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Wednesday, 22 March 2017

ISBM Assignments: Contact us for solutions at

Business Planning and Policy-ISBM



1.              Maximum marks : 80 Marks

2.              Attempt any 8 questions

3.              Illustrate with examples wherever applicable

Ql) XYZ Ltd. Wishes to adopt the cost-leadership business strategy for one of its SBUs. How should it ensure operational effectiveness in terms of productivity, processes, people and pace? If, after 1 year, the company wishes to change over to a differentiation business strategy, identify the changes it should bring in its approach to attain operational effectiveness.

Q2) Take an example of any service institution of your choice (example: hospital) and suggest how operational control will work in such an institution

Q3) Discuss the importance of strategic changes for the following organizational systems (a) Information, (b) Control, (c) Appraisal, (d) Motivation, (e) Development and (f) Planning

Q4) Take an example of an Indian company. What steps should it undertake for resource allocation for implementing its strategies? What difficulties could be expected while doing so and how can they be dealt with?

Q5) In what way is the concept of life cycle and SWOT analysis helpful in making strategic choice at the business level?

Q6) Explain why business policy is a capstone, integrative course. How can an understanding of business policy help in a career choice?

Q7) Explain the meaning of strategic management in your own words. Identify the roles that CEOs play in strategic management.

Q8)  Describe the essential characteristics of a mission statement. In what different ways can a mission statement be formulated?

Q9)  Explain the technique of 'balanced scorecard'.


Q9)  Explain the term 'corporate restructuring'.

Q10) Explain the following terms:

1)      Cost leadership

2)  Differentiation

3)      Focus





Ql): Imagine that you are in-charge of a major chemical plant, manufacturing points. At present, the general awareness about the mandatory requirements for chemical industry is very low. Even if the compliance record is maintained, it is not disclosed to all employees.

In a recent seminar of the company, many experts from industry associations like Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), conducted the seminar. The dangers of non-compliance of ISO 14001 EMS certification and Trade Sanctions, which are likely to increase, were discussed. Even the senior managers were involved and a lot of serious discussions took place.

After a span of one month, the In-charge (i.e. you!) received a call from the top management, who want you to find out more about the ISO Certification. The management, wants to help you, with the help of other employees to list the critical aspects that have potential environmental impact.

You may be feeling that you have only some vague ideas about air pollution in paint industry and water pollution, due to paint manufacture. You may also recall the newspaper clipping on internationalization of paint manufacturing practices, which states the following points:

i)   What are the activities that are critical to the company's environmental management certification? ii)   List the activities which have potential environmental impacts in a pint industry, iii) List the legal requirements, iv) Is there a trade related issue involved in this case v)   Explain, how your company can prepare itself towards certification.


Q2)                     XYZ company is an equal   opportunity employer.   XYZ Co has always upheld the spirits of freedom, human welfare, fair practices and fair treatment to all employees. It has the image of a socially responsible company in India. XYZ Co., has never involved itself in any study deals, even if it could bring good profits.

Also, XYZ Co. is a major IT solution provider. XYZ has immense potential for providing consultancy services in the African nations and South East Asian countries. A request was received from an African country, stating that they have an assignment for two years. The following conditions are to be fulfilled.

a)           Employees should not bring families with them during the assignment.

b)    Women managers should not accompany the team.

c)    The country and the collaborating company are not responsible if any accident or any other
untoward incidents take place.

Please answer the following questions:

i) Should XYZ Co take up the assignment?

ii) How can XYZ Co maintain business viability and growth without compromising on basic rights and values enshrined? In the mission statement of the company? iii) What alterations may be sought in the agreement and why?


Environmental Pollution:


Q3) On the night of December 23, 1983 a dangerous chemical reation occurred in the Union Carbide factory in Bhopal, when a large amount of water got into the MIC i.e. Methyl Isocyanate storage tank. When the leak was detected by workers at 11.30 pm, their eyes began to tear and burn. The rest is history. About 40 tons of MIC poured out of the tank for nearly 2 hours and escaped into air, spreading within 8 km down wind, About 4000 people were killed in sleep or as they fled in terror, hundreds of thousands were injured or effected the victims who were almost entirely the poorest members of the population. The poisonous gas, caused death and left the survivors with lingering disability and diseases.

The Bhopal disaster was a result of the combination of legal, technological, organizational and human errors. The long term effects were made worse by the absence of systems to care for and compensate the victims. Also, the safety standards and maintenance procedure at the Union Carbide plant had been deteriorating and ignored for months.

Questions :

i) From Bhopal Tragedy, what an industrial manager learns? What safety procedures are to be followed. Study the case deeply and state what were the defects of MIL unit. In view of this case, prepare a disaster management plan, which could cover be useful to a chemical company.

i)    List the methods of waste management in the order of preference.                              

ii) What are the advantages of solid waste incernaton?                                                      

iii) Define hazardous waste                                                                                                  

iv) List the legal provisions in the Environment Protection Act pertaining to hazardous waste


i) Discuss the role of CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) in the pollution control activities in

ii) Mention the salient points of the 3 Acts :                                                                           

•         The Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1981

•         The Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974

•         The Environment (Protection) Act 1986

iii) Explain the very elements of EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) - different types of
Impact Assessments - the benefits of EIA - The EIA process, key points to remember while
conducting an effective EIA.                                                                                                  

iv) Compare and contrast "polluter pays principle" with "beneficiary pays principle".            

v) What are the tenets of Risk management-explain the steps involved through a chart.    

Corporate Law-ISBM

N.B.: 1 Attempt any Twelve Questions

2) Last two Questions are compulsory

Ql. In the following statements only one is correct statement. Explain Briefly?

 i)        An invitation to negotiate is a good offer,

ii) A quasi-contract is not a contract at all

iii) An agreement to agree is a valid contract.

Q2. A ship-owner agreed to carry to cargo of sugar belonging to A from Constanza to Busrah. He knew that there was a sugar market in Busrah and that A was a sugar merchant, but did not know that he intended to sell the cargo, immediately on its arrival. Owning to Shipment's default, the voyage was delayed and sugar fetched a lower price than it would have done had it arrived on time. A claimed compensation for the full loss suffered by him because of the delay. Give your decision. Explain Briefly?

Q3. The proprietors of a medical preparation called the "Carbolic Smoke Ball" published in several newspapers the following advertisement:-

"£ 1000 reward will be paid by the Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. to any person who contracts the increasing epidemic influenza after having used the Smoke Ball three times daily for two weeks according to printed directions supplied with each ball. £ 1000 is deposited with the Alliance Bank showing our sincerity in the matter.

On the faith in this advertisement, the plaintiff bought a Smoke Ball and used it as directed. She was attacked by influenza. She sued the company for the reward. Will she succeed? Explain Briefly.

Q4. Fazal consigned four cases of Chinese crackers at Kanpur to be carried to Allahabad on the 30th May, 1987. He intended to sell them at the Shabarat festival of 5th June 1987. The railway discovered that the consignment could not be sent by passenger train and asked Fazal either to remove them or authorize their dispatch by goods train. He took no action and the goods arrived at Allahabad a month after they were booked.

Fazal filed a suit against Railways for damages due to late delivery of the goods which deprived him of the special profits at the festival sale. Decide & explain briefly?

Q.5. 'Lifeoy' Soap company advertised that it would give a reward of Rs. 2000 who contracted skin disease after using the 'Lifeoy' soap of the company for a certain period according to the printed irections. Mrs. Jacob purchased the advertised 'Lifeboy' and contracted skin disease inspite of using this soap according to the printed instructions. She claimed reward of Rs. 2000. The claim is resisted by the company on the ground that offer was not made to her and that in any case she had not communicated her acceptance of the offer. Decide whether Mrs. Jacob can claim the reward or not. Give reasons. Explain briefly?

Q.6. In each set of statements, only one is correct. State the correct statements & Explain briefly?

a)        i)          A bailee has a general lien on the goods bailed.

ii) The ownership of goods pawned passes to the pawnee

iii) A gratuitous bailment can be terminated by the bailor even before the stated time.

b)        i)          A substituted agent is as good an agent of the agent as a sub- agent, ii) An ostensible agency is as effective as an express agency, iii) A principal can always revoke an agent's authority.

Q.7. A, an unpaid seller, sends goods to B by railway. B becomes insolvent

And A sends a telegram to Railway authorities not to deliver the goods to B. B. goes to the Parcel office of Railway Yard and by presenting R. R. (Railway Receipt) takes delivery of the goods and starts putting them in the cart. Meanwhile the Station Master comes running with the telegram in hand and takes possession of the goods from B. Discuss the rights of A and B to the goods in possession of Railway authorities.

Q8. X needs Rs. 10,000 but cannot raise this amount because his credit is not good enough. Y whose credit is good accommodates. X by giving him a pronote made out in favour of X, though Y owes no money to X. X endorses the pronote to Z for value received. Z who is holder in due course the pronote to Z for value received. Z who is holder in due course demands payment from Y. Can refuse and plead the arrangement between him and X Explain briefly?

Q9. Will C has the right of further negotiation in the following cases: (B signs the endorsements) Explain briefly?

i)          'Pay C for my use'

ii) 'Pay C) iv) 'Pay C or order for the account of B'

Q10. A promissory note was made without mentioning any time for payment. The holder added the words' on demand on the face of the instrument. State whether it amounted to material alteration and explain the effect of such alteration. Explain briefly?

Q11. State whether the following instruments are valid promissory notes:

i)          I promise to pay Rs. 5000 to B on the dearth of 'B's uncle provided that D in his will gives me a legacy sufficient for the promise of payment of the said sum. ii) I hereby acknowledge that I owe X Rs. 5,000 on account of rent due and I agree that the said sum will be paid be me in regular installments, iii) I acknowledge myself indebted to B in Rs. 5000 to be paid on demand for value received.

Q12. A Payee holder of a bill of exchange. He endorses it in blank and delivers it to B. B endorses in full to C or order. C without endorsement transfers the bill to D. State giving reasons whether D as bearer of the bill of exchange is entitled to recover the payment from A or B or C. Explain briefly?

Q13. Write a short note on the Doctrine of Indoor Management? Explain briefly?

Q14. The shareholders at an annual general meeting passed a resolution for the payment of dividend at a rate higher than that recommended by the Board of Directors. Examine the validity of the resolution. Explain briefly?

Q.15. In a prospectus issued by a company the Managing Director stated that the company had paid dividend every year during 1921 - 27, which was a fact. However, the company had sustained losses during the relevant period and had paid dividends out of secret reserves accumulated in the past. Examine the consequences of the observation made by the Managing Director. Explain briefly?

Q.16. A buys from B 400 shares in a company on the faith of a share certificate issued by the company. A tender to the company a transfer deed duly executed together with B's share certificate. The company discovers that the certificate in the name of B has been fraudulently obtained and refuses to register the transfer. Advise A. Explain briefly?

Q.17. A insured his house against fire. Later while insure, A killed his wife, severely injured his only son, set fire to the house and died in the fire. The son survived and sued the insurer for the fire loss, advice the insurer. Explain briefly?          

Q18. a) Satrang Singh admitted his only infant son in a private nursing home. As a result of strong dose of medicine administered by the nursing attendant, the child has become mentally retarded. Satrang Singh wants to make a complaint to the District Forum under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 seeking relief by way of compensation on the ground that there was deficiency in service by the nursing home. Does his complaint give rise to a consumer dispute? Who is the consumer in the instant case? Explain briefly?

b)                Smart booked a motor vehicle through one of the dealers. He was informed subsequently that the procedure for purchasing the motor vehicle had changed and was called upon to make further payment to continue the booking before delivery. On being aggrieved, Smart filed a complaint with the State Commission under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. Will he succeed? Explain briefly?

c)                 Brittle and Company, a small-scale industry, sought nursing and financing facilities from its bankers by means of grant of further advances and adequate margin money in anticipation of good demand for its products. In failing to obtain this and having become sick, it proceeds against its bankers under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Will it succeed? Explain briefly?

Q20. X who was working as a truck driver had taken a general insurance policy to cover the risk of injuries for a period from 1.11.1998 to 30.11.1999. He renewed the policy for a further period of one year on 10.11.1999. On the same day, he met with an accident and suffered multiple injuries including fractures. X submitted the claim along with documents to the insurance company. The insurance company repudiated the claim on the ground that the premium for the renewed policy was received in the office only at 2.30 p.m. on 10.11.1999, while the accident had taken place at 10.00 a.m. on that day and hence there was no policy at the time of accident. Will X succeed if he files a complaint against the insurance company for this claim? Explain briefly?

Q19 Avinash booked his goods with Superfast Freight Carriers at Delhi for being carried to Ferozabad. The goods receipt note mentioned that all the disputes would be subject to jurisdiction of the Mumbai Court. Avinash lodged a complaint for certain deficiency in service against the transporter in the District Forum at Delhi. Superfast Carriers contested that District Forum at Delhi had no jurisdiction to entertain the complaint as the head office of the transporter was at Mumbai and the jurisdiction has been clearly stated in the goods receipt not. Is the contention of the transporter tenable? Explain briefly?

Q20. With reference to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, decide the following giving reasons in support of your answer.

i)          Sukh Dukh Ltd. dispatched certain consignments of goods by road through Fastrack Roadways Ltd.

The goods were unloaded and stored in a godown enroute on the suggestion of consignee. A fire broke out in the neighbouring godown spread to the godown and goods were destroyed. The Fastrack Roadways Ltd. claimed that there was neither negligence nor deficiency in service on their part and goods were being carried at "Owner risk" and since no special premium was paid, they were not responsible for the loss caused by fire. Whether Fastrack Roadways Ltd. is liable to pay damages to consignor?

ii) Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) formulated a scheme called 'salary saving scheme' under which employees of an organisation could buy an insurance policy. Premium due on each policy was collected by the employer from the salary of the employees nor did it issue any premium notice. When the widow of the deceased employee made a claim to LIC on the death of her husband, the LIC repudiated the claim on the ground that four installments of premium had not been paid. The widow was approached the consumer forum for redressal. Is the LIC liable for deficiency in service? Explain?

iii) Raman booked a ticket from Delhi to New York by Lufthansa Airlines. The airport authorities in New Delhi did not find any fault in his visa and other documents. However, at Frankfurt airport authorities instituted proceedings of verification because of which Raman missed his flight to New York. After necessary verification, Raman was able to reach New York by the next flight. The airline authorities' tendered apology to Raman for the inconvenience caused to him and also paid as goodwill gesture a sum of Rs. 5,000. Raman intends to institute proceedings under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 against Lufthansa Airlines for deficiency in service. Will he succeed?

Q21. With reference to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, decide the following giving reasons in support of your answer.

i)          Sohn sent all relevant documents in an envelope regarding consignment of goods to a buyer in the

USA through Fast Service Couriers. The documents did not reach the buyer as a consequence of which the buyer could not take delivery of the goods. By the time the duplicate copies of the document had been received by the buyer, the season of the goods was over. He claimed that he had suffered a loss of US $ 5,000 as a result of the negligence of the courier. The State Commission ordered the payment to be made by the Fast Service Couriers, but the National Commission in appeal reversed the order and ordered payment of US $ 100 only as per the receipt issued by the Fast Service Courier to the consignor at the time of the dispatch of the latter. Advise Sohan.

ii) Mahesh purchased a machine from Astute Ltd. to operate it himself for earning his liverhood. He took the assistance of a person to assist him in operating the machine. The machine developed fault during the warranty period. He filed a claim in the consumer forum against the company for deficiency in service. Astute Ltd. alleged that Mahesh did not operate the machine himself but had appointed a person exclusively to operate the machine. Will Mahesh succeed?

iii) Pillai purchased a car by taking a loan from Kerala cooperative Bank Ltd. and gave post-dated cheques to the bank not only in respect of repayment of loan instalments but also of premium of insurance policy for two succeeding years. On the expiry of the policy. Pillai's car met with an accident. Will Pillai succeed in getting a claim against the Bank?

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