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Thursday, 13 December 2012

Fall Drive/Aug 2012 :SMU MBA IS 3rd sem assignments:Contact us for answers at

Fall Drive/Aug 2012 

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester III
MI0033 – Software Engineering - 4 Credits
Assignment - Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Answer all the questions
Q1. Quality and reliability are related concepts but are fundamentally different in a number of ways. Discuss them.
Q2. Discuss the Objective & Principles Behind Software Testing.
Q3. Discuss the CMM 5 Levels for Software Process.
Q4. Discuss the Water Fall model for Software Development.
Q5. Explain the Advantages of Prototype Model, & Spiral Model in Contrast to Water Fall model.
Q6. Explain the COCOMO Model & Software Estimation Technique. 

Fall Drive/Aug 2012 

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester III
MI0033 – Software Engineering - 4 Credits
Assignment - Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Answer the Following ( 6 * 10 = 60 Marks )
Q1. Write a note on myths of Software.
Q2. Explain Version Control & Change Control.
Q3. Discuss the SCM Process.
Q4. Explain
i. Software doesn’t Wear Out.
ii. Software is engineered & not manufactured.

Q5.Explain the Different types of Software Measurement Techniques.
Q6.Write a Note on Spiral Model. 

Aug/Fall 2012 

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester III
MI0034 – Database Management System - 4 Credits
Assignment - Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Answer all the questions
Q1. Differentiate between Traditional File System & Modern Database System? Describe the properties of Database & the Advantage of Database?
Q2. What is the disadvantage of sequential file organization? How do you overcome it? What are the advantages & disadvantages of Dynamic Hashing?
Q3. What is relationship type? Explain the difference among a relationship instance, relationship type & a relation set?
Q4. What is SQL? Discuss.
Q5. What is Normalization? Discuss various types of Normal Forms?
Q6. What do you mean by Shared Lock & Exclusive lock? Describe briefly two phase locking protocol? 

Aug/Fall 2012 

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester III
MI0034 – Database Management System - 4 Credits
Assignment - Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Answer all the Questions
Q1. Define Data Model & discuss the categories of Data Models? What is the difference between logical data Independence & Physical Data Independence?
Q2. What is a B+Trees? Describe the structure of both internal and leaf nodes of a B+Tree?
Q3. Describe Projection operation, Set theoretic operation & join operation?
Q4. Discuss Multi Table Queries?
Q5. Discuss Transaction Processing Concept? 10.2 Describe properties of Transactions?
Q6. Describe the advantage of Distributed database? What is Client/server Model? Discuss briefly the security and Internet violation? 

Aug/Fall 2012 

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester III
MI0035 – Computer Network - 4 Credits
Assignment - Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain all design issues for several layers in Computer. What is connection – oriented and connectionless service? [10 Marks]
Q.2 Discuss OSI Reference model. [10 Marks] Q.3 Describe different types of Data transmission modes. [10 Marks]
Q.4 Define Switching. What is the difference between circuit switching and Packet Switching? [10 Marks]
Q.5 Classify Guided medium (wired).Compare fiber optics and copper wire. [10 Marks]
Q.6 What are different types of satellites? [10 Marks] 

Aug/Fall 2012 

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester III
MI0035 – Computer Network - 4 Credits
Assignment - Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Write down the features of Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet. [10 Marks]
Q.2 Differentiate the working between pure ALOHA and slotted ALOHA. [10 Marks]
Q.3 Write down distance vector algorithm. Explain path vector protocol. [10 Marks]
Q.4 State the working principle of TCP segment header and UDP header. [10 Marks]
Q.5 What is IP addressing? Discuss different classes of IP Addressing. [10 Marks]
Q.6 Define Cryptography. Discuss two cryptographic techniques. [10 Marks] 

Aug/Fall 2012 

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester III
MI0036 – Business Intelligence Tools - 4 Credits
Assignment - Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Define the term business intelligence tools? Briefly explain how the data from one end gets transformed into information at the other end? [10 Marks]
Q. 2 what do you mean by data ware house? What are the major concepts and terminology used in the study of data warehouse? [10 Marks]
Q.3 what are the data modeling techniques used in data warehousing environment? [10 Marks]
Q.4 Discuss the categories in which data is divided before structuring it into data ware house? [10 Marks]
Q.5 Discuss the purpose of executive information system in an organization? [10 Marks]
Q.6 Discuss the challenges involved in data integration and coordination process? [10 Marks] 

Aug/Fall 2012 

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester III
MI0036 – Business Intelligence Tools - 4 Credits
Assignment - Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain business development life cycle in detail? [10 Marks]
Q.2 Discuss the various components of data warehouse? [10 Marks]
Q.3 Discuss data extraction process? What are the various methods being used for data extraction? [10 Marks]
Q.4 Discuss the needs of developing OLAP tools in details? [10 Marks]
Q.5 what do you understand by the term statistical analysis? Discuss the most important statistical techniques? [10 Marks]
Q.6 what are the methods for determining the executive needs? [10 Marks] 

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