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Saturday, 11 March 2017

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IMT-60: Training And Development-2014
IMT-60: Training And Development-2014


Question 1: What is Training Need Analysis? Mention its significance and discuss steps involved.

(B) What is the significance of 3 tier Training need survey?

Question 2: (A) What are the factors to be considered while designing training and development activities?

(B)As an HR manager prepare a program schedule to organize a two day training program for sales representatives.

Question 3: Explain the importance of training aids in training activities.

Question 4: Discuss the limitations of the on-the-job training technique.

Question 5: What are the elements of learning?


Question 1: Discuss expectancy theory from training’s perspective.

Question 2: Discuss the most prominent changes affecting training function in business organizations today.

Question 3: Explain the qualities of a good trainer which have influence on the success of a training program.

Question 4: write short notes on –(I)Sensitivity Training (II) Case study (III) Business games ?

Question 5: How do instructional objectives aid the process of evaluation? Do you think sequencing of context is essential for effective presentation and for holding the attention of trainee?


Question 1: What are the different types of evaluation designs?

Question 2: Define pedagogy and distinguish it from andragogy.

Question 3: Bring out the barriers to effective training. How do you overcome that?

Question 4: What effect does a training aid have on the retention span of a trainee?

Question 5: What are the factors to be considered while designing training and development activities?

(B) As an HR manager prepare a program schedule to organize a two day training program for sales representatives.


An automobile parts manufacturer (APM) was attempting to institute employee problem – solving teams to improve quality. This action was strongly encouraged by its biggest customer, a major automobile manufacturer. The completion in the original equipment manufacturing (OEM) business is especially fierce. The major automobiles manufacturers now demand high quality parts at extremely low cost, and they often play one supplier against the other to force the OEM industry to meet their standards.

A training needs analysis of middle and first level production managers was conducted. These managers were responsible for the operation of the parts production system, a system that is highly mechanized and somewhat automated. The labor force in this area is primarily high school graduates, but many have less education. The manager’s responsibility prior to the change was to ensure that the hourly workers did their jobs in the proper manner and that the right amount and type of parts were produced to meet the production schedule.

The TNA showed low technical knowledge among these managers because they had been hired to monitor the hourly employees they did not really understand the machinery and equipment and had never operated it. Most of them used a confrontational style in dealing with their subordinates because they felt that if they took a gentler approach, the un unionized workforce would take advantage of them. The managers were all selected on the basis of their high need to control their environment, high need to achieve, and willingness to work with others to get the job done. These traits still characterize this group of managers.


Q.1 What is the managerial context in which these managers will operating? Do you think training designed to help managers understand the context they will be operating in will be helpful? Why or why not?

Q.2 What types of competencies should be developed in the management training? Give your rationale.

Q.3 What types of training should be used to provide the different competencies?


In Mahindra & Mahindra the training for the executive level is mainly conceptual level training called Ascent. It is a six day training imparted in two parts of three days each with some gap in between. The focus of Ascent is on the concepts of industrial intricate functions. Apart from this, there is a one day program me called MGTP which consists of technical training covering the need of manufacturing system, supplies module and certain question answer sessions. The training for staff level is called Stride. It is also a six day training program conducted in two parts of three days each focusing on the conceptual skills of the staff level. This is the main training program for the staff. The training program for the workers level mainly comprises of developmental and behavioral programs with stress on self maintenance, moral values and some modules on the work stress and hygiene, safety, etc. all the workers are supposed to undergo these programs.

The feedback is in the form of individual talk with the HR personnel. They are asked to fill in a form, of individual talk with the HR personnel. They are asked to fill in the form, in the course of discussion, regarding the training. This is then evaluated. As such, there is no standard feedback system.


1. Analyze training at Mahindra & Mahindra. How can you improve the training effort further?

2. This case is an excellent example of “Efficient training Need Assessment.”Discuss

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