May 2012
Master of Business Administration –
MBA Semester 3
ML0010 – Warehousing and Supply Chain Management -
Assignment Set - 1
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What is Supply Chain Management (SCM)? Explain two advantages of supply chain.
Q2. Explain the dimensions of SCM.
Q3. Explain the following: (a) Inventory management and (b) Vendor management.
Q4. Discuss the role of logistics in Supply Chain.
Q5. What is assortment planning? Explain the need for assortment planning.
Q6. Write short note on Retail Assortment Optimization.
May 2012
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
ML0010 – Warehousing and Supply Chain Management - 4 Credits
Book ID: B1224
Assignment Set - 2
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Explain the role of supply chain in retail operations.
Q2. Define globalization. What are the driving forces of globalization? What is the impact of
globalisation on supply chain?
Q3. Explain in detail the various aspects involved in assortment planning.
Q4. Discuss the pricing strategies in retail chains
Q5. What is warehouse management system? Explain its significance.
Q6. Describe the role of Information Technology in supply chain.
May 2012
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
ML0011 – Buying and Merchandising - 4 Credit
Book ID: B1482
Assignment Set – 1
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Explain the retail buying objectives?
Q2. What is merchandising? Describe merchandiser’s roles.
Q3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of International Buying?
Q4. Write brief note on consumer segmentation and consumer profiling.
Q5. What is meant by wholesale buying? What are the advantages and disadvantages of wholesale buying?
Q6. What are the factors affecting pricing decision?
May 2012
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3
ML0011 – Buying and Merchandising - 4 Credits
Book ID: B1482
Assignment Set – 2
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What are the objectives of retail merchandising?
Q2. XYZ Merchandisers want to develop and present their product lines in unique ways that will help them outweigh their competitors. How can they do it? Will global sourcing will help?
Q3. What is meant by vendor negotiation? Explain in detail.
Q4. What is meant by category management? What are the benefits of category management?
Q5. Describe pricing strategy in retail
Q6. Write a short note on supplier relationship.
May 2012
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
ML0012 –Store Operations- 4 Credits
Book ID: B1226
Assignment Set – 1
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What are the different types of retail stores?
Q2. Write short notes on consumer protection act.
Q3. Explain the importance of retail store.
Q4. What are the steps involved in strategic planning for retail store?
Q5. What is the importance of CRM in retail stores? Explain.
Q6. Give short notes on (i) ethics in retailing and (ii) retailers’ corporate social responsibilities.
May 2012
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
ML0012 –Store Operations- 4 Credits
Book ID: B1226
Assignment Set – 2
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What legal procedures are existing to handle customers in retail environment?
Q2. Write brief note on ‘retail budgeting’.
Q3. What tasks does a retailer have to carry out in inventory management? Assess the importance of various inventory levels.
Q4. Describe the classification of retail stores based on owner ship.
Q5. Give the meaning and importance of inventory management in a retail store.
Q6. Explain the HR oriented functions in retail stores.
May 2012
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
ML0013 – Retail IT Management - 4 Credits
Book ID: B1227
Assignment Set – 1
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What is the need for IT in retail management?
Q2. How do security tags and deactivators help in managing retail activities?
Q3. What are the factors affecting IT in retail?
Q4. What is CCTV? Explain its importance in retail store.
Q5. What is e-commerce? What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce?
Q6. Write brief note on Compliance Management for IT in Retail.
May 2012
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3
ML0013 – Retail IT Management - 4 Credits
Book ID: B1227
Assignment Set – 2
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Illustrate the hardware buying process in detail.
Q2. What are the advantages of database management?
Q3. Describe the types of computer networks.
Q4. List and explain various retail hardware equipments.
Q5. What do you mean by Systems Vulnerability and Hazards? Explain
Q6. Explain the types of information systems.
Master of Business Administration –
MBA Semester 3
ML0010 – Warehousing and Supply Chain Management -
Assignment Set - 1
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What is Supply Chain Management (SCM)? Explain two advantages of supply chain.
Q2. Explain the dimensions of SCM.
Q3. Explain the following: (a) Inventory management and (b) Vendor management.
Q4. Discuss the role of logistics in Supply Chain.
Q5. What is assortment planning? Explain the need for assortment planning.
Q6. Write short note on Retail Assortment Optimization.
May 2012
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
ML0010 – Warehousing and Supply Chain Management - 4 Credits
Book ID: B1224
Assignment Set - 2
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Explain the role of supply chain in retail operations.
Q2. Define globalization. What are the driving forces of globalization? What is the impact of
globalisation on supply chain?
Q3. Explain in detail the various aspects involved in assortment planning.
Q4. Discuss the pricing strategies in retail chains
Q5. What is warehouse management system? Explain its significance.
Q6. Describe the role of Information Technology in supply chain.
May 2012
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
ML0011 – Buying and Merchandising - 4 Credit
Book ID: B1482
Assignment Set – 1
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Explain the retail buying objectives?
Q2. What is merchandising? Describe merchandiser’s roles.
Q3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of International Buying?
Q4. Write brief note on consumer segmentation and consumer profiling.
Q5. What is meant by wholesale buying? What are the advantages and disadvantages of wholesale buying?
Q6. What are the factors affecting pricing decision?
May 2012
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3
ML0011 – Buying and Merchandising - 4 Credits
Book ID: B1482
Assignment Set – 2
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What are the objectives of retail merchandising?
Q2. XYZ Merchandisers want to develop and present their product lines in unique ways that will help them outweigh their competitors. How can they do it? Will global sourcing will help?
Q3. What is meant by vendor negotiation? Explain in detail.
Q4. What is meant by category management? What are the benefits of category management?
Q5. Describe pricing strategy in retail
Q6. Write a short note on supplier relationship.
May 2012
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
ML0012 –Store Operations- 4 Credits
Book ID: B1226
Assignment Set – 1
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What are the different types of retail stores?
Q2. Write short notes on consumer protection act.
Q3. Explain the importance of retail store.
Q4. What are the steps involved in strategic planning for retail store?
Q5. What is the importance of CRM in retail stores? Explain.
Q6. Give short notes on (i) ethics in retailing and (ii) retailers’ corporate social responsibilities.
May 2012
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
ML0012 –Store Operations- 4 Credits
Book ID: B1226
Assignment Set – 2
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What legal procedures are existing to handle customers in retail environment?
Q2. Write brief note on ‘retail budgeting’.
Q3. What tasks does a retailer have to carry out in inventory management? Assess the importance of various inventory levels.
Q4. Describe the classification of retail stores based on owner ship.
Q5. Give the meaning and importance of inventory management in a retail store.
Q6. Explain the HR oriented functions in retail stores.
May 2012
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
ML0013 – Retail IT Management - 4 Credits
Book ID: B1227
Assignment Set – 1
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What is the need for IT in retail management?
Q2. How do security tags and deactivators help in managing retail activities?
Q3. What are the factors affecting IT in retail?
Q4. What is CCTV? Explain its importance in retail store.
Q5. What is e-commerce? What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce?
Q6. Write brief note on Compliance Management for IT in Retail.
May 2012
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3
ML0013 – Retail IT Management - 4 Credits
Book ID: B1227
Assignment Set – 2
60 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Illustrate the hardware buying process in detail.
Q2. What are the advantages of database management?
Q3. Describe the types of computer networks.
Q4. List and explain various retail hardware equipments.
Q5. What do you mean by Systems Vulnerability and Hazards? Explain
Q6. Explain the types of information systems.
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