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Tuesday, 7 March 2017

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IMT-54: Business Law-2014
IMT-54: Business Law-2014


Question 1: While all contracts are agreements, all agreements are not necessarily contracts.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, by citing suitable illustrative examples.

Question 2: What is the position of a contract with or by a minor? Explain in detail.

Question 3: What are the various elements which are considered necessary to constitute a ‘Free Consent’.

Question 4: Explain with examples the doctrine of supervening impossibility.

Question 5: Differentiate between Sale and Agreement to sell.


Question 1: What do you mean by LLP? Give the process of registering LLP electronically.

Question 2: What is a company? Give its essentials.

Question 3: Give detailed process of registering a company under electronic system.

Question 4: Explain Doctrine of Ultravires. .

Question 5: What is a prospectus? Why is it considered a sacred document?


Question 1: What do you mean by Negotiable Instruments? What do you mean by ‘bouncing of cheque’? What are legal remedies for dishonor of cheque?

Question 2: Give various types of Intellectual Property in detail.

Question 3: Who is a consumer? Give pecuniary jurisdiction of consumer forums.

Question 4: Explain competition law in detail.

Question 5: What is RTI? How will you file a RTI application?


Sandeep had sold his house to Bachchan for Rs10 lakh. It was only later that he came to know that it was even conservatively estimated to be worth at least Rs 25 lakh. Immediately there-after, he preferred to back out and refused to perform the contract by giving an undisputed possession of his house to Bachchan, on the plea that the sale price was too inadequate, and that he (Bachchan) must pay him Rs15 lakh more, when alone he will sell his house to him. Thereupon, Bachchan filed a suit against Sandeep to perform the valid contract entered into between them. What are the chances of Bachchan winning the case? Give reasons for your answer.

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Sudhakar had agreed to rent his house to Gaurav on a monthly rental of Rs 21,000. But, in the rel ative agreement document the rental was, by mistake, typed as Rs 12,000 per month, instead. In your expert opinion, will this agreement be held valid, voidable or void? Give reasons for your answer.
IMT-49: Business Ethics-2014
IMT-49: Business Ethics-2014


Question 1: Write a note on Ethical Heritage of India and their relevance to modern management.

Question 2: How did Buddhist and Jain Philosophies influence the thoughts and actions of Mahatma Gandhi.


Question 1: What are the professional ethics and professional misconduct of the Chartered Accountants as defined by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India?

Question 2: What are the ethical questions involved in commercial advertising broadcast through the electronic media? What is the best method of control of commercial advertising?


Question 1: What are the economic, legal, ethical and discretionary responsibilities (CSR) which should be discharged by a responsible Company/ Corporation?

Question 2: What are the steps Government of India has taken to make CSR a compulsory legal responsibility for all Companies/Corporations in India?


Political Corruption in India

Government has been jolted by controversy over licences and radio airwaves that the CAG of India) says were given out too cheaply, depriving the government of up to $39 billion in revenues. The telecom minister, A Raja was forced to resign and the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh has been asked to explain himself to the Supreme Court. Opposition parties want a full parliamentary probe and have blocked proceedings until the government relents.

So, what is the controversy all about and what does it mean for the telecom sector and companies?

In 2008, the country issued 122 new telecom licences and the second-generation radio spectrum bundled with it to several domestic companies that had little or no experience in the telecom sector, and at a price set in 2001.

The national Auditor General said that the allocation process did not reflect the correct value of radio spectrum as there was no auction and the entire process was flawed, benefiting selected companies.

The Auditor General said that the telecom ministry did not do the requisite due diligence, granting 85 out of the 122 licences to ineligible applicants.

The auditor also said the ministry did not follow its own guidelines, changed the cut-off date for applications, which gave "unfair advantage" to some companies over others. It said that the entire process "lacked transparency and was undertaken in an arbitrary, unfair and inequitable manner".

The auditor said that several companies deliberately suppressed facts, disclosed incomplete information, submitted fictitious documents and used fraudulent means to get licences and thereby access to spectrum.

The auditor said that units of Unitech Ltd, which received licences in 2008 and now operates services in a joint venture with Norway's Telenor, had not fulfilled eligibility conditions including required share capital.

Other firms which were ineligible according to the auditor include Loop Telecom, Videocon Telecommunications and S Tel Ltd. The auditor said that Swan Telecom, which has since been partly acquired by the UAE's Etisalat , was given licences even though a unit of No. 2 telecoms firm Reliance Communications held over 10% of equity, a violation of rules.

It is still too early to know whether any licences would be cancelled, but the pressure would be strong not to do so because operators have invested in networks and have subscribers.

Any big crackdown could send a wrong signal to investors.

But the government could ask operators to compensate for the potential revenue loss as highlighted by the auditor and may impose fines for not meeting separate rollout obligations.

The Auditor General also named nine other operators, including market leaders Bharti Airtel , Reliance Comm and Vodafone, who were allotted spectrum beyond the contracted limit without paying any upfront charges, costing the government a potential $8 billion.


Q1. How many Telecom licenses were issued and how many were found ineligible?

Q2. What was the potential loss of revenue to the nation? How did the CAG of India calculate the loss?

Q3. Explain with examples the various kinds of ‘white collar crime’. How does this case fall under the category of white collar crime?

Q4.How did these companies violate the principles of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility?
IMT-48: DOT Net Programming-2014
IMT-48: DOT Net Programming-2014


1. (a)What is common language Runtime and how it is different from common type system.

(b) Explain the difference between CTS Class Types and CTS Interface Types.

2. (a) What is ILDasm.exe?

(b) Mention any five members of System Array class.

3. (a) Explain the difference between CTS Class Types and CTS Interface Types

(b) Explain the rule of System Array Base Class in Business application.

4. (a) What is Server Explorer?

(b) (b) What is web service ?

5. (a) What is ASPX pages?

(b) What is ADO.NET?


1. (a) What are literals? Explain various types of literals in C#.

(b) Write a program to explain boxing and unboxing.

2. (a) Explain conditional operators.

(b) How data type conversion is done in c#.

3. (a) write a C# program to show the following output.


1 2 1

1 2 3 2 1

1 2 3 4 3 2 1

(b) generate the code to reverse the following number


4. (a) Explain the main method.

(b) Write a program for method overloading.

5. (a) Define the advantage of general exceptional handler.

(b) Explain the use of checking operator in C# application.


1. (a) Describe the function and use of BindingManagerBase object.

(b) Define complex data binding and explain how you use it with a data grid.

2. (a) How can you allocate memory to arrays?

(b) How can you copy an array?

(c) Write a program in C# to sort the element of a linear array

3. (a) Distinguish between ordinary class properties and methods and shared class properties and methods.

(b) Explain how you can use the debug object to display information in the output window.

1. (a) Distinguish between radio button and check box controls.

(b) Describe how you work with the items in a combo box list or a list box.

5. Explain "is-a" and "has a" relationship with the help of examples.


1. Write a C# program to generate a triangle with fibonacci numbers (series given below) as elements of every row. For example, for m = 5, the output should be


1 1

1 1 2

1 1 2 3

1 1 2 3 5.

Given, fibo(n) = fibo (n - 1) + fibo (n - 2), for n >= 3

= 1 for n= 1, 2


2. Write a program to calculate the telephone bill. Each time when the program is run, it should first ask for the program first ask for the number of calls made and then print the amount payable as per the following rules:

- First 200 calls are free

- Next 100 calls @Rs. 1.80 per call

- And the next calls @ Rs. 2.30 per call

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