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Friday, 15 June 2012

Master of Science in Information Technology (MScIT)

February 2012
Master of Science in Information Technology (MScIT) Revised Fall 2011
Semester 1
MIT102 – Data & File Structures– 4 Credits

Assignment Set – 1 (6 x 10 = 60 Marks)

1. Discuss on algorithm complexity and time space tradeoff?
2. Write a note on algorithmic notation.
3. Explain traversing a linked list.

4. Explain the Linked list implementation of stack.
5. Explain the process of converting the general tree to a binary tree.
6. Explain the process of insertion and deletion in B-tree.


Set 2

1. Discuss on spanning tree.
2. Write a note on NP-hardness and NP completeness.
3. Explain the variable block storage allocation
4. Explain sequential searching.
5. What do you mean by direct file? Discuss its structure.
6. Explain the different open-addressing schemes?

Semester 1
MIT103 – Object Oriented Programming– 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1477)

Assignment Set – 1 (60 Marks)
1. Why is security required in Java? Explain. 10 Marks
2. How do you compile and execute a Java program? Explain. 10 Marks
3. Explain For Loop and While Loop. 10 Marks
4. Write a note on Character Extraction. 10 Marks
5. Discuss the different types of Relationships. 08 Marks
6. What is Exception? What are the different types of Exceptions? 06 Marks
7. Write a note on random access files. 06 Marks


Assignment Set – 2 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 marks 6x10 = 60
1. What is an applet? Discuss the applet class.
2. Explain (a) Inner classes (b) Anonymous Classes.
3. Write a note on Java Foundation Class (JFC).
4. Write a note on Database Management?
5. What are the steps to create and configure an instance of the OurButton Bean and connect it to the Molecule Bean?
6. Discuss the following
a) Two –tier Architecture
b) N-tier Architecture


 Semester 1
MIT104 – Software Engineering – 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0808 & B0809)
Assignment Set – 1 (60 Marks)
Answer All the Questions
Note: Each Question carries 10 Marks

1. Write a note on evolving role of software.
2. What are the limitations of the linear sequential model?
3. Explain Data flow design.

4. Write a note on Prototyping Model. 5. Discuss on Commercial Off-the-Shelf Model (COTS)
6. Write a note on Capability Maturity Model


Assignment Set – 2 (60 Marks)

Answer All the Questions
Note: Each Question carries 10 Marks

1. Discuss on change management.
2. Explain the following
a) Thread testing
b) Stress testing
3. Explain the following
(a) Top-down integration
(b) Bottom-up integration

4. What is the need for a business model in software engineering? Explain.
5. Explain the round-trip problem solving approach.
6. What are the people driven issues which need to be addressed to achieve success in the software development process?   


Semester 2
MIT201– Operating Systems– 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1405)
Assignment Set – 1 (60 Marks)
Each question carries Ten marks 6 x 10 = 60
1. Write a brief note on operating system structures.
2. Describe UNIX kernel components in brief.
3. Discuss the different types of schedulers.
4. Discuss round-robin scheduling.
5. Write a note on resource allocation graph algorithm
6. Discuss on Contiguous Allocation.


Assignment Set – 2 (60 Marks)
Each question carries Ten marks 6 x 10 = 60
1. Explain demand paging.
2. What are the six basic operations possible on files? Explain.
3. Describe the program-controlled I/O
4. Write a note on global Operating System (GOS)
5. What is encryption? What are the different ways in which a message can be encrypted?
6. Discuss on Windows 2000 Architecture.


 Semester 2
MIT202 – Data Base Management System– 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1479)
Assignment Set – 1 (60 Marks)
1. What are the applications of database system? 10 marks
2. What are the important responsibilities of database manager? Explain. 10 marks
3. Write a note on Object-Oriented Model. 10 marks
4. Explain the Sequential File Organization. 10 marks
5. Explain the components of Relational database. 10 marks
6. Explain the process of embedding SQL statements. 10 marks                                                  


(Book ID: B1479)
Assignment Set – 2 (60 Marks)
1. Explain the following operations? 10 Marks
a) Projection(?)
b) Selection(?)
c) Join (
2. Write about Tuple Relational Calculus. 10 Marks
3. Write a note on Anomalies in a Database 10 Marks
4. List and explain the disadvantages of Data Distribution 10 Marks
5. What are advantages of Object - Oriented Databases? Explain. 10 Marks
6. Explain the techniques or types of mapping a class inheritance tree in RDBMS. 10 Marks

 Semester 2
MIT203–: Analysis and Design of Algorithms – 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1480)
Assignment Set – 1 (60 Marks)
Each question carries Ten marks 6x10 = 60
1. Write a note on asymptotic notations.
2. Explain the fundamental techniques to perform an amortization analysis.
3. Explain the following
a) Big Oh notation (O)
b) Omega notation (O)
c) Theta notation (T)
4. What do you mean by Algorithm visualization? Explain the need for algorithm visualization.
5. What is exhaustive search? Explain in detail.
6. Explain the three main distinctions in decrease and conquer.


Assignment Set – 2 (60 Marks)
Each question carries Ten marks 6x10 = 60
1. What do you mean by presorting? Explain with an example.
2. What do you mean by Distribution counting? Explain.
3. What is hash function? What are the uses of Hash functions?
4. Explain the Floyd’s algorithm?
5. Explain the basic Principle of Optimality?
6. Write a note on Branch and Bound.


 Semester 2
MIT204 –: Data Communication & Networking– 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1389)
Assignment Set – 1 (60 Marks)
1. What are the major criteria that data Communication Network must meet? [10 Marks]
2. Explain the types of Line Coding. [10 Marks]
3. Write a note on Hamming code. [10 Marks]
4. What is framing? Explain Bit & Character Stuffing [10 Marks]
5. Write a note on Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). [10 Marks]
6. Explain the following. [10 Marks]
a) 10Base5
b) 10Base2
c) 10Base- T


Assignment Set – 2 (60 Marks)
1. Explain the types and classes of routing algorithm. [10 Marks]
2. Write a note on multi cast routing [10 Marks]
3. Discuss on Congestion prevention policies. [10 Marks]
4. Discuss the technique Subnet Addressing [10 Marks]
5. Explain the styles of terminating/releasing a connection. [10 Marks]
6. Write a note on Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). [10 Marks]

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