Sampling Methods and Techniques
Assignment Code: 2016DRM01A1 Last Date of Submission: 26th May 2016
Maximum Marks 100
Section – A (Each question is of 25 marks)
Q1. a) Why is it important to understand the concept of Central Tendency, Dispersion, Skewness and Kurtosis of any distribution.
b) In any population if the variation of the dependent variable is not constant for each of the values of the independent variable, then how does this affect the process of taking a sample.
Q2. Explain what is meant by Sampling and Non sampling Errors. What are the different sources of Non Sampling Errors?
Section-B (50 Marks)
Case Study
Q1. Is the educational achievement level of students related to how much the state in which they reside spends on education? This is one important questions raised by policy makers while allocating money towards education. In order to study the same data was collected among 35 states of a well developed economy on the expenditure (spending) per student (in thousands) and the composite score (score) for the average student recorded. The summary of the data obtained is as follows:
∑ spending = 1774.09 ; ∑ score = 2209.10 ; ∑(spending)2 = 93933.25
∑ (score)2 = 139690.61 ; ∑ (spending x score) = 112322.20 ;
∑ (spending-mean spending)2 = 4007.67 ; ∑ (score-mean score)2 = 258.53
The regression output obtained was as follows:
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson
1 ** ** ** ** .286
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression ** ** ** ** .045(a)
Residual 228.54 ** **
Total ** **
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) ** 2.1535 27.273 .000
Independent variable ** ** .341 ** .045
Case Questions:
a) Identify the dependent and independent variables.
b) Fill up the blanks marked as (**) in the different tables given above.
Sampling Methods and Techniques
Assignment Code: 2016DRM01A1 Last Date of Submission: 26th May 2016
Maximum Marks 100
Section – A (Each question is of 25 marks)
Q1. a) Why is it important to understand the concept of Central Tendency, Dispersion, Skewness and Kurtosis of any distribution.
b) In any population if the variation of the dependent variable is not constant for each of the values of the independent variable, then how does this affect the process of taking a sample.
Q2. Explain what is meant by Sampling and Non sampling Errors. What are the different sources of Non Sampling Errors?
Section-B (50 Marks)
Case Study
Q1. Is the educational achievement level of students related to how much the state in which they reside spends on education? This is one important questions raised by policy makers while allocating money towards education. In order to study the same data was collected among 35 states of a well developed economy on the expenditure (spending) per student (in thousands) and the composite score (score) for the average student recorded. The summary of the data obtained is as follows:
∑ spending = 1774.09 ; ∑ score = 2209.10 ; ∑(spending)2 = 93933.25
∑ (score)2 = 139690.61 ; ∑ (spending x score) = 112322.20 ;
∑ (spending-mean spending)2 = 4007.67 ; ∑ (score-mean score)2 = 258.53
The regression output obtained was as follows:
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson
1 ** ** ** ** .286
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression ** ** ** ** .045(a)
Residual 228.54 ** **
Total ** **
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) ** 2.1535 27.273 .000
Independent variable ** ** .341 ** .045
Case Questions:
a) Identify the dependent and independent variables.
b) Fill up the blanks marked as (**) in the different tables given above.
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