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NMIMS Assignments: Contact us for answers at

NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Business Communication and Etiquette
Internal Assignment Applicable for December, 2015 Examination
Assignment Marks : 30  
?  All Questions carry equal marks.
?  All Questions are compulsory
?  Answers to each assignment question to be explained in approximately 1500 words. Use
relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
?  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not permissible.
?  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting
their  assignments,  but  are  not  allowed  to  copy  the  matter  as  it  is  from  the  source  of
?  Students should write  the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed.
Q.1  Answer the following questions.             (10 Marks)
a. Explain the causes of miscommunication at organizational levels.
b. Discuss the concept of AIDA.
Q.2  Write detailed answers for the following questions.       (10 Marks)
a.  What  are  the  elements  of  persuasive  messages?  Please  write  the  three-step  writing
process for persuasive messages.
b.  Define an Oral Report. What are the characteristics of effective Oral Reports?
Q.3  Read the case study carefully and answer the questions.       (10 Marks)
Facts:  -  A company in retail segment. The company is currently holding 12 shops in the state
with  a  staff  of  350  on  all  the  levels.  The  current  turnover  of  the  company  is  700  crores.  The
company is planning to add 6 more shops by the end of financial year out of which 3 are opened
recently. The company has shifted some of the current staff at the new locations, yet few of the
shop  managerial  staff  has  been  acquired  anew  from  the  competitor  companies  and  have  been
appointed at the older as well as newer locations.
1.  There is a general feeling of dissatisfaction and stress in the staff.
2.  The Branch Managers are escalating day to day issues to the senior management instead
of handling them at their own level.
Please analyze and write the causes for the above problems.
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Business Economics
Internal Assignment Applicable for December, 2015 Examination
Assignment Marks : 30  
?  All Questions carry equal marks.
?  All Questions are compulsory
?  Answers to each assignment question to be explained in approximately 1500 words. Use
relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
?  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not permissible.
?  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting
their  assignments,  but  are  not  allowed  to  copy  the  matter  as  it  is  from  the  source  of
?  Students should write the assignment in  their own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed.
1.     There is a fruit seller who has 30 Kgs of apples to be sold and he wants to fix a price so that
all the apples are sold. There are three customers in the market and their individual demand
functions are given below:
Where D is the demand and P is the price
Determine :
?  Market demand equation for the fruit seller        (2.5 marks)
?  Price at which he can sell all the apples        (2.5 marks)
?  Individual demands of each of the three customers      (5 marks)
2.  a)  Determine the market equilibrium price if the demand and supply function is given as:
D = 12p + 8
S = 14p – 4                (5 marks)
Where D= demand
p= price
b)  Determine the equilibrium quantity if price is the same as above
D = 4p – 4q
S = 8q – 4p                (5 marks)
Where D= demand
p= price
q= quantity
3.  a) Suppose the monthly income of an individual increases from Rs 20,000 to Rs 25,000
which increases his demand for clothes from 40 units to 60 units. Calculate the income
elasticity of demand.                (5 marks)
b) Quantity demanded for tea has increased from 300 to 400 units with an increase in the
price of the coffee powder from Rs 25 to Rs 35. Calculate the cross elasticity of demand
between tea and coffee.              (5 marks)
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Corporate Social Responsibility
Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2015 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
?  All Questions carry equal marks.
?  All Questions are compulsory
?  Answers to  each assignment question to be explained in approximately 1500 words. Use
relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
?  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not permissible.
?  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting
their  assignments,  but  are  not  allowed  to  copy  the  matter  as  it  is  from  the  source  of
?  Students should write the assignment in  their own words. Copying of assignments from
other students is not allowed.
CSR Case Study: Godrej Industries
Given below are some of the CSR practices of Godrej.
Green Business Centre: Spearheading the Green Revolution
Godrej  and  the  Confederation  of  Indian  Industry  in  partnership  with  the  Andhra  Pradesh
Government  conceived  the  CII-Sohrabji  Godrej  Green  Business  Center.  The  Green  Business
Centre is the first building in the world to receive the Platinum LEED award, making it one of
the most environmentally advanced buildings in the world.
The  Green  Building  is  a  symbol  of  Environmental  Sustainability.  For  Environmental
Sustainability, one has to adapt a holistic approach whilst constructing a building and also ensure
that  this  approach  is  integrated  in  its  subsequent  operation.  Also,  of  optimum  importance  is
Safety during Construction and post Occupancy. A Green building and a conventional building
would  visually  not  look  very  different,  but  the  difference  really  lies  in  the  design,  the
construction and operational aspects.
A Green Building keeps Environmental concerns in focus in several areas – such as selection of
site for the building, selection and usage of materials, architectural features, efficiencies in water
and energy management (including  energy efficiency of equipment  in the building), indoor air
quality and occupant thermal comfort.
The  Soonabai  Pirojsha  Godrej  Foundation  supports  the  largest  privately  managed  belt  of
Mangroves  in  Mumbai.  This  is  the  first  such  mangrove  area  in  Ind ia  to  formally  adopt
ISO14001 standards for Environment Management Systems. The vast tract of unique mangrove
forests conserved and protected by Godrej in Vikhroli, demonstrates how industry  and nature
could well exist in harmony with each other. These Mangroves serve as the second lung of the
city only after Sanjay Gandhi National Park.
The mangrove flora of Pirojshanagar is well diversified. There are 13 species of mangroves and
mangrove associates. The faunal composition – with 206 species of birds, 30 species of reptiles,
13 species of crabs, 7 species of prawns and 20 species of fish identified so far in the area  -  is
equally diverse. Mammals like jackals and mongoose have also been spotted many a times.
The  Soonabai  Pirojsha  Godrej  Marine  Ecology  Centre  (SPGMEC)  was  formally  inaugurated
and set up under the leadership of the late ornithologist Dr. Salim Ali. SPGMEC is engaged in
conservation  of  the  marine  diversity  (mangrove  ecosystem)  through  research,
education/awareness  building  and  regular  monitoring.  Simultaneously,  the  centre  propagates
various  species  of  mangroves,  developing  theme  parks  on  medicinal  plants  and  rare  endemic
plant  species,  palms  amongst  others.  Every  year,  around  10,000  visitors  learn  about  biodiversity  in  mangroves,  its  importance  and  threats  for  its  survival  through  nature  trails,  slide
shows, film shows, awareness campaigns, visits to Mangrove Interpretation Centre and articles
in newsletters.
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
The  Godrej  Group  has  been  associated  with  India’s  largest  conservation  NGO,  WWF-India,
starting  with  the  late  Mr.  S.  P.  Godrej,  who  was  its  founder  Trustee  and  President  to  Mr.
Jamshyd Godrej who is currently the President of WWF-India and the Vice President of WWFInternational. WWF-India began as a modest, wildlife conservation organisation. Over the years,
the perspective has broadened to encompass conservation of habitats and ecosystems and to lend
support  to  the  management  of  the  country’s  protected  area  network.  Godrej’s  commitment  to
global conservation is reflected in their continued association with WWF. 
The  WWF-India  Secretariat  is  housed  at  the  Pirojsha  Godrej  National  Conservation  Center
(PGNCC) in New Delhi. The PGNCC was inaugurated on November 3, 1989 by then President
of  India  Mr.  R.  Venkatraman,  in  the  presence  of  the  President  of  WWF-International,  Prince
Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh.
Nature  has  blessed  our  country  so  richly.  Yet,  instead  of  being  trustees  of  Nature,  we  have
degraded our land to lower depths than many less fortunate countries. We have been associated
with TRAFFIC-India (Trade Record Analysis of Flora and Fauna in Commerce), a division of
WWF-India, which is responsible for monitoring and studying legal and illegal trade in wildlife
and its derivatives, thus contributing to  the enforcement aspects of bio-diversity conservation.
Our contributions to the cause received a boost, when the late Chairman, Mr. S. P. Godrej was
conferred with the WWF 25th Anniversary Benefactor "White Pelican" Award.
Trees and Afforestation
It has been  Godrej’s  endeavor  to protect our forests and propagate greenery. The Godrej name
has always associated with Trees. The late Mr. S. P. Godrej had been the Vice-President of the
National Society of the Friends of Trees and Mrs. Pheroza Godrej is its current President. For
the past many years a well-stocked Tree Bank is maintained at Pirojshanagar and saplings are
generously distributed, free of cost to voluntary organisations engaged in afforestation work.
Q1) If you would be the CEO of Godrej Industries,  which other additional CSR activities you
would  have  undertaken  that  would  have  aligned  well  with  the  current  CSR  activities  and
company’s line of business?   (10 Marks)
Q2)  Select  any  listed  Indian  or  International  Public  Limited  Company  and  classify  its  CSR
activities on triple bottom line approach basis ie People Planet and Profit.   (10 Marks)
Q3) “It is governments job to do CSR activities and corporate should focus their attention on
Profit” and “CSR is a lip service and doesn’t help many”
– Explain your viewpoint on both the statements.   (10 Marks)
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course:  Information Systems for Managers
Internal Assignment Applicable for December, 2015 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
?  All Questions carry equal marks.
?  All Questions are compulsory
?  Answers  to  each  assignment  question  to  be  explained  in  approximately  1500  words.  Use  relevant
examples, illustrations as far as possible.
?  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work are not permissible.
?  Students  are  free  to  refer  to  any  books/reference  material/website/internet  for  attempting  their
assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of reference.
?  Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from other students
is not allowed.
Q 1)  What  are the business benefits of analyzing customer purchase data and constructing behavioral
profiles? How do information systems help to achieve this? Explain with three examples how customer
relationship management has helped organizations gain competitive advantage.
Q 2)  How  can Business Intelligence help companies refine their business strategy?  Give two  examples
to illustrate your answer.  Elaborate on the importance of  understanding  how a business process works
when trying to develop a new information system. Give two examples to support your answer.
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course:  Management Theory and Practice
Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2015 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
1.  All Questions carry equal marks.
2.  All Questions are compulsory
3.  Answers  to  each  assignment  question  to  be  explained  in  approximately  1500  words.  Use
relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
4.  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not permissible.
5.  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting their
assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of reference.
6.  Students should write the assignment in  their own words. Copying of assignments from other
students is not allowed.
1.  Explain the various types of organizational structures mentioned below with an industry
example of each.            (15 marks)
a)  Matrix
b)  Functional
c)  Divisional
2.  Recall  an  important  decision  (for  example,  selecting  a  specific  discipline  as  a  career)
that you took and describe the same in terms of the steps you followed and the factors
that affected it.       (15 marks)
NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course:  Organisational Behaviour
Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2015 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
?  All Questions carry equal marks.
?  All Questions are compulsory
?  Answers  to  each  assignment  question  to  be  explained  in  approximately  1500  words.  Use
relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
?  All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not permissible.
?  Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting their
assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of reference.
?  Students should write the assignment in their  own words. Copying of assignments from other
students is not allowed.
1.  Which content theory of Motivation you consider the most suitable in present business scenario
and why?
2.  As a Manager how you will use organization behavior in practice in your organization for:
a.  Developing Employee Skills
b.  Job Satisfaction
c.  Managing Diverse Workforce

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