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Tuesday, 17 September 2013

AIMA Assignments 2013 : Contact us for answers at OR

    Computer Networks
    Assignment No.I
    Assignment Code: 2013IS04B1    Last Date of Submission: 15th October 2013
    Maximum Marks:100
Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
    Ques.    1    Describe three approaches to detecting errors, including how they work, the probability
     of detecting an error, and any other benefits or limitations.
    Ques.    2    Give the purpose of the following devices in relation to networking:
    a).Access points
    c).Network access cards
    Ques.    3    What are the three ways of reducing errors and the type of noise they affect?
    Ques.    4    Discuss three trends in communications and networking.

Eureka! is a telephone and Internet-based check service that specializes in obtaining things that are hard to find (e.g., Superbowl tickets, first edition books from the 1500s, Faberge eggs).  It currently employs 60 staff who work 24 hours per day (over three shifts).  Staff answer the phone and respond to requests entered on the Eureka! Web site.  Much of their work is spent on the phone and on computers searching on the Internet.  What type of connections should Eureka! consider from its offices to the outside world, in terms of phone and Internet?  Outline the pros and cons of each alternative below and make a recommendation.  The company has four alternatives:

Questions :

1.    Should it use traditional analog services, with standard voice lines, and use modems to dial into its ISP ($40 per month for each voice line plus $20 per month for each Internet access line)?
2.    Should the company use standard voice lines but use DSL for its data ($60 per month per line for both services)?
3.    Should the company separate its voice and data needs, using standard analog services for voice but finding some advanced digital transmission services for data ($40 per month for each voice line and $300 per month for a circuit with 1.5 Mbps of data)?
4.    Should the company search for all digital services for both voice and data ($60 per month for an all-digital circuit that provides two PCM phone lines that can be used for two voice calls, one voice call and one data call at 64 Kbps, or one data call at 128 Kbps)?

    Computer Networks
    Assignment No.II
    Assignment Code: 2013IS04B2    Last Date of Submission: 15th Nov 2013
    Maximum Marks:100
Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
    Ques.    1    a) Why does network segmentation improve LAN performance?
    b )  Why network needs security? What are the types of security threats ?
    Ques.    2    Explain how the Internet is a network of Networks?  Give the entire process indicating
    the various protocols used, the hardware required & the software used.
    Ques.    3    Document one backbone network in detail. What devices are attached, what cabling is
    used, and what is the topology? What networks does the backbone connect?
    Ques.    4    Give a brief of who’s who in the internet standards world. Also describe their efforts for
    evolving new internet architecture based on 1PVG.

Cathy’s Collectibles (Case Study)
Your cousin Cathy runs a part-time business out of her apartment.  She buys and sells collectibles such as antique prints, baseball cards, and cartoon cells and has recently discovered the Web with its many auction sites.  She has begun buying and selling on the Web by bidding on collectibles at lesser-known sites and selling them at a profit at more well-known sites.  She downloads and uploads lots of graphics (pictures of the items she’s buying and selling).  She is getting frustrated with the slow Internet access she has with her 56-Kbps dial-up modem and asks you for advice.  DSL is available at a cost of $60 per month for 1.5 Mbps down and 384 Kbps up.  Cable modem service is available for a cost of $50 per month for 1.5 Mbps down and 640 Kbps up.  Wireless DSL is available in her apartment building for $45 per month for 1.5 Mbps down and 256 Kbps up.  Explain the differences in these services and make a recommendation.

a.    Suppose you joined a company that had a WAN composed of SONET, T carrier services, ATM, and frame relay, each selected to match a specific network need for a certain set of circuits.  Would you say this was a well-designed network?  Explain.
b.    What is a VPN?  What are three types of VPN?

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