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Friday, 28 September 2012

Summer/ May 2012 Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 4: contact us for answers at

Summer/ May 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 4
BB0017 – Financial Reporting- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0097)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Which stakeholders require financial reports and why?
Q.2 Write a brief note on the ‘investment’ details required in the B/S.
Q.3 From the internet or from other sources find an Annual Report of a listed
company and list out in sequence the content titles, the schedules and the annexure.
Write a brief note on why do you think they are required.
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 4

BB0017 – Financial Reporting- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0097)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Summer/ May 2012
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 In the B/S what are the disclosures to be made in case of Loans and advances.
Q.2 What should be the disclosure requirement in case of ‘depreciation’ in the
Profit and Loss Account of a company?
Q.3 compare two annual reports of different companies, copy the ‘cash flow
statement of one year side by side for each company and mark the difference in
Summer/ May 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 4
BB0018 – Human Resource Management – 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0079 & B0080)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 After completing MBA from a premium business school, Mr. Ravi joined Simax, a
medium sized leather manufacturing company, as an Assistant HR Manager. As an HR
Manager he has various roles and responsibilities.
List out all the possible roles and responsibilities of Mr. Ravi and relate it with the
organizational functioning. Also, what are the expected qualities he should posses to
accomplish his job successfully? (10 marks)
Q.2 Human Resource Planning (HRP) is a crucial process in an Organization. Explain what
is HRP. And list out around 10 external and internal factors affecting HRP. (10 marks)
Q.3 Write short notes on: (10 marks)
a) Job description
b) Job design
c) Job enlargement
d) Job enrichment
Summer/ May 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 4
BB0018 – Human Resource Management – 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0079& B0080)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain training. Why is training needed? What are the various training methods used
by organizations?. (10 marks)
Q.2 Explain the salient features of “Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972”. (10 marks)
Q.3 ‘Maslow’s Need Hierarchy’ is an important theory of motivation. Explain this theory by
taking the example of a fresher who joins a company and wants to move ahead in his
career and life. Try to arrange his level of needs according to this theory. (10 marks)
Summer/ May 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 4
BB0019 –Taxation - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1064 )
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Answer all the questions.
1. Explain the term income. Give the list of items that are to be treated as income under
sec 2(24) of the Income Tax Act. (10 Marks)
2. Mr. Nagaraj has an income of Rs.3 lakh after all deductions under section 80 except
80G. He made the following donations during the previous year 2006-07. :
i) To Prime Minister National Relief Fund Rs. 10,000
ii) To Delhi Municipal Corporation for family Planning Rs.20,000 and donation to Birla
Temple Rs. 14,000. What is the deduction u/ s 80G? (10 Marks)
3. Mr. Jeevan submits the following details for the PY 2008-09
Basic Pay Rs. 25,000 per month
D A Rs. 12,500 per month (in terms of employment)
CCA Rs. 2,000 per month
Rent free accommodation at Delhi
Free electricity and water bills amounting Rs. 3,500 and Rs. 4,500 respectively
He contributes 12 % of his salary towards a recognised PF a/c
a. What is salary for the purpose of value of rent free accommodation?
b. What is the value of rent free accommodation?
c. What is his gross salary?
d. What is his taxable salary after taking any deductions available to him under chapter
VIA? (20 Marks)
4. What is a perquisite? What should be included under section 17(2) of the IT Act.
.. (10 Marks)
5. How to determine the net annual value of a property? (10 Marks)
Summer/ May 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 4
BB0019 –Taxation - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B 1064)
Assignment Set- 2(60 Marks)
Note: Answer all the questions.
1. Explain the residential status of an assessee according to Section 4 of the Income tax
act. (10 Marks)
2. What is meant by block of assets? Explain the rules governing depreciation. (10 Marks)
3. Mr. Bhargava owns four houses and the details are as under: (20 Marks)
Annual MV 20,000 16,000 24,000 30,000
FRV 24,000 30,000 20,000 24,000
Rent received 30,000 28,800 Self Self
Standard rent 27,200 36,000 30,000 20,000
Municipal taxes paid 1,600 1,200 Nil 2,400
Municipal taxes due - - 1,000 -
Repairs Nil 24,000 8,000 12,000
For the construction of IV house, he had borrowed Rs.160000 at
15% p.a. on 1-1-2005. The house was completed on 1-8-2008
This loan is not cleared. Compute his income from house property for PY 2008-09 and
nothing was paid towards principal of the loan
4. Mrs. Tejaswini Hemanth has the following assets: (10 Marks)
4 Lorries - WDV 5.5 lakh
Office factory, godown buildings – WDV Rs. 15 lakh
Computers – newly acquired – Rs.4.5 lakh (date of acquisition 10-10-2008)
Patents – WDV Rs. 2 lakh
Office furniture – WDV Rs. 2.5 lakh
From the above details answer the following questions:
a. What is the amount of depreciation available for Lorries?
b. What is the amount of deprecation available for computers?
c. What is the amount of depreciation available for Patents?
d. What is the total amount of deprecation available for her for the A Y 2009-10?
5. Distinguish between short term capital gains and long term capital gains. (10 Marks)
Summer/ May 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester IV
BB0020 – Managing Information – 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0099)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Consider the case of a newly opened bazaar in your area that is trying to increase its
sales. The data available may include the historical data of sales maybe for the last 24 months,
promotion expenses and the feedback from the customer survey. All these data may be the
mixture of all the three or individual, depending upon the needs of the application. However,
data is by itself interesting. But in order to use this data for better sales analysis, data needs to
be organized to form meaningful information. This analysis will be used for decision making
throughout the different levels of management. The bazaar may have a few outlets in various
places. Therefore, storing this information is a vital issue. There comes the picture of storing
the data in the database which can be centralized and integrated. This method of storing the
data in the database for the use of different levels of management accessing anywhere,
anytime data through the single source is called integrated database management system. The
data can be organized to meaningful information and can be presented in various forms i.e.
Equations, charts, figures and tables. This kind of representation creates relationships among
two or more data. And this kind of representation can be used to decide how to proceed on a
particular task. The manager needs to have the knowledge of how to analyze the available data
and make appropriate decisions. The manager has to be very particular in collecting the data
from the data bank. Data bank is the stock of data with respect to the bazaar, which consists of
all the possible data available in the bazaar. When the manager collects the appropriate data,
he should prepare proper models to apply and different possible ways to analyze the data for
making better decisions. This can be manually done by the manager which needs the
knowledge of the business or the knowledge can be fed to the computers and an automated
system can be designed to analyze and make decisions. These systems are called Expert
systems. In order to obtain data to produce information and knowledge, the database must be
built strong enough to handle large amount of data and transactions. The entities and its
Summer/ May 2012
attributes need to have a strong relationship. Here the only difficulty with respect to database
is the authorized access to the database. Data from the databank must be accessed by the
authorized person only. Not all the data must be accessible to all the persons involved in the
a. What are the sources of data from which the manager can collect the data? [2 Marks]
b. What are the uses of information to any organization? [3 Marks]
c. What is the difference between Data, Information and Knowledge? [2 Marks]
d. What is a data bank? Give an example for databank to express your understanding.
[3 Marks]
Q.2 a. Bring out the difference between Paper based records and Computer based
information [5 Marks]
b. What are the pre requisites for establishing National Information? [5 Marks]
Q.3 a. Explain the different media from which you can obtain and share information in
the daily life and compare each one of them with a justification [5 Marks]
b. Write short notes on Business Process Re-engineering and record
management [5 Marks]
Q.4 a. What are the disadvantages of Questionnaire method of data collection? [5
b. What is the use of documentation? [5 Marks]
Q.5 Explain the different types of information search in detail. [10 Marks]
Q.6 Define Information Society. Describe the impact of information society on
information profession. [10 Marks]
Summer/ May 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester IV
BB0020 – Managing Information – 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0099)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 a. What are the advantages of information retrieval? [5 Marks]
b. What are the problems of full text retrieval systems? [5 Marks]
Q.2 What are the different types of trade and product bulletins?. Explain in brief.
[10 Marks]
Q.3 What are the different types of attacks on information you will find in your daily
life?. Explain in brief [10 marks]
Q.4 Take a scenario of your choice and explain in your own words how one can
think of taking care of information security. [10 Marks]
Q.5 Explain Knowledge Management Cycle with a neat diagram [10 Marks]
Q.6 Explain the need for an information policy and national information
policy [10 Marks]
Summer/ May 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 4
BB0021 –Production and Operations Management - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0100)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What are types of production? Explain.
Q2. What are the sources of ideas in concept generation for a design?
Q3. Discuss the market specific product life cycle
Q4. What are the determinates of product mix
Q5. “The location of plant can be affected by political consideration also”. Explain the factors
in the light of this statement.
Q6. What principles are to be followed in deciding the plant layout?
Summer/ May 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 4
BB0021 –Production and Operations Management - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0100)
Assignment Set- 2(60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Examine the objectives of material handling
Q2. How can a good method of forecasting of demand be ascertained?
Q3. Explain briefly the levels of production planning
Q4. Examine the scheduling techniques for job shop
Q5. Do you think time motion and work study has relevance on shop floor today? You may
discuss this even with small time manufacturers
Q6. Why should inventory be controlled? Explain

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