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Friday 19 October 2018

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Demand: Demand may be the desire, need or want to buy a great or service in a given cost.

Kinds of Demand :

-Individual versus Market demand

-Company versus Industry demand

-Market segment Versus Total Market

-Domestic versus National Demand

-Direct versus derived demand

-Autonomous versus Caused demand

-New versus Substitute demand

-Household versus corporate versus government demand

Demand depends upon numerous influence factors



-Consumer Preferences

-Earnings from the consumers

-Cost from the related goods

-Estimation of future cost and earnings

-Advertising expenditure

-Existence , fashion, religion, tradition

Law of demand: It explains the connection between cost and quantity required of the commodity. It states that demand varies inversely using the cost. This law could be described within the following manner:

“Keeping additional factors affecting demand constant, an autumn in cost of the product results in rise in quantity required and a boost in cost results in reduction in quantity required for that product”

What the law states could be expressed in mathematical terms as “Demand is really a decreasing purpose of price” symbolically , thus D = F(p) where D represents Demand, P means Cost and F denotes the running relationship. What The Law States explains the expected outcomes relationship between your independent variable and dependent variable. What the law states explains just the general inclination of shoppers while purchasing a product. Someone would buy more when cost falls because of the following reasons:

1.An item become cheaper

2.Purchasing power someone would increase

3.Consumers can help to save some dollars

4.Cheaper goods are substituted with pricey products

Important Options that come with Law of demand

1.There's an inverse relationship between cost and quantity required.

2.Cost is definitely an independent variable and demand depends variable

3.It is just a qualitative statement and therefore it doesn't indicate quantitative alterations in cost and demand

4.Usually the demand curve slops downward from left to right.

The whole process of what the law states is conditioned through the phrase “Other things being equal”. It signifies that given certain conditions, certain results could be valid only if testes and preferences , customs and habits of shoppers , prices of related goods and earnings of shoppers would remain constant.

The negative slope from the demand curve is

5.Earnings Effect

6.Substitution Effect

7.Giffen Paradox

Exception towards the law of demand

Exception towards the law of demand claims that having a fall in cost , demand also falls with a boost in cost demand also increases.

Special Situation of Veblen goods

Distinction between what the law states of demand and law of supply

What The Law States of Supply

claims that at greater prices, producers are prepared to offer more products for purchase than at affordable prices

claims that the availability increases as prices increase and reduces as prices decrease

claims that individuals already running a business will attempt to improve productions as a means of growing profits The Law of Demand

claims that individuals will buy much more of an item in a lower cost than in a greater cost, if nothing changes

claims that in a lower cost, more and more people are able to afford to purchase more goods and much more of the item more often, compared to what they can in a greater cost

claims that at affordable prices, people have a tendency to buy some goods as an alternative for other people more costly

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