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Monday, 19 August 2013

AIMA assignments 2013 : Contact us for answers at

     Business Law & Corporate Governance
    Assignment - I
Assignment Code: 2013GM06B1                                               Last Date of Submission: 15th October 2013
                             Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

1.     Compare and contrast
a)   “Legislation” and “Customs” as sources of Law.
     b)  Offer and “Invitation to offer”

2.     a)     Explain the term “discharge of a contract by operation of law”.
    b)     What conditions must be fulfilled for a valid ‘agency by ratification’

3.    a)          A stock of rice is sold at an agreed price per quintal. The rice is to be weighed by             the  agents   of  the  seller  as  also of the buyer to ascertain the total price to be             paid. A   part   of   rice   is   weighed  and  carried  away by the buyer’s  agent, but         remaining is swept away by floods.  Who will bear the loss? Give reasons.
    b)      Principal directs  his   agent   to   buy   a   particular   shop   for   him.  Agent after             preliminary   enquiries  informs   the   principal   that   the   particular  shop is not          available for sale, but buys the shop for his personal use. Does Principal have any         remedies against his agent? Substantiate your answer.

4.      a)    A trader pledged certain goods in favor of a bank and took a loan.  On default to             return   the   loan,  the  bank  sold  the  goods  without giving notice of sale to the
        trader, as the loan agreement specifically excludes it. Trader contends that such             an  ‘exclusion clause’  by   the   bank   is  inconsistent   with  the  provisions of the         Contract Act.  Reason out the contention of the trader.
    b)    X agrees to buy from a jeweler certain gold ornaments, to be delivered to him in             September 2013.  On       16th August, 2013,   the   Government   enacts   a     law,             prohibiting   dealing   in   gold.  When time comes for delivery in September2013, 
         Jeweler  refuses  the  promised delivery of gold ornaments. What remedy does X             have against the jeweler?

Case Study

Case 1.

A,B and C as sureties for D enter into three several bonds, each in a different penalty, namely, A, in the penalty of Rs. 100,000; B in that of Rs. 200,000, and C in that of 400,000, for D duly accounting to E. D makes a default of Rs. 400,000.
What is the liability of each of the sureties?

Case 2

In the context of “consideration” for a contract, your study material illustrates a point with help of case “Chinnaya V  Ramayya”.

You are required to give facts of that case and describe the principle laid down in the judgment of that case regarding ‘consideration’

     Business Law & Corporate Governance
    Assignment - I
Assignment Code: 2013GM06B2                                                Last Date of Submission: 15th November 2013
                              Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

1.     Compare and contrast
a)       Doctrine of ‘ultra -vires’ with Doctrine of Indoor management
    b)      ‘Promoter’ and ‘Director’ in the context of a Company.
    c)       ‘General crossing’ and ‘special crossing’ on a cheque.

2.     Differentiate
a)    ‘Ordinary resolution’ from ‘special resolution’
    b)     Holder and ‘holder in due course’ of a negotiable instrument.
    c)    ‘Negotiation’ and ‘Assignment’ of a negotiable instrument.

3.    Explain the procedure to wind up a Company voluntarily.  How does it differ from     Compulsory winding-up?

4.      In the context of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, explain the following:
a)    Composition of Board of directors.
b)    Role of Audit Committee
c)    Compliance Report

Case Study

A partnership Firm of Ram along with Laxman, Bharat and Charat is running a business to manufacture of automobile parts, successfully. The Partners discussed expansion plans and wanted to know the pros and cons of converting the partnership firm into a private limited company. In view of your qualifications, they contemplate appointing you a whole time director in the proposed company, if they are convinced of its advantage.

 They seek your advice with specific reference to;
a)    Formalities required for converting to a private company.
b)    Approximate time for such conversion and approximate cost of doing so.
c)    Major advantages and disadvantage, if any of changing over to company form of business from a partnership firm.


Tender your advice in writing, containing as many clarifications as would help them take a correct decision.

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