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Thursday, 26 September 2013

IIBM Exam Papers : Contact us for answers at OR

Examination Paper: Health and Hospital Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper MM.100
Principles of Hospital Administration and Planning
Section A: Objective Type (30 marks)
•This section consists of Multiple choices and short notes type questions.
•Answer all the questions.
•Part One questions carry 1 mark each and Part two questions carry 5 marks each.
Part One:
Multiple Choices:
1. Public Health Services are concerned with the:
a. Control of communicable diseases
b. Maternal and child health
c. Occupational health and reduction of health hazards
d. All of the above
2. The service of an OPD is affected by the:
a. System
b. Arrival pattern
c. Appointment System
d. None of the above
3. CSSD stands for:
a. Central Sterile Supply Department
b. Circular Sterile Supply Department
c. Central Site Survey Department
d. All of the above
4. ICU Incharge responsibility should cover:
a. Continuity of care
b. Administrative matters
c. Care and maintenance of equipments
d. All of the above
5. According to which method one nurse is assigned to a group of patient to provide total nursing
a. Functional Assignment Method
b. Team Nursing Method
c. Group Assignment Method
d. Primary Nursing Method
Examination Paper: Health and Hospital Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
6. Break-even point analysis, analyses the relationship between revenue and ______.
a. Variable Cost
b. Expenses
c. Cost
d. Volume
7. MRI stands for:
a. Medical Resonance Imaging
b. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
c. Medical Reasonable Imaging
d. None of the above
8. Ultrasonography waves are mechanical pressures waves whose frequency ranging from:
a. 10-100 MHz
b. 2-50 MHz
c. 100-150 MHz
d. 2-10- MHz
9. The Hospital laboratory works generally falls under the which divisions:
a. Hematology, cytology & Microbiology
b. Clinical Chemistry, Histopathology & Biochemistry
c. Urine and stool analysis
d. All of the above
10. ____________ is a dry type filter with a rigid casing enclosing the full depth of accordion type
filter pleats.
a. OT Suite
b. HEPA filter
c. Cleaner’s closet
d. Electrical outlets
Part Two:
1. What are the importances of Outpatient Services?
2. Define Hospital as a Social System.
3. What are the main functions of the Nursing Services?
4. Explain the classification of Ward Accommodation?
Examination Paper: Health and Hospital Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Section B: Caselets (40 marks)
•This section consists of Caselets.
•Answer all the questions.
•Each Caselet carries 20 marks.
•Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).
Caselet 1
Mr. Naveen Desai is the current president of Medicare Memorial Hospital’s board of trustees.
Medicare Memorial is a 200-bed voluntary short-term general hospital serving an area of
approximately 50,000 persons. Mr. Naveen has just begun a meeting with the administrator of the
hospital, Mr. Tarun. The purpose of the meeting is to seek an acceptable solution to an apparent
conflict-of-authority problem within the hospital between Mr. Tarun and the chief of surgery, Dr.
The problem was brought to Mr. Naveen’s attention by Dr. Rajeev. The problem that concerned Dr.
Mathew involved the operating room supervisor, Ms. Meetha. Ms. Meetha schedules the hospital’s
operating suite in accordance with policies that she “believes” to have been established by the
hospital’s administration. One source of irritation to the surgeons is her attitude that maximum
utilization must be made of the hospital’s operating rooms if hospitals cost are to be reduced. She
therefore schedules in such a way that operating room idle time is minimized. Surgeons complain that
the operating schedule often does not permit them sufficient time to complete a surgical procedure in
the manner they think desirable. More often than not, insufficient time is allowed between operations
for effective preparation of the operating room for the next procedure. Such scheduling, the surgical
staff maintains, contributes to low-quality patient care. Furthermore, some of the surgeons have
complained that Ms. Meetha shows favoritism in her scheduling, allowing some doctors ore use of the
operating suite than others.
The situation reached a crisis when Dr. Mathew following an explosive confrontation with s. Meetha
made an appeal to the hospital administrator, who in turn informed Dr. Mathew that discharging
nurses was an administrative prerogative. In effect, Dr. Mathew, was told he did not have authority
over any issue affecting medical practice and good patient care in Medicare Hospital. He considered
this as a medical problem and threatened to take the matter to the hospital’s board of trustees.
As the meeting between Mr. Naveen and Mr. Tarun began, Mr. Tarun explained his position on the
problem. He stressed the point that a hospital administrator is legally responsible for patient care in
the hospital. He also contended that quality patient care cannot be achieved unless the board of
trustees authorized the administrator to make decisions, develop programs, formulate policies and
implement procedures. While listening to Mr. Tarun, Mr. Naveen recalled the position belligerently
taken by Dr. Mathew, who had contended that surgical and medical doctors holding staff privileges at
Medicare would never allow a ‘layman’ to make decisions impinging on medical practice. Dr.
Mathew also had said that Mr. Tarun should be told to restrict his activities to fund raising, financing,
maintenance – administrative problems rather than medical problems. Dr. Mathew had then requested
that Mr. Naveen clarify in a definitive manner the lines of authority at Medicare Memorial.
As Mr. Naveen ended his meeting with Mr. Traun, the severity of the problem was unmistakably
clear to him, but the solution remained quite unclear, Mr. Naveen knew a decision was required – and
1. According to you, what conflict had developed at Medicare Memorial Hospital?
2. What should Mr. Naveen do?
Examination Paper: Health and Hospital Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Caselet 2
Outpatient service is one of the rapidly growing services of the hospital. Therefore in many instances,
outpatient departments built in the recent past have been found to be too small over the years because
of increasing demands, growth of new specialties and the desirability of carrying out an increasing
range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures on outpatient basis. The department must, therefore,
be planned for a substantial capacity for growth.
In the general hospital, the outpatient department will consist of general outpatient clinic as well as
specialty clinics, in the form of a polyclinic. The structural requirement of outpatient department
incorporating a polyclinic will depend upon the extent of the services provided. The primary aim
should be to provide large floor areas free of structural members to give the maximum adaptability
for changing requirements.
In many hospitals, poorly planned physical relationship of the OPD are responsible for increasing the
work of staff and causing embarrassment and unnecessary movements for patients. On outpatients
visits, patent flow usually progresses from Enquiry and Registration to Waiting, then to examination
rooms and thereafter to investigation facilities, and lastly the pharmacy. In comparison to the other
departments of the hospital, viz. wards, diagnostic and service departments combined, the percentage
of space occupied by the outpatient department of most existing public hospitals varies from 12 to 18
per cent.
The area required for the outpatient department should be adequate to accommodate the reception and
waiting hall, waiting rooms, registration and outpatient medical records, clinics, toilet facilities and
the injection and dressing room, pharmacy, minor OT and circulation routes. Scales of space for
outpatient department can hardly be standardized in view of the varied requirements and range of
services provided. For planning premises, half square foot for each expected annual outpatient visits
is considered to provide adequate space in case of most general hospitals. A hospital expecting 500
outpatients per day over 300 normal working days in a year would thus require upto 75000 square
feet (6975 sqm) of space for its outpatient department.
1. What will be procedures that could be performed on outpatient basis?
2. Outpatient Services is important in Hospitals. Why?
Examination Paper: Health and Hospital Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)
•This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.
•Answer all the questions.
•Each question carries 15 marks.
•Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).
1. What are the role and functions of an ICU?
2. What are the Ethical and Legal Aspects of Hospital Administration?

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