is mostly for
operational purposes.
Identify the nature of communication and make suggestions for improving such
communication. [10]
Q.6 Mr Thomas works for a UK based Software Company. The company decides to expand
its business in India. What all aspects Mr Thomas needs to consider for doing business in
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 6
BB0027– Cross Cultural Aspects of Business- 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0187)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Summer/ May 2012
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Write a note on specific Vs diffused Culture. [10]
Q.2 Explain Eiffel Tower Culture. [10]
Q.3 Discuss business strategy and implications of culture on business strategy. [10]
Q.4 Explain Japanese leadership approaches. [10]
Q.5 Mr Zeeshan is a consultant. One of his client wants to do business in UAE. What
suggestions Mr Zeeshan shall give the client? [10]
Q.6 Visit the site and have a look at the cultural
dimensions of India . a short
note based on the observations. [10]
Summer/ May 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 6
BB0028 – Entrepreneurship Development- 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0157)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 What are the essential characteristics of Entrepreneurship? [10]
Q.2 Explain the different phases in entrepreneurial development programme [10]
Q.3 What are the basic problems faced by the women entrepreneurs? [10]
Q.4 What are the sources from which an entrepreneur can obtain business ideas. [10]
Q.5 Ms Latha G. wants to set up her own garment manufacturing unit. She needs to submit
a report about the project,in order to get the loan.
What all essential details she should mention in the project report. [10]
Q.6 Mr Raghvan is the owner of Furniture manufacturing company. He needs some more
finance to get some new machines and also expand his business. Suggest the different
sources of finance he could use to get the required funds. [10]
Summer/ May 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 6
BB0028 – Entrepreneurship Development- 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0157)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Write a note on types of Entrepreneurs as classified by Danhof. [10]
Q.2 What is SIDO? Explain its functions. [10]
Q.3 Discuss MODVAT in detail . [10]
Q.4 Explain New Small Enterprise Policy,1991. [10]
Q.5 Elaborate the TQM Process in Small Scale Enterprises. [10]
Q.6 DigiTal is a leading laptop manufacturing company. It decides to add some more
new products to the existing product line like – digital cameras and MP4 players.
Help them to understand the basics for internal growth of business and discuss the
advantages and disadvantages as well. [10]
Summer/ May 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 6
BB0029 –Economic Reforms Process in India - 4 Credits
(Book ID:B0188 )
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. How can India be regarded as a developing economy?
Q2. What was the economic crisis of 1991 in India?
Q3. What is the problem regarding current account deficit in the Balance of Payment? How does the
current account convertibility help this?
Q4. What liberalization has taken place in the economy since 1991?
Q5. How do you see the role of public sector in India in the current scenario with many of the as good as
or even better than the private sector?
Q6. Differentiate the role of private sector and public sector in the Indian economy.
Summer/ May 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 6
BB0029 –Economic Reforms Process in India - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0188)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. How has privatization through disinvestment in India?
Q2. Briefly discuss the reforms in the banking sector during 1992-2001.
Q3. Discuss the impact of convertibility both in current account and capital account?
Q4. Write notes on VAT, MODVAT and Service Tax.
Q5. Do you think poverty can be reduced through policies of inclusive growth?
Q6. Has the FDI flows in the current times helped India?
Summer/ May 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 6
BB0031 – Management Development- 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0184)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain Different Managerial roles in detail. [10]
Q.2 Discuss the 14 principles of Fayol. [10]
Q.3 Mr. Narayan is Senior Manager HR with BrightShine Paints. He wants to
develop a system which helps in drafting the plans, achieving them .It shall also help
in improving the communication between the superior and subordinates.
Suggest a technique which may help to achieve this. Explain the technique in detail.
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 6
BB0031 – Management Development- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0184)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 What are the different types of decisions? Explain with examples. [10]
Q.2 Discuss line organizations in detail. [10]
Q.3 Mr Shukla is the HR Manager at Sharp Technologies. The organization is planning to
expand its operations in different cities. There are some financial constraints, so the
recruitments are to be made from within the organization.
Suggest some ways to Mr Shukla to fill in the positions in different categories. [10]

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