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Sunday, 18 September 2016

AIMA Assignments: contact us for answers at


                                                  Supply Chain Management

(For CNM Cases)
                                                                   Assignment - I
  Assignment Code: 2016ITM346A1                           Last Date of Submission: 30th April 2016
                                                                                       Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
1          Distinguish between third party and fourth party logistics. Give examples of each while                               understanding their differences.
2          What are different costs involved in inventory control?
3          In supply chain management forecasting plays important role. Describe various forecasting                       methods.
4          What is logistics Management? Describe its various elements.
                                                                                    CASE STUDY

Toyota car company of Japan is known for its innovative ideas and techniques. After the World War –II, it started competing with General Motors & Ford Motors & become No.1 Company in car sales. Study the Case History of Toyota Car Company & describe how it achieved No.1 position in Automobiles.


                                                  Supply Chain Management

(For CNM Cases)
                                                                   Assignment - II
  Assignment Code: 2016ITM346A2                           Last Date of Submission: 30th April 2016
                                                                                       Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
1          Discuss some information technology based approaches that are well suited for the          enhancement of supply chain management.
2          What is the role of safety inventory in the supply chain? Explain how a reduction in lead time can             help a supply chain reduce safety inventory without hurting product availability. Show the same           mathematically.
3          Discuss the different metrics that are used to measure Supply Chain Performance.
4          Discuss the different criteria that are used to select and evaluate a vendor.
Case Study on Warehouse Efficiency

Personal Care Limited (PCL) is a large and premier FMCG company In India with a turnover of about Rs 2000 crore. It has 85 productions plants spread over the whole country, producing about 1200 products ranging from personal care to household goods.
The company has four of its own mother warehouses situated in the four zones of north, south, east and west that receive products from almost all the plants on a regular and consignment basis in containers by road. These warehouses are responsible for taking care  of stocks, order placement for next arrivals, loading and unloading, protective storage, stock recording, apart from order processing and trans-shipment of goods to C&F agents of respective zones, who number around 150 per warehouse.
After receiving goods from various plants, these are first entered into the computer for inventory recording purposes. Suitable storage location spaces are then assigned after taking into consideration the quantity to be stored, the physical  dimensions characteristics of items, frequency of flow  and availability of space, which is quite variable and flexible. For storage of goods, flexible raking system is used so that the size of a rack’s space can be changed as per the size of the product’s package. Furthermore, racking is back-to-back in pallet blocks which are 5 storeyed  and in one block, there are about 400 back-to-back racks.
In certain areas, for selected heavy weight and bulky items, 50 selectors drive forklift trucks and in the remaining areas, as many as 350 selectors pick the goods manually and use hand trolley. Selectors are normally less educated but highly experienced, and have well-defined areas of selection.
With this existing system, there have been a lot of practical problems, such as under-utilization of space; traffic congestion in aisles between the racks as one selector, blocks another’s progress while he is picking items from a location, wrong assortment, difficult to track goods, difficult to fill  one single order  as it contains a variety of items, etc. Furthermore, a trucker is required to collect items from different places of the warehouse complex to make up the order. Frequently, they have to wait for a full load. Then , the driver has to collect challan and other required papers. Normally, this whole process takes seven to ten days, subject to ready availability  of the goods in the  stock. In the case of stock-out items, it may go anywhere  in between 15 to 30 days. That is why, replenishment cycle time for nearby C&F agents is about 15 days and for others, it comes around 3 weeks. Due to a gradual increase in the quantum of competition and increasing customer expectations, along with increasing  awareness about the overwhelming contribution of L&SCM in cost reduction and service improvement, the top management of PCL have appointed highly qualified and experienced professionals at al four warehouses with the following objective:
·         To improve the efficiency of the warehouses;
·         To reduce the replenishment cycle time by 25 per cent;
·         To reduce the total logistical costs by 10 per cent;
·         To have transparency in dispatch of premium products.

Mr. A.K. Sinha, who joined the north zone warehouse as chief warehouse manager, has had a very successful career of 25 years. He wants to redefine the whole operating system.

Case Questions:
1.            How Should Mr.Sinha approach this problem?
2.            Develop a strategy to overcome the problem and fulfill the redefined objectives of the firm?
3.            What changes would be recommended for the implementation of the new strategy?
4.            Suggest measures for evaluation of performance of the warehouses.

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