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Monday, 20 March 2017

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NLU-08: CyberCrimesComputerForensicsAndDigitalEvidence-14
NLU-08: CyberCrimesComputerForensicsAndDigitalEvidence-14

Part A

1. What is the meaning of the term ‘cyber crime’? What actors are involved in it? (3 marks)

2. Elaborate the different types of computer viruses. (4 marks)

3. What remedies are available for victims faced with cyber stalking? (Also include Indian law provisions on the issue) (3 marks)

4. What are the key points to be remembered before seeking electronic information as evidence? (5 marks)

5. Explain the meaning of ‘digital evidence’. Explain some important provisions of law (also include India) dealing with or recognizing digital evidence. Has the Indian law adapted itself to accept digital evidence in court proceedings? (5 marks)

Part B

6. Salima receives a mail from her bank (or so it seemed to purport) that asked her to verify her identity details to keep her account with the bank functional. The mail contained a link on which the customer was required to link. The link infact directed Salima to another website (not authorized by the bank), thus taking in all details of her account which she entered. Soon she realized that it was a sham email. Explain the course of action that Salima should take to protect her account from unauthorized access and also the legal recourse available to her/bank against the perpetrators of fraud. (10 marks)
NLU-07: Informational Technology Management-14
NLU-07: Informational Technology Management-14

Part - A

Case Study

Q1. Multibase Company Limited is a diversified business group with interests in fabric and yarn manufacturing, paper and pulp, and cement. Its manufacturing units are located across the country and number eight- one for fabric, two for yarn, two for paper and pulp, and three for cement. While the head of each unit has considerable operational autonomy, strategic decisions considering these units, such as capacity expansion, procurement of new technology involving substantial investment, etc., are made at the headquarters, located in Delhi. The head quarters monitor the performance of every unit though weekly and monthly reports are which are prepared by CBIS installed at each unit. Often considerable amount of time of the senior executives based at the headquarters is taken away in analyzing these reports and drawing inferences for planning and control. The result is that the senior executives have little time for strategic thinking which they feel is a must in the present competitive environment. The CEO of the company has thus proposed to develop suitable computer based systems which might be helpful in understanding the current status of various manufacturing units in terms of their overall performance, the type of environmental constraints that operate in the three business that exist for enhancing capacity in these business areas.

What systems would you propose that would serve the company’s needs?

Considering that the company already has CBIS installed, will you contemplate complete overhaul of the systems or add functionalities of the existing systems? Justify your line of action. [15 Marks]

Part - B

Attempt any three of the following.

Q2. Explain with the help of self experienced examples where you have used information systems which have enabled business benefits. [5 Marks]

Q3. Explain why internet is vulnerable? [5 Marks]

Q4. Briefly describe how internet technology has impacted business process and information management? [5 Marks]

Q5. Write Short Notes on the following: [5 Marks]

i. Digital Firm

ii. Types of decision support system
NLU-06: IT Act and Internet Governance-MT1-14
NLU-06: IT Act and Internet Governance-MT1-14

Part A: Case Study (Compulsory)

Ql. Internet users can be intentionally fooled by different websites with similar domain names. Introducing extra characters through IDNs increases this risk. While characters in one alphabet may look identical to characters in another alphabet to a user, they are discriminated by computers. The threat was highlighted by a spoof website for using a Cyrillic 'a' rather than a Latin 'a'. Users could receive this link in an email and give personal and financial details on the false site. One solution proposed is for software manufacturers to develop more sophisticated tools for distinguishing scripts. Can you suggest other solutions for the problem. Discuss the pros and cons of the suggestions given by you.

Part B: Attempt Any Three

Q2. Discuss the significance of 'DNS war' in development of Internet Governance

Q3. What do you understand by TCP/IP protocol? How does it work? Are there any other protocols which can be considered better transmission protocols and if so, state them and also give elaborate reasons as to their superiority over TCP/IP protocol.

Q4. What are the various types of Cryptography? Which cryptography is used for Digital Signature and why?

Q5. Write short notes on any two:

(a)   Technology Neutrality

(b)   Browse Wrap Agreements

(c)   Mail box rule
NLU-05: Intellectual Property Rights in Digital Environment-II-M
NLU-05: Intellectual Property Rights in Digital Environment-II-M

PART-A (Article write-up)

Critically examine the perspectives provided in the following article and give your views on whether the position taken in the article is correct in law.
Peter S. Menell, “Forty Years of Wondering in the Wilderness and No Closer to the Promised Land: Bilski's Superficial Textualism and the Missed Opportunity to Return Patent Law to Its Technology Mooring” 63 STAN. L. REV. 1289

PART-B (Short essay type - Any two)

Q1) Examine the scope of fair dealing exceptions to computer programmes under section 52 of the Indian copyright Act in relation to reverse engineering for the purpose of interoperability.

Q2: Briefly examine the case law trilogy of Benson- Flook and Diehr. How was the position changed in the case of re Alappat?

Q3: Examine the manual of the Indian patent office (2011) in the light of section 3(k) requirements of the Patents Act, 1970. Does the manual correcly elucidate the requirements of exclusions under section 3(k).

Q4: Examine the reasons for sui generis protection of integrated circuits and layout designs? What are the qualification requirements for protecting them under the Indian law?

Q5: Internet users can be intentionally fooled by different websites with similar domain names. Introducing extra characters through IDNs increases this risk. While characters in one alphabet may look identical to characters in another alphabet to a user, they are discriminated by computers. The threat was highlighted by a spoof website for using a Cyrillic ‘a’ rather than a Latin ‘a’. Users could receive this link in an email and give personal and financial details on the false site. One solution proposed is for software manufacturers to develop more sophisticated tools for distinguishing scripts. Can you suggest other solutions for the problem. Discuss the pros and cons of the suggestions given by you.

Case -1

Mr. Inventor’s application seeks patent protection for a claimed invention that explains how buyers and sellers of commodities in the energy market can protect, or hedge, against the risk of price changes. The key claims are claims 1 and 4. Claim 1 describes a series of steps instructing how to hedge risk. Claim 4 puts the concept articulated in claim 1 into a simple mathematical formula.

Claim 1 consists of the following steps:

“(a) initiating a series of transactions between said commodity provider and consumers of said commodity wherein said consumers purchase said commodity at a fixed rate based upon historical averages, said fixed rate corresponding to a risk position of said consumers; “(b) identifying market participants for said commodity having a counter-risk position to said consumers; and “(c) initiating a series of transactions between said commodity provider and said market participants at a second fixed rate such that said series of market participant transactions balances the risk position of said series of consumer transactions.”

The remaining claims explain how claims 1 and 4 can be applied to allow energy suppliers and consumers to minimize the risks resulting from fluctuations in market demand for energy. For example, claim 2 claims “[t]he method of claim 1 wherein said commodity is energy and said market participants are transmission distributors.” Some of these claims also suggest familiar statistical approaches to determine the inputs to use in claim 4’s equation. For example, claim 7 advises using well-known random analysis techniques to determine how much a seller will gain “from each transaction under each historical weather pattern.”

The patent examiner rejected petitioners’ application, explaining that it “‘is not implemented on a specific apparatus and merely manipulates [an] abstract idea and solves a purely mathematical problem without any limitation to a practical application, therefore, the invention is not directed to the technological arts.’” This ruling of the Indian Patent Office was affirmed by the Intellectual Property Appellate Board in Chennai.

The case has gone in appeal to the High Court. You are assisting a group of senior lawyers on both the sides. Draft petition on behalf of the Indian Patent Office defending the rejection of the patent application and also on behalf of Mr. Inventor (the applicant) who asserts that his invention is patentable under Indian Patents Act, 1970. The applicable law is the Indian patent law.

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