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Monday, 12 September 2016

AIMA Assignments: contact us for answers at

    Innovation & Technology Management
    Assignment – I
Assignment Code: 2016DITM01A1                         Last Date of Submission: 26th May 2016
                                                                                       Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
    Section-A (50 marks)  
1.    What do you mean by diffusion of technology? Discuss the important activities for diffusion.                                    (25 Marks)
2.    2. How do market consderations affect product life cycles and innovations ? How can designers help in improving the competitte abilities of the organisation ?    (25 Marks)
                                                         Section-B (50 marks)
Case Study
E-Trade Inc. should be gone-just like e Toys, e Auto and everything company founded on belief that prefix e exempted it from all rules of business. So why is e trade not only still alive but posted its largest profit ever. During past five years, e trade has moved beyond a mere online brokerage to become nations 62nd largest bank with $17 billion in assets and more than 500,000 accounts. Banking revenues which last year topped $457 million, 35 per cent of companys total has provided a life-saving cushion. Launched in July 2000, the Commercial Electronics Office is a one stop shop on the web for corporate banking needs, ranging from foreign exchange loan servicing to quarter billion dollar wire transfers. The C.E.O. turned profitable in April 2002, but the real payoff came during next 12 months. As other big banks suffered along with recession wrecked corporate customers, Wells Fargos Internet based revenues grew 25 per cent. Where do profits come from? Essentially from nets ability to deepen client relationships. "We found that the longer the customers has been online", says Deny Peltz who now runs the wholesale internet group that Ellis established, "the more our products he is likely to have". The webs success at cross selling makes sense: Regular web users are exposed to all of Well Fargos banking products when they log on, and the banks sale force emphasizes that if customers sign for new services, they can access them through familiar interface. Like many forays there were some mistakes. For example, Ellis and team originally assumed that C.E.O. needed to be a destination site or portal. But Wells quickly learned that clients didnt care about financial news feeds of e procurement of business supplies. So Ellis and Peltz focus on what customer did want: convenience, instantaneous account information, and most of all, industrial strength security and access controls. Ellis, now executive V.P. for wholesale services, downplays C.E.O.s role in Wells Fargos corporate banking success. The web is just one of the doors the bank opens to customers he says modestly. But Kovcevich brushes that aside, "I dont think our customers could live without the internet", he says.
i)     What lessons in business strategy can be applied to development of e commerce channels of other companies from experience of e trade?
ii)     What is business value of C.E.O. online wholesale banking portal to Wells Fargo?
iii)     What can other companies learn from success and mistakes of Wells Fargo e commerce system?

    Innovation & Technology Management
    Assignment – II
Assignment Code: 2016DITM01A2                         Last Date of Submission: 26th May 2016
                                                                                       Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
    Section-A (50 marks)  
1.     Explain the role of technology and technology management in the overall business strategies of a firm: How does technology affect the business plan of a company? Give examples.                                          (25 Marks)
2.    What are the factors to be considered in developing technology strategies and R&D management?                                          (25 Marks)

Section B (50Marks)                   
Case Study
Description of Company
Senselect Ltd was founded in the United Kingdom by John Topping in 2000.  The company was formed to develop innovative and secure biometric access control systems - Senselect technology. Rather than use a single biometric characteristic (like a single fingerprint), Senselect technology uses biometric sequences (like a finger sequence) to provide secure, easy to use systems which replace conventional passwords and PINs.
Senselect technology can be applied to a wide range of equipment from terminals like ATM’s, retail Point of Sale terminals, computer systems, mobile phones, building access mechanisms and electronic equipment. Senselect technology simplifies system access whilst both increasing the speed of access and improving system security. Privacy issues are also addressed as a user can change their biometric sequence and thereby control the use of their stored biometric templates.
Senselect supports large scale government, financial and commercial biometric projects and is currently the only technology available to incorporate sequential biometrics. In addition, Senselect technology ensures accurate and high speed matching of an individual's identity in large scale biometric installations like the UK ID Card project or cross-border access control.

Intellectual Property
Senselect owns UK and USA biometric patents. A core technology patent, GB2342749 was published by the UK Patent Office in November 2000 and a complementary USA Patent was granted to the company in November 2003. The original patent is also in an advanced stage of completion within the European Union. Additional patents have now been lodged with the UK and European Patent Office to create a patent portfolio around the original UK core technology patent. The intention is to take these additional patents forward into USA and into individual European Country patents.
The company also registered and were granted three trademarks – Senselect (also the company name), BioSentric and Sign-Gate.  All are registered Trademarks of Senselect Ltd.
Issues - Patents as Assets
The direct cost to the company of obtaining the patents was in the region of £25,000.  Additional costs such as travel would have to be added to this.  Costs were kept low because the company staff did as much of the work on the patents themselves.  Now that biometrics is emerging as a very hot topic, the asset value of these patents to the business runs into millions (most recent valuation is £2.7 million).  This in itself is a very healthy return on investment (ROI) over the four years of the company. 
Finally, in addition to demonstrating the importance of protecting IPR in a situation of high business potential,  the whole exercise has helped us to understand our business better – and that of our competitor s.
Q1. As a guide, how you evaluate  the value of the patents to  Senselect ?Do they justify the time and  money   spent  on acquiring them.?What are the intangible benefits of IPR.
Q2 “Patents are key assets because they underpin the company’s business potential and future development. “.Considering the case explain the statement.

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