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Friday, 13 September 2013

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Examination Paper – ISO 14001:2004
IIBM Institute of Business Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper MM.100
ISO: 14001:2004
Guidelines for paper
Total No. of Questions is 100.
The minimum passing marks is 50%.
Each Question carries 1 mark.
Answer all the Questions.
Multiple Choices: Total Marks: 100
1. The ISO 14001 EMS standard only specifies
a) The structure of EMS
b) The working of EMS
c) The behavior of EMS
d) None
2. Which clause addresses the general requirements of an Environment Management System?
a) Clause 4.1
b) Clause 4.2
c) Clause 4.3
d) Clause 4.5
3. The ISO 14001 structure, like classic quality management systems, is based on
a) Plan – Check – Do – Act cycle
b) Check – Plan – Do – Act cycle
c) Do – Plan – Check – Act cycle
d) Plan – Do – Check – Act cycle
4. An environmental system
a) Serves as a tool to improve environmental performance
b) Provides a systematic way of managing an organization’s environmental affairs
c) Focuses on continual improvement of the system
d) All above
Examination Paper – ISO 14001:2004
IIBM Institute of Business Management
5. Clause 4.5 of ISO 14001:2004 - …………………… corresponds to the check stage of the PDCA
a) Planning
b) Checking
c) Verifying
d) None
6. A process of enhancing the environmental management system to achieve improvement is overall
environmental performance in line with the organization’s environmental policy is called
a) Environment
b) Continual Improvement
c) Prevention of Pollution
d) Environmental Aspect
7. Which clause states that, ‘the organization shall define and document the scope of its
environmental management system’?
a) Clause 4.5
b) Clause 4.3
c) Clause 4.1
d) Clause 4.2
8. Top managers demonstrate their commitment by articulating the …………………… values.
a) Written values
b) Environmental values
c) Physical values
d) Numeric values
9. Regarding ‘Prevention of Pollution’ the ISO 14001 : 2004 definition incorporates the concept of
a) End – of – pipe
b) End – of process
c) Reduce creation of pollutants
d) Eliminate waste at source
10. The environment policy is a statement of intension. It must be
a) Documented
b) Implemented
c) Maintained
d) All above
11. Planning is covered by
a) Clause 4.1
b) Clause 4.2
c) Clause 4.4
d) Clause 4.3
Examination Paper – ISO 14001:2004
IIBM Institute of Business Management
12. Environmental aspects must be identified only for those activities products, and services that fall
within the …………………… .
a) Undefined scope
b) Defined scope
c) Any scope
d) Predefined procedure
13. The most typical approach to identification of environmental aspects involves
a) Examination of individual process
b) Investigate the complete process
c) Audition of environmental policy
d) None
14. Environmental impacts can be
a) Acute
b) Chronic
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None
15. Which clause of ISO 14001:2004 states that, ‘within the defined scope of its environmental
management system, the environmental policy is available to the public’?
a) Clause 4.2
b) Clause 4.2.5
c) Clause 4.3.1
d) Clause 4.5
16. If an organization’s environmental management system is to be effective, it must eliminate
a) Beneficial environmental effects
b) Wholly environmental effects
c) Partially environmental effects
d) Adverse environmental effects
17. Environmental Impact states that
a) Any change to the process
b) Effect of the climate
c) Any change to the environment
d) Change the overall management system
Examination Paper – ISO 14001:2004
IIBM Institute of Business Management
18. Clause, which focuses on activities intended to improve the environmental management system,
a) Clause 4.4.4
b) Clause 4.5
c) Clause 4.6
d) Clause 4.3
19. The environmental policy statement contains language that only commits to compliance with
a) Legal requirements
b) Other requirements
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None
27. In ISO 14001:2004, significant environmental aspects or impacts are the focus of
a) 4.2a clause
b) 4.3.2 clause
c) 4.4.2 clause
d) All above
28. An organization must establish objectives & targets related to
a) Regulatory compliance
b) Continual improvement
c) Compliance with other voluntary required
d) All above
29. A component, which must be determined by the organization in which specific objectives &
targets are to be achieved, is
a) Policy
b) System
c) Time frame
d) Management
30. The single most critical resource, at various levels with an organization is
a) Lack of money
b) Availability of employees
c) Bad goodwill
d) Labor
31. Within the context of an environmental management system, authority pertains to
a) Influence
b) Power
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None
Examination Paper – ISO 14001:2004
IIBM Institute of Business Management
32. The environmental policy statement contains language that commits to compliance with legal &
other requirements. This commitment is supported by
a) Clause 4.3.1
b) Clause 4.3.2
c) Clause 4.3.5
d) Clause 4.4.1
33. Nonconformity as “non – fulfillment of a requirement” is defined in
a) Section 3.17
b) Section 3.16
c) Section 3.15
d) Section 2.17
…………………..d) All above
46. The environmental management system documentation shall include
a) The environmental policy
b) Objectives
c) Targets
d) All above
47. To establish effective procedure, it is necessary to understand what is meant by the term
communication, which is defined in
a) Clause 4.3.4
b) Clause 4.4.3
c) Clause 4.1.4
d) Clause 4.3.2
48. An umbrella document, often in the form of manual, that provides an overview of the EMS &
described how each element of ISO 14001 : 2004 is being achieved
a) System description
b) Procedure
c) Work instructions
d) Records
49. Work instructions provide
a) Detailed information for group
b) Information of EMS
c) Relevant data
d) Detailed information for individuals
50. A document explains
a) What must be done
b) Format of the work
c) How should it be done
d) When it should it be done
51. ISO 14001 :2004 states all documents required by the standard must be controlled which include
a) Environmental policy
b) Roles, responsibilities & authorities
c) Operational control procedures
d) All above
52. Documents, those created by others brought into an organization for some purpose, are subject to
somewhat different controls, are
a) Internal documents
b) External documents
Examination Paper – ISO 14001:2004
IIBM Institute of Business Management
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None
53. Section, which defines a document as “information and its supporting medium,” is
a) Section 3.11
b) Section 2.10
c) Section 3.5
d) Section 3.4
63. Clause 4.4.7 is related to
a) Emergency preparedness & response
b) Monitoring & measuring
c) Operational control
d) Control of documents
64. Regarding environmental incidents and emergency, all employees are trained to report
environmental incidents & emergency situations to
a) The Environmental Manager
b) Technical Service Manager
c) Contractor
d) Load Dispatcher
65. An organization, for every significant environmental impact must decide
a) What to measure
b) How to measure
c) When to measure
d) All above
Examination Paper – ISO 14001:2004
IIBM Institute of Business Management
66. Which scales of measurement are used to identify categories of objects or events?
a) Nominal scales
b) Ordinal scales
c) Interval scales
d) Ratio scales
67. If adverse environmental impacts is labeled as “high – medium – low” as rated “3 – 2 – 1”, then
which scale would be useful to assign values represents things that are better or worse in
comparison others?
a) Nominal scales
b) Ordinal scales
c) Interval scales
d) Ratio scales
68. Whatever type of measure is selected, that must be
a) Reliable
b) Valid
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None
69. Documents that the organization feels are necessary to ensure effective operation & control of
process related to its significant environmental aspects, are required by
a) Clause 4.1.1
b) Clause 4.2.2
c) Clause 4.3.3
d) Clause 4.4.4
70. Data, which inform an organization whether procedure are being followed & whether they are
effective in managing environmental aspects & controlling related environmental impacts.
a) Data obtained form ICP
b) Data obtained from EMS
c) Data obtained through the measurement techniques
d) Data obtained through the measurement & monitoring techniques
71. For ISO 14001 registration, an organization must provide evidence of
a) A procedure for evaluating legal compliance
b) Compliance review by management
c) Corrective action for any noncompliance
d) All above
72. If the organization’s ……………………………… has not identified the noncompliance, the
registrar audit team will ascertain whether the organization had identified & has access to its legal
& other requirements.
a) Internal audits
Examination Paper – ISO 14001:2004
IIBM Institute of Business Management
b) External audit
c) Registration audit
d) None
73. Who will first attempt to determine whether the audited organization’s internal audit team
identified the same noncompliance?
a) Audit team
b) Manager
c) Registrar Audit Team
d) Auditor
82. ……………………. provide information that confirms the occurrence of activities or verifies
performance relative to a fixed or recommended standard.
a) Data
b) Files
c) Records
d) Diaries
83. The ISO 14001 :2004 states explicitly that records must be kept
a) Compliance, training & awareness
b) Monitoring & measurement
c) Internal audit
d) All above
84. Internal audit is defined in
a) Clause 4.3.1
b) Clause 4.5.5
c) Clause 4.4.1
d) Clause 4.4.3
85. Records should be in ink, rather than pencil, to prevent
a) Smudging
b) Darkness
c) Readability
d) Legibility
Examination Paper – ISO 14001:2004
IIBM Institute of Business Management
86. The linkage between an activity and an associated record should be clear, this feature of record is
known as
a) Identifiable
b) Legible
c) Traceable
d) All above
87. Which section defines an auditor is a “person with the competence to conduct an audit”?
a) Section 3.14
b) Section 3.17
c) Section 3.1
d) Section 3.4
88. Any record, electronic or hard copy, identified on the environmental records retention schedule
that demonstrates conformance with EMS & legal & other requirements, is known as
a) Environmental record
b) Environmental aspect
c) Information
d) Document
89. The ……………….. is used to determine if it is time to destroy an environmental record.
a) EMS List
b) Employee’s Detail List
c) Records Retention List
d) None
90. An environmental management system audit is
a) Environmental performance audit
b) Regulatory Compliance Audit
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None
91. An EMS audit verifies that appropriate procedures are in place & functioning to ensure
conformity with
a) ISO 14001 : 2004
b) An organization’s document
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None
92. The internal audit procedure must address
a) Responsibilities
b) Audit Criteria
c) Frequency
d) All above
Examination Paper – ISO 14001:2004
IIBM Institute of Business Management
93. Smaller organizations may be unable to delicate the resources required for a sufficient no. of
auditors. In such a circumstance, an organization might borrow auditors from
a) Corporate headquarters
b) Consortia
c) Consulting firms
d) Sister facilities
94. Information that is verifiable & is based on facts obtained through observation measurement,
testing, or other means, is
a) Nonconformance
b) Conformance
c) Objective evidence
d) None
b) Continuous improvement or environmental performance
c) Improved regulatory compliance
d) All above
99. The small organization, those with one to five employees, sometimes referred to as
a) Medium enterprises
b) Micro enterprises
Examination Paper – ISO 14001:2004
IIBM Institute of Business Management
c) Mini enterprises
d) Super enterprises
100. Continual improvement as a “recurring process of enhancing the environmental management
system in order to achieve improvements in overall environmental performance consistent with
the organization’s environment policy”, is defined by
a) Section 3.1
b) Section 3.14
c) Section 3.17
d) Section 3.2

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