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Examination Paper
IIBM Institute of Business Management 1
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper MM.50
Corporate Governance
Section A: OBJECTIVE TYPE (20 marks)This section consists of Multiple choice questions.Answer all the questions.
Questions carry 1 mark each.
1. In the second version of McKinsey’s model called “the Central model” governance chain is
represented by
a. Well-developed equity market & dispersed ownership
b. Underdeveloped equity market & concentrated ownership
c. Well-developed equity market & concentrated ownership
d. Underdeveloped equity market & dispersed ownership

2. Corporate governance refers to a combination of law, rules, regulations and
a. Value
b. Wealth
c. Voluntary practices
d. Customer Satisfaction
3. ____________, is one of the major tools. Corporations use to direct persuasive communication to
target buyers & the public.
a. Advertising
b. Media
c. Press
d. None
4. Policy adopted by the monetary authority with respect to the supply of money is called
a. Monetary Policy
b. Fiscal Policy
c. Budgetary Policy
d. Economic Policy
5. Cash reserve requirements refer to the
a. Purchase & Sale of government securities & other approved securities by the Central bank.
b. Changes in bank rate by the Central Bank
c. That portion of bank’s total cash reserves which they are statutorily required to hold with the
Examination Paper
IIBM Institute of Business Management 2
d. The particular level of liquid ity maintained by commercial banks.
6. This committee was set up in January 1995 to identify good practices by the confederation of
British Industry (CBI)
a. The Paul Ruthman Committee
b. The Greenbury Committee, 1995
c. Cadbury Committee, 1995
d. The Hampel Committee,1995
7. ______________, plays a significant role in the growth of the corporate sector by providing them
finance for their Operations.
a. Investors
b. Bank
c. Organization
d. None
8. The first stock market scam was one which involved both the bond and equity markets in India.
a. MNC’s efforts at Consolidation of ownership, 1993
b. Vanishing Companies Scam, 1993-94
c. M. S. Shoes, 1994
d. Harshad Mehta scam, 1992
9. Debt purchasers provide finance in return for a promised stream of payments & a variety of other
convenants pertaining to corporate behavior, such as the value and risk of corporate assets. These
are called
a. Concentrated Debt
b. Diffused Debt
c. Creditor Incentives
d. Debt Collection
10. A person having control over the direction, conduct, management or superintendence of then
affairs of a company is called
a. Director
b. Co- director
c. Board members
d. None
11. A director who is not duly appointed but acts as a director is known as a
a. Fraudulent Person
b. De Facto
c. De Jure
d. None
12. This type of auditors are usually referred to as a CPA (Certified Public Accountants) firms
Examination Paper
IIBM Institute of Business Management 3
a. Internal auditors
b. Independent auditors
c. Government auditors
d. None
13. To introduce corporate governance practices in the banking sector the recommendations of the
working group of directors of financial Institutions known as the
a. Ganguly Group
b. Policy Implication
c. Government Control
d. Withdrawal effects
14. It is a manipulative method where one buy the power or the influence of others persons in order
to satisfy his selfish need.
a. Coercion
b. Tax Evasion
c. Bribery
d. Insider Trading
15. This model supports the idea of multiple interests of stakeholders rather than shareholders interest
a. The Social Entity Theory
b. Trusteeship Model
c. The Pluralistic Model
d. Social Responsibility
16. This policy was released in August by the Ministry of Environment & Forests (MOEF) for
Public discussion
a. The National Environment Policy, 2004
b. Draft Policy
c. Biodiversity Conservation
d. Forest & wildlife Conservation
17. Out of the following which Committee appointed to examine all current Capital market
regulations & to suggest amendments to them
b. Dhanuka Committee
c. Primary Market Reforms
d. None
18. Out of the following which one sentence is the true
a. It lays down the framework for creating long-term trust between companies & the external
provides of capital
b. It rationalizes the management and monitoring of risks a firm faces globally
Examination Paper
IIBM Institute of Business Management 4
c. It does not limits the liability of the top management 7 directors by carefully articulating the
decision making process
d. It never ensures the integrity of financial reports.
19. Out of the following which is the responsibility of an Auditor
a. Whether loans & advances made by the company on the basis of security have been properly
b. Whether loans & advances made by the company have been shown as deposits.
c. Whether personal expenses have been charged to revenue account
d. He has to ensure that his work involves exercise of judgment.
20. This theory assumes that managers are basically trustworthy and attach significant value to their
own personal reputation
a. Agency Theory
b. Stewardship Theory
c. Stakeholder Approaches
d. Sociological Theory
SECTION B: Short Notes (10 marks)
This section consists of short notes.
Answer all the questions.
Each Short Note carries 5 marks.
1. What is clause 49?
2. Explain Board of Directors & Corporate Governance?
This section consists of Long Questions.
Answer all the questions.
Each question carries 10 marks.
Detailed information should from the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).
Examination Paper
IIBM Institute of Business Management 5
1. Banks are also using concept of Corporate Governance. Explain why Corporate Governance is
widely used in Banks. Also state few sound Corporate Governance Practices.
2. What is ethics & state why ethics is necessary in Business and also state the importance and need
of business ethics?
Examination Paper : Semester II
IIBM Institute of Business Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper MM.100
Business Communication
Section A: Objective Type (30 marks)
•This section consists of multiple choices and Short Notes type questions.
•Answer all the questions.
•Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 4 marks each.
Part one:
Multiple choices:
1. __________is an essential function of Business Organizations:
a. Information
b. Communication
c. Power
d. None of the above
2. Physiological Barriers of listening are:
a. Hearing impairment
b. Physical conditions
c. Prejudices
d. All of the above
3. Which presentation tend to make you speak more quickly than usual:
a. Electronic
b. Oral
c. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. None of the above
4. What is the main function of Business Communication:
a. Sincerity
b. Positive language
c. Persuasion
d. Ethical standard
5. The responsibilities of the office manager in a firm that produces electronics spares is:
a. Everything in the office runs efficiently
b. Furniture and other equipment in the office is adequate
c. Processing all the incoming official mail and responding to some
d. All of the above
Examination Paper : Semester II
IIBM Institute of Business Management
6. Labov’s Storytelling Model based on:
a. Communication through speech
b. Language learning
c. Group Discussions
d. None of the above
7. Diagonal Communication is basically the:
a. Communication across boundaries
b. Communication between the CEO and the managers
c. Communication through body language
d. Communication within a department
8. How to make Oral Communication Effective?
a. By Clarity
b. By Brevity
c. By Right words
d. All of the above
9. Direct Eye contact of more than 10 seconds can create:
a. Discomfort & Anxiety
b. Emotional relationship between listeners and speakers
c. Excitement
d. None of the above
10. Encoding means:
a. Transmission
b. Perception
c. Ideation
d. None of the above
Part Two:
1. Define Communication. How can you classify Communication?
2. Explain ‘Space Language’.
3. Differentiate between good listeners and bad listeners.
4. What are the different types of Business Reports?
5. What is Synopsis?
Examination Paper : Semester II
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Section B: Case lets (40 marks)
•This section consists of Case lets.
•Answer all the questions.
•Each Case let carries 20 marks.
•Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).
Case let 1
Mr. and Mrs. Sharma went to Woodlands Apparel to buy a shirt. Mr. Sharma did not read the price tag on
the piece selected by him. At the counter, while making the payment he asked for the price. Rs. 950 was
the answer.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Sharma, who was still shopping came back and joined her husband. She was glad that
he had selected a nice black shirt for himself. She pointed out that there was a 25% discount on that item.
The counter person nodded in agreement.
Mr. Sharma was thrilled to hear that “It means the price of this shirt is just Rs. 712. That’s fantastic”, said
Mr. Sharma.
He decided to buy one more shirt in blue color.
In no time, he returned with the second shirt and asked them to be packed. When he received the cash
memo for payment, he was astonished to find that he had to pay Rs. 1,900 and Rs. 1,424.
Mr. Sharma could hardly reconcile himself to the fact that the counter person had quoted the discounted
price which was Rs. 950. The original price printed on the price tag was Rs. 1,266.
1. What should Mr. Sharma have done to avoid the misunderstanding?
2. Discuss the main features involved in this case.
Case let 2
I don’t want to speak to you. Connect me to your boss in the US,” hissed the American on the phone. The
young girl at a Bangalore call centre tried to be as polite as she could. At another call centre, another day,
another young girl had a Londoner unleashing himself on her, “Young lady, do you know that because of
you Indians we are losing jobs?”
The outsourcing backlash is getting ugly. Handling irate callers is the new brief for the young men and
women taking calls at these outsourced job centers. Supervisors tell them to be ‘cool’. Avinash Vashistha,
managing partner of NEOIT, a leading US-based consultancy firm says, “Companies involved in
outsourcing both in the US and India are already getting a lot of hate mail against outsourcing and it is
hardly surprising that some people should behave like this on the telephone.” Vashistha says Indian call
centres should train their operators how to handle such calls.
Examination Paper : Semester II
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Indeed, the furor raised by the Western media over job losses because of outsourcing has made ordinary
citizens there sensitive to the fact that their calls are being taken not from their midst, but in countries
such as India and the Philippines.
The angry outbursts the operators face border on the racist and sexist, says the manager of a call centre in
Hyderabad. But operators and senior executives of call centres refuse to go on record for fear of kicking
up a controversy that might result in their companies’ losing clients overseas.
“It’s happening often enough and so let’s face it,” says a senior executive of a Gurgaon call centre,
adding, “This doesn’t have any impact on business.”
1. Suppose you are working as an operator in a call centre in India and receiving calls from
Americans and Londoners. How would you handle such calls?
2. Do you agree with the view such abusive happenings on the telephone do not have any impact
on business?
Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)
•This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.
•Answer all the questions.
•Each question carries 15 marks.
•Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).
1. What is meant by Communication Barriers? How and why do they occur? What can be done to
overcome the Barriers to Communication?
2. Define and explain the term Negotiation and also briefly explain the phases of Negotiation.

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