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Wednesday, 24 August 2016

IGNOU Assignments: Contact us for answers at

Course Code      :  AMK-01
Course Title      :  Marketing
Assignment Code     :  AMK-01/TMA/2015-16
Coverage         :  All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.
1.   (a)  What  is  sales  promotion?  Describe  the  various  sales  promotion  tools  used  by
(b)  Explain the concept of product life cycle with suitable example.
2.   Differentiate between the following:
(a)  Marketing Mix and Promotion Mix
(b)  Durable Goods and Non-durable Goods
(c)  Sales Promotion and Personal Selling
(d)  Selling Concept and Production Concept of Marketing
3.   Comment on the following statements:
(a)  Packaging is not different from labeling
(b)  Trademark can be copied by another manufacturer
(c)  Penetration pricing is a profitable strategy
(d)  Market segmentation is required for effective marketing
4.   Define culture. How does it influence consumer behavior? Explain with example.
5.  Write short notes on the following:
(a)  Objectives of Pricing
(b)  Break even point analysis
(c)  F.O.B. Factor Pricing
(d)  Price discrimination
Course Code     :    AOM-01
Course Title     :    Office Organisation and Management
Assignment Code   :    AOM-01/TMA/2015-16
Coverage      :    All Blocks
Maximum Marks : 100
Attempt all questions.
1.  Forms  control  has  been  referred  to  “one  of  the  essential  tools  of  office 

What do you understand by forms control? State how will you initiate a system of forms
control in an organization with which  you  are familiar and enumerate the benefits  you
would expect from it?
2.  Explain the significance of internal office communication. Mention the types of internal
communication found in a modern office.
3.  Bring out clearly the functions of an office manager. What in your opinion, should be the
essential qualifications of an office manager?
4.  Write short notes on the folowing:
i)  Handling of Stationery in Stores
ii)  Communication Machines
iii)  Filing Methods
iv)  Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
5.  Distinguish between  the following:
i)  E-Commerce and M-Commerce
ii)  Email and Mail
iii)  Hardware and Software 
iv)  Management & Administration
Course Code     :    ECO-03
Course Title     :    Management Theory
Assignment Code   :    ECO-03/TMA/2015-16
Coverage    :    All Blocks
Maximum Marks : 100
Attempt all questions.
1.  “Management  Principles  focus  on  one  of  the  best  way  of  doing  things  and  are
prescriptive”.  Do  you  agree?  Give  reasons  and  explain  various    principles  of
2.  What is meant by morale? Outline the factors that influence the morale of employees in
an organization. What is the significance of leadership vis a vis morale?
3.  Distinguish between the following:
i)  Strategic and Tactical Planning
ii)  Autocratic Style and Authoritative Style
iii)  Formal Communication and Informal Communication
iv)  PERT and CPM
4.  Briefly comment on the following:
i)  Individual behaviour is closely liked with group behaviour.
ii)  Medium range plans have duration of more than one year.
iii)  Delegation is essential for management but decentralization is optional.
iv)  Organizational efficiency is ensured with the help of controls.   
5.  Write Short Notes on the following:
i)  Span of Control
ii)  Recruitment
iii)  Process of control
iv)  Leadership Effectiveness
Course Code       :    ECO - 05
Course Title       :    Mercantile Law
Assignment Code     :    ECO – 05/TMA/2015-16
Coverage       :    All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.
1.  (a) All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts. Comment.
(b) Define offer and distinguish between ‘offer’ and ‘invitation to offer’ with examples.
2.  What is ‘fraud’? State its essentials and consequences.
3.  Explain the following:
i.  Stranger to a contract.
ii.  Agency coupled with interest.
4.  (a) ‘The liability of surety is co-extensive with that of principal debtor’. Elucidate.
(b) An unregistered partnership firm is not illegal but its rights are not enforceable.
5.  State the rules regarding transfer of ownership from seller to buyer in a sale of goods.
Course Code       :    ECO - 06
Course Title       :    Economic Theory
Assignment Code     :    ECO – 06/TMA/2015-16
Coverage       :    All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.
1.  Describe the law of equi-marginal utility. Explain it  with the help of a diagram. How does a
consumer attain equilibrium?            
2.  What  do you mean by Elasticity of Demand? How would you measure the price Elasticity
of Demand?  
3.  What  do  you  understand  by  production  possibility  curve?  Illustrate  it  with  the  help

 of  a
suitable example.            
4.   Explain  a  firm’s  short  period  equilibrium  under  perfect  competition  with  the  help 

suitable diagram.
5.   Write short notes on the following:
(a) Cardinal approach to utility
(b)  Quasi rest
(c)  Extension of demand
(d) Competitive wages 
Course Code       :    ECO - 07
Course Title       :    Elements of Statistics
Assignment Code     :    ECO – 07/TMA/2015-16
Coverage       :    All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.
1.  Define ‘Classification’. Explain the purpose and methods of classification of data   giving
suitable examples.
2.  “Statistical methods are most dangerous tools in the hands of the inexpert.” Explain the
significance of this statement.
3.  Find out missing frequencies in the following incomplete distribution:
Measurement  0-10  10-20  20-30  30-40  40-50
Frequency  3  ?  20  12  ?
The values of Median and Mode are 27 and 26 respectively.
4.  The arithmetic mean and the standard deviation of a series of 20 items are 20 cms. and 5
cms. respectively. But while calculating them, an item 13 misread as 30. Find the correct
mean and correct standard deviation.
5.  Calculate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness from the following data:
Class  40-60  30-40  20-30  15-20  10-15  5-10  3-5  0-3
Frequency  25  15  12  8  6  4  3  2

Course Code       :  ECO - 08
Course Title       :  Company Law
Assignment Code     :  ECO – 08/TMA/2015-16
Coverage         :  All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions
1.  What do you mean by illegal association? What are its exceptions? Explain the consequences
of an illegal association?
2.  (a) Discuss the privileges enjoyed by a private company.
(b) Explain the ways in which a promoter is given remuneration.
3.  Explain the doctrine of Indore Management. What are its exceptions? Discuss with examples.
4.  (a) Explain the various ways in which a person may become a member of a Company.
(b)  What  is  a  Share  Certificate?  When  must  it  be  issued?  What  are  the  effects  of  a 

5.  Explain the powers and duties of a Director.
Course Code     :  ECO - 09
Course Title     :  Money, Banking and Financial Institutions
Assignment Code   :  ECO – 09/TMA/2015-16
Coverage       :  All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.
1.  Why  is  money  demanded?  How  is  the  Keynesian  approach  different  from  the  classical
approach in this regard?
2.  Explain the establishment, structure and functions of the State Bank of India.
3.  What is meant by money market? Discuss the significance  of money market in a modern
4.   Describe the working of the IMF. How does it help member countries in dealing with their
temporary balance of payments problems?
5.   Write short notes on the following:
(a) General Leading Principal of World Bank
(b) Regional Rural Banks
(c) Economic Significance of Banking
(d) Branch Banking              
Course Code   :  ECO - 10
Course Title   :  Elements of Costing
Assignment Code  :  ECO – 10/TMA/2015-16
Coverage    :  All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.
1.  Define  Cost  Accounting.  What  are  its  main  objectives?  How  does  it  help  in  planning

control of business operations of an enterprise?
2.  (a) Two components A and B are used as follows:
 Normal usage    50 per week each
 Minimum usage   25 per week each
 Maximum usage   75 per week each
 Re-order quantity   A 300 B 500
 Re-order period   4 to 6 weeks
 Calculate for each component
 (i) Re-order level  (ii) Minimum level  (iii) Maximum level  
(b) What is meant by perpetual inventory control system?Describe its advantages.
3.  Define overheads. Discuss various principles of apportionment of overheads. Give few
examples of the bases used for apportionment.
4.  Explain the need for reconciliation of cost and financial accounts. Describe the procedure to
be adopted for their reconciliation.
5.  X Manufacturing Company’s product passes through two distinct processes A and B then to
Finished  Stock.  It  is  known  from  past  experience  that  wastage  occurs  in  the  process 

follows: in Process A, 5% of the units entering the process and in Process B, 10% of the units
entering the process. The scrap value of wastage in process A is Rs. 16 per 100 units and in
Process B is Rs. 20 per 100 units. The process figures are:
     Process A  Process B
     Rs.   Rs.
Materials consumed    6,000   3,000
Wages     7,000   4,000
Manufacturing Expenses   2,000   2,000
5,000  units  were  brought  into  Process  A,  costing  Rs.  5,000.  The  outputs  were:  Process
A=4,700  units,  Process  B=4,150  units.  Prepare  Process  Accounts  showing  the  cost of  the
Course Code       :    ECO - 11
Course Title       :    Element of Income Tax
Assignment Code     :    ECO – 11/TMA/2015-16
Coverage       :    All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.
1.  How is residence of an assesse determined? Explain tax liability on the basis of residence.
2.  Shri  A.  K.  Rana  is  an  employee  in  a  company  in  Mumbai.  He  received  the  following
remuneration in previous year:
Basic Salary                Rs. 5000 per month
Dearness allowance (under terms of employment)      Rs. 500 per month
House Rent Allowance (Rent paid Rs. 1500 per month)    Rs. 1000 per month
He retired on 1
January, 2014 after 20 years of service. He was  paid Rs. 6000  gratuity
and  Rs.  50,000  of  unrecognized  provident  fund.  He  was  given  pension  of  Rs.  800  per
months. He was not covered under payment of  Gratuity  Act.  Employer  and employee’s
contribution is equal.
Salary and pension become payable on the last day of each month for the assessment year
2014-15 compute Mr. A. K. Rana’s taxable salary.
3.  What  do  you  understand  by  annual  value?  Explain  the  deduction  allowed  from  annual
4.  Compute  ‘income  from  other  sources’  of  Dr.  Ashish  Agrawal  for  the  assessment  year
2014-15 from the following particulars of previous year 2013-14:
i.  Found Rs. 10,000 lying on road
ii.  Income from card games Rs. 2000
iii.  Income from Royalty Rs. 6000
iv.  Remuneration received Rs. 4000 for being an examiner
v.  Remuneration received Rs. 1000 for articles written for magazines.
vi.  Income from agricultural law in Kathmandu (Nepal) Rs. 11000
vii.  Income from fisheries Rs. 3000
viii.  Amount Rent of Law received Rs. 4000
ix.  Interest received on bank deposit Rs. 1500
x.  Dividend received Rs. 3000 on shares of Indian Company
xi.  Winnings from Lottery Rs. 2000
xii.  Winnings from Horserace Rs. 1500
5.  Write short notes on the following:
(a) Exempted Incomes
(b) Perquisites
(c) Exempt Capital Gains
(d) Deduction of interest on loan taken for Higher Education (80E)

Course Code       :    ECO - 12
Course Title       :    Elements of Auditing
Assignment Code     :    ECO – 12/TMA/2015-16
Coverage         :    All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.
1.  Define Auditing. Explain its objectives and advantages.
2.  What is meant by verification? How does it differ from valuation? How would you verify the
a)  Goodwill      
b)  Plant and Machinery
3.  Discuss the main provisions of company law regarding the appointment, duties and  removal
of an auditor.
4.  What important documents would you inspect before commencing the audit of a company?
5.  Write short notes on the following:
a)  Cost Audit
b)  Clean and Qualified Report
Course Code     :    ECO - 14
Course Title     :    Accountancy - II
Assignment Code   :    ECO – 14/TMA/2015-16
Coverage       :    All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.
1.  (a)  Give  specimen  of  company’s  balance  sheet  as  per  part  I  of  schedule  VI  of 

Companies Act, 1956.
(b)  Differentiate  between  Profit  &  Loss  Account  and  Profit  &  Loss  Appropriation
2.  X Ltd. sends goods to its Karnal  branch at cost plus 25%. All expenses are paid by H.O.
From the following particulars you are required to show Branch Debtors Account, Branch
Stock Account, Stock Adjustment Account and Branch Profit & Loss Account in the  books
of  Head Office:
Particulars  Amount (Rs.)
Opening Stock  36,000
Closing Stock  42,000
Opening Debtors  27,500
Closing Debtors  41,100
Goods Supplied to Branch  1,94,000
Cash received from Customers  98,800
Bad Debts  6,000
Discount  1,600
Expenses  5,200
Cash Sales  58,400
Goods returned by Branch  8,000
Branch’s Furniture (Provide 20% Depreciation)  10,000
3.  M/s Raj and Bros. purchased a motor car from Sanjaya Automobiles on 1
Jan. 2012  on the
hire-purchase system. The cash price of the motor car was Rs. 11,170. Rs. 3,000 was to be
paid on signing the agreement and the balance in the three annual installments of Rs. 3,000
each. Interest @ 5% p.a. is charged by the vendor. The purchaser had decided to write off
10% depreciation annually on the written down value method. The purchaser could not pay
off the installment due on 31
Dec., 2013  and as a result of this, the vendor took possession
of the motor-car and the vendor estimated its value Rs. 5,500 and spent Rs. 400 on it. Later
on, this motor-car was sold for Rs. 6,400. Prepare necessary accounts in the books of both
the parties.
4.  Why are assets and liabilities revalued at the time of admission  of a new partner?  Prepare a
Revaluation Account with the help of imaginary figures.
5.  Write short notes on the following:
(a)  Pro-rata Allotment of Shares
(b)  Issue of shares at discount
(c)  Re-issue of forfeited shares
(d)  Over subscription of shares

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

NMIMS Assignments 2016 : Contact us for answers at

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course:  Customer Relationship Management
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination

Assignment Marks: 30                                              

  All Questions carry equal marks.
  All Questions are compulsory
  All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for
question  3  in  not  more  than  500  words  for  each  subsection.  Use  relevant 

illustrations as far as possible.
  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable. 
  Students  are  free  to  refer  to  any  books/reference  material/website/internet  for
attempting their assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the
source of reference. 
  Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed
Q.1) You are the Chief Marketing Officer of a Multi-brand Retail chain of outlets in India.
Recently a substantial chunk of your customers are shifting their loyalty towards a rival
retail brand. What will you do to prevent customerdefections & maintain their loyalty with
your Retail brand?  (10 Marks)
Q.2) You are the Branch manager of a Nationalised bank, namely ‘ABC bank’ & lately, it
has been reported to you that your bank branch is making the least of profits in comparison
to your competitor private sector bank branches operating in your area. What steps will
you undertake to turnaround the fortunes of yourbank branch? How will CRM help you in
this effort?  (10 Marks)

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course:  Customer Relationship Management
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination

Q.3 a) A customer has bought your branded shoes titled as “Walkathon”for 4 years & then
stops for 6 months. Over 4 years, your customer has made 16 purchases. You have earned
a profit per unit of Rs.750. What is the lifetime of the customer? Also Calculate the LTV
of the customer.  (5 marks)
Q.3 b) You are the Sales Manager of a Mobilehandset company & need to train your sales
staff about Sales Force Automation which has been recently introduced into the company.
Which aspects of application areas would you highlight in your training program?
(5 marks)

NMIMS Assignments 2016 : Contact us for answers at

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Taxation - Direct & Indirect
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
  All Questions carry equal marks.
  All Questions are compulsory
  All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words  for question 1 and 2 and for

3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples, illustrations as

far as
  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.
  Students  are  free  to  refer  to  any  books/reference  material/website/internet  for

their assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of

  Students should write the  assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from

students is not allowed
Required to –
Q.1 . Compute the net taxable income of Mr. Aditya vyas for the Assessment year 2015-16,

details required are as under :             (10 Marks)
(Amount in Rs)
1  Income from chemical manufacturing business  1000000
2  long term capital gain on transfer of debentures  600000
3  Agriculture income  82000
Following amount as Interest received on bank fixed deposit
a)  Deposit in his own name
b)  In the name of minor son Aadi
c)  In the name of minor daughter Aditi
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Taxation - Direct & Indirect
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination
5  Donation to notified charitable institution  120000
Bought forward loss of a discontinued business
pertaining to A. Y 2013-14    30000
7  Deposit in PPF a/c  175000
8  Winning from horse race (net of TDS)     70000
Q2)  Mr.  Avinash  is  a  manufacturer  of  plastic  containers,  started  his  production 

unit  a  year
back, and now wants  to shift his factory to another site. He wants to know the procedure

avail  CENVAT  Credit  on  inputs  and  provisions  related  to  transfer  of  CENVAT 

Discuss.                    (10 Marks)
Q3  a)  Mr.  Amit  owns  a  house  property  It  is  given  on  rent.  Explain  the 

concept  of  basis  of
charge under the above situation under the head Income from house property.    (5 marks)
Q3 b)  Mr. Romi is liable to deduct tax as he has entered a lot of transactions during the

liable to TDS. As a tax deductor, discuss his duties specified under the Income Tax Act.
(5 marks)

NMIMS Assignments 2016 : Contact us for answers at

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course: Strategic Financial Management
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
  All Questions carry equal marks.
  All Questions are compulsory
  All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for
question 3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples,
illustrations as far as possible.
  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.
  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting
their assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of
  Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed
1. East Co. is considering the potential acquisition ofWest Co. by exchange of equity shares and
the exchange ratio is based on the current market price.The basic data is as under:
(10 Marks)
 East Co. Ltd.  West Co. Ltd.  EAT (Rs.)  200,000  60,000
No. of Equity
Shares 40,000 10,000
Market Value per
share 15  12

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course: Strategic Financial Management
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination
Calculate the new EPS of East Co. Ltd, if the exchange ratio is based on-
a.  Current market price
b.  Current EPS   
2. An Infrastructure company has recently been awarded a sea link project. The funding has to
be external as the organization itself is not capable to provide it from its own sources. They
have decided to approach a financial institution for the same. The CEO has hence asked you
as Financial Manager to explain various stages involved in project financing  (10 Marks)
3  A) C Ltd. has been running a huge cash balance in its Balance Sheet for quite some time. The
shareholders have been concerned that the company is unable to utilize its cash effectively.
Having noted this concern during the AGM, the BOD has decided to pursue M&A activity
aggressively. As an M&A strategy consultant, you are briefly expected to discuss the
techniques of Business Valuation  (5 Marks)
3  B) During the recently concluded AGM, a small shareholder group had created a ruckus on
the amount of dividend paid by the company in last few years. They have been dissatisfied
with the amount and have been demanding higher dividends. Discuss in brief the practical
considerations that the management takes into account while deciding the various dividend
policy.  (5 Marks)

NMIMS Assignments 2016 : Contact us for answers at

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course: Strategic Cost Management
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30                                              
  All Questions carry equal marks.
  All Questions are compulsory
  All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for
question 3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples,
illustrations as far as possible.
  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.
  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting
their assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of
  Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed
Question 1 (10 Marks)
The Board of Directors of CP Ltd. is considering Investment in a project having a life of 5 years.
The project is based in an upcoming Asian country. Forecast financial data is as follows:
(Rs. Million)
Year  0  1 2 3 4 5
Fixed Assets  (500)
Capital  (50)  Revenue      
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course: Strategic Cost Management
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination
370  500  510  515  475
Costs  300  325  335  330  325
charges  15  15  15  15  15
Depreciation  100  100  100  100  100
Profit before
tax  (45)  60  60  70  35
The applicable tax rate is 33%. The company’s cost of capital is 12% and the target accounting
rate of return is 25%. The initial investment has no salvage value. The working capital is
expected to be liquidated at the end of the life at its book value.
Compute the NPV and advice the management if the investment should to be undertaken.
Question 2 (10 Marks)
During a recent Management meeting, a newly recruited cost trainee referred to ‘Cost Benefit
Analysis’. To team got excited and asked the trainee to briefly explain what are the benefits &
criticism of Cost Benefit Analysis.
You being the new cost trainee is expected to discuss what ‘Cost Benefit Analysis’ is.
Question 3
(a) The present management team of Sumo Ltd is not happy with the traditional costing
system and have asked you as a Management Accountant to evaluate Activity Based
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course: Strategic Cost Management
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination
Costing. Please run the management team through the various steps involved in Activity
Based Cost allocation. (5 Marks)
(b) A new start up is evaluating launching its product in the market. They have appointed a
consultant and are interested in understanding the concept of ‘Product Life Cycle’. You
being the lead consultant, are required to take the management team through a brief
explanation of the same.  (5 Marks)

NMIMS Assignments 2016 : Contact us for answers at

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course: Capital Market and Portfolio Management
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination

Assignment Marks: 30
•  All Questions carry equal marks.
•  All Questions are compulsory
•  All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and
for question 3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant
examples, illustrations as far as possible.
•  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.
•  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for
attempting their assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from
the source of reference.
•  Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments
from other students is not allowed
1.  The details of the portfolio are:
Portfolio Observed Return  Beta
Reliance 15%  0.6
Return on the market portfolio is 9%, while the risk-free return is 7%. Assume
standard Deviation of the market to be8%. Calculate the Treynor and Jensen’s
index.  (10 marks)
2.  The details of portfolio of Anita is:
Security  Expected Return Standard Deviation Weight
A 12%  10% .40
B 15%  12% .60

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course: Capital Market and Portfolio Management
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination

Covariance of security A and B is 0.0064. Calculate:
i.  Expected return of portfolio
ii.  Variance of the portfolio  (10 marks)
3.  Calculate:
a)  If the following information is available for stock A and B, which one is
more profitable to invest and why?     (5 marks)
Probability  Return on stock A(%)  Return on stock B(%)
0.10 10  12
0.15 8  11
0.20 12  9
0.25 15  -4
0.30 14  10
b)  Calculate the weighted average return of the securities consisting of the
following portfolio:  (5 marks)
Security  Proportion of investment in
the portfolio(%)
Return (%)
SBI 10  10
ITC 20  12
DLF 25  15
RNL 30  18
Wipro 15  11

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

NMIMS Assignments: Contact us for answers at

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Taxation - Direct & Indirect
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
  All Questions carry equal marks.
  All Questions are compulsory
  All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words  for question 1 and 2 and for question
3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples, illustrations as far as
  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.
  Students  are  free  to  refer  to  any  books/reference  material/website/internet  for  attempting
their assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of reference.
  Students should write the  assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from other
students is not allowed
Required to –
Q.1 . Compute the net taxable income of Mr. Aditya vyas for the Assessment year 2015-16, the
details required are as under :             (10 Marks)
(Amount in Rs)
1  Income from chemical manufacturing business  1000000
2  long term capital gain on transfer of debentures  600000
3  Agriculture income  82000
Following amount as Interest received on bank fixed deposit
a)  Deposit in his own name
b)  In the name of minor son Aadi
c)  In the name of minor daughter Aditi
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Taxation - Direct & Indirect
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination
5  Donation to notified charitable institution  120000
Bought forward loss of a discontinued business
pertaining to A. Y 2013-14    30000
7  Deposit in PPF a/c  175000
8  Winning from horse race (net of TDS)     70000
Q2)  Mr.  Avinash  is  a  manufacturer  of  plastic  containers,  started  his  production  unit  a  year
back, and now wants  to shift his factory to another site. He wants to know the procedure to
avail  CENVAT  Credit  on  inputs  and  provisions  related  to  transfer  of  CENVAT  Credit.
Discuss.                    (10 Marks)
Q3  a)  Mr.  Amit  owns  a  house  property  It  is  given  on  rent.  Explain  the  concept  of  basis  of
charge under the above situation under the head Income from house property.    (5 marks)
Q3 b)  Mr. Romi is liable to deduct tax as he has entered a lot of transactions during the year
liable to TDS. As a tax deductor, discuss his duties specified under the Income Tax Act.
(5 marks)

NMIMS Assignments: Contact us for answers at

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Retail Banking
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
  All Questions carry equal marks.
  All Questions are compulsory
  All  answers  to  be  explained  in  not  more  than 1000 words  for  question 1  and  2

 and  for
question  3  in  not  more  than  500  words  for  each  subsection.  Use  relevant 

illustrations as far as possible.
  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.
  Students  are  free  to  refer  to  any  books/reference  material/website/internet  for
attempting  their  assignments,  but  are  not  allowed  to  copy  the  matter  as  it  is 

from  the
source of reference.
  Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed
1.  Consider  you  are  the  branch  manager  of  ABC  Bank.  There  is  an  increase  in 

non-performing assets of your branch due to which your promotion has  got  stalled.
As  a  manager,  what  are  the  different  ways  in  which  you  will  manage  the  loan
portfolio of the branch, to decrease the default risk?         (10 Marks)
2.  A  bank  has  recently  started  its  operations  in  Surat.  You  are  appointed  as 

manager of the  bank  and  have been assigned with  the responsibility of increasing
the customer database within one year.  How would you ensure that you meet this
responsibility?                 (10 Marks)
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Retail Banking
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination
3.  Suggest suitable solution for both the scenarios mentioned below:
a)  Anita wanted to save some money for her future but she did not have lumpsum to
deposit  in  the  bank  but  instead  she  could  make  small  investments  regularly.
Suggest suitable investment policy for her.
(5 Marks)
b)  Alok  was a businessman and  had requirement of funds in the future but was not
sure  of  the  exact  time  as  well  as  the  amount  as  that  would  be  depending  on 

demand of the product in the market. As the finance manager of  Alok’s business,
suggest suitable type of borrowing from the bank.        (5 Marks)

NMIMS Assignments: Contact us for answers at

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course: Marketing of Financial Services
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination

Assignment Marks: 30                                              
  All Questions carry equal marks.
  All Questions are compulsory
  All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for
question  3  in  not  more  than  500  words  for  each  subsection.  Use  relevant 

illustrations as far as possible.
  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable. 
  Students  are  free  to  refer  to  any  books/reference  material/website/internet  for
attempting their assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the
source of reference. 
  Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed
1. You had bought a Family Floater Health Insurance policy from a leading private
General Insurance company. Two months ago a family member covered under the
policy was hospitalized for 2 days. The insurance company has not yet settled your
claim. What steps and strategy would you follow to ensure that the insurance company
settles your claim?  (10 Marks)
2. Develop a Service Marketing Mix (using 8 Ps) for a Mutual Fund (Asset Management
Company) of your choice.       (10 Marks)
3. Amit Advani, aged 35 years, working with a pharmaceutical company, has
approached you for preparing his Financial Plan. He earns salary of Rs. 12 lakh per

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course: Marketing of Financial Services
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination

annum. His wife Deepti, aged 36 years, is a homemaker. They have two sons Ansh
and Vansh, aged 6 years and 4 years respectively.
a)  Amit and Deepti want you to prepare a financial plan to invest for Ansh and
Vansh’s higher education. This education fund would be required after 15 years
and 17 years respectively.       (5 Marks)
b)  Amit wants to start a business before he crosses the age of 50. Help Amit develop
a plan to become an entrepreneur.      (5 Marks)

NMIMS Assignments: Contact us for answers at

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course: Cost and Management Accounting
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination

Assignment Marks: 30
  All Questions carry equal marks.
  All Questions are compulsory
  All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and
for question 3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant
examples, illustrations as far as possible.
  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.
  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for
attempting their assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from
the source of reference.
  Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments
from other students is not allowed
1.  From the following data, which product would you recommend to be manufactured
in a factory, time being the key factor?     (10 marks)
Particulars  Per unit of Product
Per unit of Product B
Direct material  20  16
Direct Labour @ Re. 1per hr  2  3
Variable overhead Rs.2 per hr  3  5
Selling price  90  100
Standard time to produce  2 hours  3 hours

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course: Cost and Management Accounting
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination

2.  Atul has joined XYZ Ltd as management consultant. He is given the responsibility
of providing accounting information to the management through his presentation
next week. Help him with the different tools and techniques he needs to focus.
(10 marks)
3.  To manufacture one unit of product, the requirement is 2 Kgs of material @ Rs.4
per Kg. Actual output is 300 units. Actual quantity of materials used is 700 kgs
@Rs.3.25. Calculate and interpret the result:
a)  Material cost variance  (5 marks)
b)  Material price variance  (5 marks)

NMIMS Assignments: Contact us for answers at

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course: Corporate Finance
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination

Assignment Marks: 30                                              

  All Questions carry equal marks.
  All Questions are compulsory
  All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for

3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples, illustrations as

far as
  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable. 
  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for

their assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of

  Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from

students is not allowed
1.  You being the financial manager of Ashok Pharma Ltd. The top management asks you
to present the performance budget. Prepare and discuss the key constituents of the
performance budget of the firm.       (10 marks)
2.  Mr.Yammin wants to start with a chain of restaurants. But, he does not have sufficient
funds. One of his friends suggested, raising capital by way of venture financing.
Keeping in mind the scenario as discussed, suggest the methods of venture capital
financing prevalent in India.  (10 marks)
3.  Tanna Developers , a leading real estate entity, is thinking about investing in a piece

land that costs Rs 85lacs, as the developer is very sure that next year the land will have
a value of Rs91 Lacs. The owner of the Tanna Developers approached Mr. Mihir

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course: Corporate Finance
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination

Verma, a renowned financial analyst and requests him to advice on the same .Provided
the interest rate in the bank is 10%.
a.  Evaluate the proposal, as if, you are the financial analyst and recommend the
course of action to be taken by the developer.   (5 marks)
b.  Also, Calculate the NPV of the proposal.    (5 marks)

NMIMS Assignments: Contact us for answers at

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Commercial Banking System and Role of RBI
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
  All Questions carry equal marks.
  All Questions are compulsory
  All  answers  to  be  explained  in  not  more  than 1000 words  for  question 1  and  2

 and  for
question  3  in  not  more  than  500  words  for  each  subsection.  Use  relevant 

illustrations as far as possible.
  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.
  Students  are  free  to  refer  to  any  books/reference  material/website/internet  for
attempting  their  assignments,  but  are  not  allowed  to  copy  the  matter  as  it  is 

from  the
source of reference.
  Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed
Q1. Ajay is elder brother of Vijay working at Hyderabad. Vijay staying at Kolkata wanted
Rs 20000/ urgently and requested his brother to send money. Ajay took DD for Rs 20000
from ICICI bank Hyderabad and sent the same by post to Vijay.
Vijay’s roommate Vijaykumar received the post, took the DD and deposited the same in
his account with CBI Kolkata. He withdrew the money and left the place.
When Vijay complained to his brother about the non receipt of DD, Ajay enquired with
ICICI bank and found that the DD has already been paid.
Discuss whose negligence resulted in this wrong payment and how Vijay will get back the
money.                    (10 Marks)
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Commercial Banking System and Role of RBI
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination
Q2:  Bankruptcy Bill passed, and banking stocks give thumbs up –Discuss  (10 Marks)
Q3a)  Mrs  Rani has presented a matured fixed deposit for payment. The receipt is in the
name of  Mrs.Rani. The bank did not make payment of the amount .On enquiry the bank
told that the husband of Mrs  Rani has taken a loan. They have retained the FDR proceeds
as security for that loan. Whether the banker is right in doing so? Please comment from the
angle of banker’s rights.               (5 marks)
Q3b)  In an organisation , the following figures are available.     (5 marks)
Trade debtors    80000
Trade creditors 50000
Average daily purchases    1000
Average daily sales    2000
Opening stock      Rs 16000.00
Purchase     Rs 1,10,000.00
Sales    Rs 1,44,000.00
Closing stock    Rs 8000.00
Q1. Calculate the Inventory turnover ratio?
Q2. Average credit enjoyed is-----------------days
Q3. Average credit allowed is ------------------days.

Monday, 1 August 2016

NMIMS asignments 2016: contact us for answers at

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course:   Export Import Procedures & Documentation
Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination

Assignment Marks: 30                                              
  All Questions carry equal marks.
  All Questions are compulsory
  All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for
question  3  in  not  more  than  500  words  for  each  subsection.  Use  relevant  examples,
illustrations as far as possible.
  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable. 
  Students  are  free  to  refer  to  any  books/reference  material/website/internet  for
attempting their assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the
source of reference. 
  Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed
1.  An importer has imported Jewelry box madeof plastics. The CIF is Rs. 1,00,000
Add 1% to this to arrive at the landed cost. Please find out the chapter
classification, rate of total duty and the duty amount to bepaid to the customs to
clear this consignment.        (Marks 10)
2.  An importer has imported one consignment on FOB basis and the value of the
consignment is Rs. 10,00,000.00. He has forgotten to cover the insurance and also
did not have any freight certificate to prove the freight paid by him. In absence of
insurance and freight certificate how customs will arrive at the CIF value? Please
explain the charges that may be added by the customs to arrive at CIF value.
(Marks 10)

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course:   Export Import Procedures & Documentation
Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination

3.  Please inform the following based on the Customs Tariff & Central excise tariff
a.  There are how many sections in Customs Tariff and Central Excise tariff for
Imports  (5 Marks)
b.  There are how many chapters in Customs tariff and Central Excise tariff and
how many are blank for Imports.     (5 Marks)

NMIMS Assignment: 2016: contact us for answers at

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course:   Customs Shipping and Insurance
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination

Assignment Marks: 30        
  All Questions carry equal marks.
  All Questions are compulsory
  All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for
question  3  in  not  more  than  500  words  for  each  subsection.  Use  relevant 

illustrations as far as possible.
  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable. 
  Students  are  free  to  refer  to  any  books/reference  material/website/internet  for
attempting their assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the
source of reference. 
  Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed
1.  You intend to export one consignment in a 40’ container to Singapore. Your
company wants to save money on freight. What process will you adopt to export
this to complete the export?  (10 Marks)
2.  There are 3 clauses to cover the cargo insurance. You have been asked to cover the
cargo for one year to be sent by sea.  Please suggest the correct clause to your
company with the reasons for such decision.    (10 Marks)

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA‐SCE)
Course:   Customs Shipping and Insurance
Internal Assignment Applicable for September 2016 Examination

3.  Your company plan to export multiple products to one buyer. They are very
sensitive products and damage prone also. It consists of 1500 assorted types of
a.  How do you propose to export this?   (Marks 5)
b.  What option will you take i.e. factory staff or dock stuff?  (Marks 5)