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Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3

(May 2012)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
“Project Management” Specialization
PM 0010 – Introduction to Project Management
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. Describe briefly the characteristics and constraints of a project.
a. Explain the various tools and techniques used in project life cycle.
b. What are the responsibilities of project manager?

a. Describe the role of project Management in strategy.
b. List the benefits that project management process offers to an organization
4. Describe the approaches that are used to screen projects
5. Explain the various tools and techniques uses for Project HR Management
6. Explain why determining the technical basis of a project is an irreversible decision and
also explain the parameters which are analysed in conducting the detailed financial
analysis of a project.
(May 2012)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
“Project Management” Specialization
PM 0010 – Introduction to Project Management (4 credits)
(Book ID: B1236)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. Explain the types of contracts that are entered into in project procurement.
a. Derive the steps to develop a work breakdown structure of a project.
b. Explain the different types of risks involved in a project with examples.
3. Explain the steps to be followed to successfully implement the ISO 9000 standards in a
4. Summarise the basic essentials that the project management should be able to support.
5. What do you understand by ethics and what is its role in project Management?
6. What are the features of project management software?
(May 2012)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
“Project Management” Specialization
PM 0011 – Project Planning & scheduling (4 credits)
(Book ID: B1237)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
a. What is the importance of planning for projects?
b. List the project plan elements
2. What are the factors need to be considered while developing WBS?
3. What is the significance of a Business Case for a Project? What are the items of
information necessary for this?
a. What are the inputs for the cost estimating process
b. Explain the resource allocation in projects.
5. Explain the steps to draw a CPA chart.
6. What are the inputs or basic requirements for planning quality of projects
(May 2012)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
“Project Management” Specialization
PM 0011 – Project Planning & scheduling (4 credits)
(Book ID: B1237)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. What is project optimization?
2. Summarise how MS project aids in calculating a schedule
3. Explain the various design stages of project life cycle.
4. Explain four different types of predecessor.
5. Explain various model used for business value
6. Write a note on assessing project profitability
(May 2012)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
“Project Management” Specialization
PM 0012 – Project Finance & budgeting (4 credits)
(Book ID: B1238)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. Explain BOOT, BOT and BOO project financing methods and the advantages and
2. Write a note on financing methods and their role in a project
3. Evaluate the golden rules of project risk management.
4. Define the factors you would consider while making the project budget? Justify your
answer with an example
a. Differentiate between NPV , IRR and payback period
b. Explain the particulars which are to be included in the project proposal
6. Having two good project proposals, how will you identify the best between the two by
considering the criteria for identifying project?
(May 2012)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
“Project Management” Specialization
PM 0012 – Project Finance & budgeting (4 credits)
(Book ID: B1238)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. Define ratio analysis. What are various types of analysis one can adopt in project
2. Describe the three processes involved with cost management process
3. List the major advantages of the parametric model.
4. Explain the concept of EVM( Earned Value Management)
5. Evaluate the various project valuation methods
6. Explain the role of different stakeholders of project evaluation.
Summer / May 2012
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 3
PM0013 –Managing HR in Projects - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1239)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Explain Responsibility Assignment Matrix.
Q2. Explain the relevance of HRM in Project Management.
Q3. Wrtie a short note on effective Project Management Information System (PMIS).
Q4. What are the key aspects that a Project Manager has to keep in mind to promote effective
performance while managing a virtual team?
Q5. Write a short note on distributing information to team members for managing communication.
Q6. Suppose you are the Project Manager in an IT company. What are the challenges that you would face
while developing a communication plan?
Summer / May 2012
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 3
PM0013 –Managing HR in Projects - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1239)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Explain the four learning styles developed by David Kolb.
Q2. What are the different types of people management skills required for a Project Manager?
Q3. What are the different roles that a Project manager has to take in handling conflicts?
Q4. What are the six phases of business knowledge areas that a project manager has to possess?
Q5. List the major steps involved in stakeholder analysis.
Q6. Ms. Shanta is the Team Manager in an IT company, managing ten team members. She finds that
there are frequent conflicts in the team. What are the different conflict resolution styles that the team
can adopt to resolve conflicts?
May 2012
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
QM0010 - Foundations of Quality Management
(4 credits)
(Book ID: B1240)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. Describe the dimensions of Quality?
2. Differentiate between Quality control and Quality assurance.
3. What is meant by Quality Audit? Explain the importance of Quality Audit.
4. What is “Cost of Quality”? Differentiate between external failure cost and internal failure
5. Explain Kaizen Approach to Problem Solving, with an example.
6. What are the barriers to quality?
May 2012
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
QM0010 - Foundations of Quality Management
(4 credits)
(Book ID: B1240)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. What is Customer relationship management? Explain.
2. Explain product development and its process.
3. Write a note on the ISO 9000 series of Quality Standards and Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for
Business Performance Excellence.
4. Describe the various tasks which help to build a healthy association and partnership with
the suppliers.
5. Assume that you are a Quality manager in a large manufacturing company and you are
thinking of implementing TQM in your Company. What are the various barriers you may
face for such initiative? List out such barriers to Quality. How do you plan to overcome such
6. Write short notes on quality in service organisations
May 2012
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
QM0011 - Principles and Philosophies of Quality Management
(4 credits)
(Book ID: B1241)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. Mention some of the quality Gurus and their contributions
2. Define the term ‘quality’. Write a note on evolution of Quality.
3. Describe Dr. Edwards Deming’s “Fourteen points” of Quality management
4. Describe the contribution of Kaoru Ishikawa on quality management
5. Write short notes on ‘5S’ principles.
6. What is meant by Six Sigma? What are the steps in implementing Six Sigma?
May 2012
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
QM0011 - Principles and Philosophies of Quality Management
(4 credits)
(Book ID: B1241)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. Explain “four absolutes of Quality” given by Philip Crosby’s
2. What is meant by PDCA Cycle? Explain.
3. Explain the contribution of Joseph Juran towards quality management.
4. What is meant by Quality Circle? What are the significant characteristics and features of
Quality circle?
5. Describe the contribution of Genichi Taguchi towards Quality management.
6. Write brief note on “Business process re-engineering”
May 2012
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
QM0012 - Statistical Process Control & Process Capability
(4 credits)
(Book ID: B1242)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. List the different quality control tools. Describe briefly the Scatter Diagram with example.
2. What are the causes of variation in a process? Differentiate between ‘accuracy’ and
3. Write a note on “Cause and Effect diagram”
4. What is meant by acceptance sampling? Explain the various quality indices for acceptance
sampling plan.
5. What is meant by process capability index. Differentiate between Cp and Cpk index.
6. The following numbers indicates the number of defectives in 20 samples containing 2000
425, 430, 216, 341, 225, 322, 280, 306, 337, 305, 356, 402, 216, 264, 126, 409, 193, 280,
389, 326
Calculate the values for central line and control limits for P chart and construct the control
May 2012
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
QM0012 - Statistical Process Control & Process Capability
(4 credits)
(Book ID: B1242)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. Write a brief note on Pareto chart
2. Explain the concept of process with an example. Write a brief note on SIPOC.
3. What is Normal distribution? What are the properties of Normal distribution?
4. What is a Control chart? Describe the structure and construction of control chart.
5. What is meant by hypothesis testing? Explain type 1 and type 2 error.
6. Differentiate between process capability and process stability. Mention some of the major
uses of process capability analysis.
May 2012
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
QM0013 - Quality Management Tools
(4 credits)
(Book ID: B1243)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. Define “Quality Function Deployment (QFD)”? What are the features of QFD?
2. Describe the various methods for gathering information.
3. Define the term ‘reliability’. What is its relevance in Quality?
4. Write brief note on “Quality loss function”.
5. What is FMEA? Write a brief note on Risk Priority Number.
6. What is a process? Explain the concept of process mapping with an example.
May 2012
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
QM0013 - Quality Management Tools
(4 credits)
(Book ID: B1243)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. When do you use Quality Control Charts? What are the types of Control charts?
2. Write a brief note on the following: (i) Affinity diagram (ii) Tree diagram
3. What is meant by ‘Voice of Customer’? How do you capture ‘voice of customer’?
4. Write brief note on Business Process Re-engineering
5. What is “business excellence”? Describe Baldrige performance excellence model.
6. What is Quality Management System? What are its benefits?

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