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Wednesday, 7 September 2016

NMIMS Assignments: Contact us for answers at

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Consumer Behaviour
Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2015 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
?  All Questions carry equal marks.
?  All Questions are compulsory
?  Answers to  each assignment question to be explained in approximately 1500 words. Use
relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
?  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not permissible.
?  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting
their  assignments,  but  are  not  allowed  to  copy  the  matter  as  it  is  from  the  source  of
?  Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed.
Q 1: Suppose you are Marketing Manager (priority banking) in a bank. How  will  you consider
the behavior of consumer while deciding on the Marketing Mix for priority  customers?    Explain
all Marketing Mix Decisions taken by you on the basis of Consumer Behavior Research.
Q 2: As a Marketing Manager of organized Retail  Chain, how  you will decide about Marketing
Mix for Rural Customers? Answer on the basis of Consumer Behavior study.
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course:  Cost and Management Accounting
Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2015 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
?  All Questions carry equal marks.
?  All Questions are compulsory
?  Answers  to  each  assignment  question  to  be  explained  in  approximately  1500  words.  Use
relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
?  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not permissible.
?  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting their
assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of reference.
?  Students should write the assignment  in their own words. Copying of assignments from other
students is not allowed.
Q1] Mr. Tilak established a factory for manufacturing chairs. But he does not know much about Cost
accounting. Also, he doesn’t know the importance of Cost accounting. Discuss, about Cost Accounting
and its Significance. Also explains how Cost Accounting is different than Financial Accounting?
Q2] A company had incurred fixed expenses of Rs. 450,000 with sales of Rs. 15,00,000/- and earned a
profit of Rs. 300,000/- during first half of year. In the second half, it suffered a loss of Rs. 150,000.
1)  The Profit-volume ratio, break-even point and Margin of Safety for the first half of year.
2)  Expected sales volume for the second half year assuming seeping price & fixed cost remained
unchanged in second half of year.
3)  The BEP (Break-even point) and MOS (Margin of Safety) for whole of year.
PS : Draw Necessary Graphs and Write Necessary Formulas wherever applicable.
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course:  Introduction to Retail
Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2015 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
?  All Questions carry equal marks.
?  All Questions are compulsory
?  Answers to  each assignment question to be explained in approximately 1500 words. Use
relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
?  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not permissible.
?  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting
their  assignments,  but  are  not  allowed  to  copy  the  matter  as  it  is  from  the  source  of
?  Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed.
Q  1:  Explain  Marketing  mix  of  your  choice  of  an  E  Retail  Company,  critically  analyze  this
company and suggest how they can improve in terms of their marketing mix.
Q 2: Analyze  Marketing mix of your choice of  an  organized Retail Company dealing in rural
area. Suggest untapped market for this company.
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course:  Merchandising Management
Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2015 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
?  All Questions carry equal marks.
?  All Questions are compulsory
?  Answers to  each assignment question to be explained in approximately 1500 words. Use
relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
?  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not permissible.
?  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting
their  assignments,  but  are  not  allowed  to  copy  the  matter  as  it  is  from  the  source  of
?  Students should write the assignment in their  own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed.
You have just started a retail store “Electro Mania” which sells all types of Electronic items that
include Television, Refrigerator, Microwave oven, Mobile, Water Filters, Washing Machine etc.
1.  Prepare a detailed visual merchandise strategy for your store. You can build your strategy
as per the points mentioned below:           
a.  Interior and Exterior Design
b.  Signs and Entrances
c.  Marquees
d.  Colour Presentation
e.  Styling
f.  Display calendar
g.  Mannequin
h.  Lighting
i.  Shelf management
j.  Props      (10 Marks)
2.  Your store  “Electro Mania”  has a huge window which faces the market. How will you
plan  your window display  for different times of the  year? Select any  five festivals and
suggest the window display during that time.        (10 Marks)
3.  Your store plans to launch its own manufactured Electro mania washing machine. How
will  you  place  the  product  in  the  store  to  increase  sales  of  product?  What  are  the
challenges that you will face while selling the private label of Washing Machines?
(10 Marks)
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course:  Retail Store Design and Location
Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2015 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
?  All Questions carry equal marks.
?  All Questions are compulsory
?  Answers to  each assignment question to be explained in approximately 1500 words. Use
relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
?  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not permissible.
?  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting
their  assignments,  but  are  not  allowed  to  copy  the  matter  as  it  is  from  the  source  of
?  Students should write the assignment  in their own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed.
Q1.  Assume you are the owner of a shopping mall “Live it Now” and it  deals with the following
kind of product categories:
a)  Electronic Appliances
b)  Apparels
c)  Jewelry
d)  Toiletries
e)  Cosmetics
f)  Footwear
g)  Sportswear
h)  Toys
i)  Books
j)  3 Restaurants
k)  Music Devices and Accessories etc
a)  The  shopping mall is currently located opposite Phoenix Mill at Kurla,  in Mumbai. You
plan to open the  second  store in a new city, which location you will decide to open the
store? Give specific location [Example: Churchgate  (West) in Mumbai] and explain the
same with at least 10 reason to choose such a location?       (10 Marks)
b)  Design the layout of the new Shopping Mall “Live it Now –  2”. It’s a two  floor mall and
you are required to provide the layout for all the three floors (Ground + 2).  
(10 Marks)
c)  Explain  the  operation  of  your  shopping  Mall  with  reference  to  the  following  points
mentioned below:            (10 Marks)
i.  Mall Environment
ii.  In mall Entertainment
iii.  Security
iv.  In mall Festive celebrations
v.  Emergency planning in event of fire
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Sales Management
Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2015 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
?  All Questions carry equal marks.
?  All Questions are compulsory
?  Answers to  each assignment question to be explained in approximately 1500 words. Use
relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
?  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not permissible.
?  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting
their  assignments,  but  are  not  allowed  to  copy  the  matter  as  it  is  from  the  source  of
?  Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed.
1.  Suppose  you  are  Sales  Manager  (priority  banking)  in  a  Bank  which  deals  with  key
account holders explain how you will?
a.  Recruit sales force
b.  Prepare the Job Description and Specification
c.  Design training program for them.      (Marks 15)
2.  Suppose  you  are  Sales  Manager  in  life  insurance  Company,  managing  team  of  fifteen
sales  executives.  How  you  will  use  sales  force  automation  to  improve  efficiency  and
effectiveness of sales operation?   (Marks 15)

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