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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

SMU Assignments : Summer 2013: Contact us for answers at

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MI0038 –Enterprise Resource Planning -4 Credits
(Book ID: B1324)
Note: Assignment (60 marks) must be written within 6-8 pages. Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should not exceed 400 words and 5 marks should not exceed 200 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
a. Consider two organisational environment in which one of the organisation is having no or little communication between departments and the other organisation where all the departments know what the others are doing. Now which environment is considered to be better and why?

(identifying which environment – 2 marks, explaining the reasons – 4 marks)
b. Explain integrated Management of integration.

(explanation- 4 marks)     (7 6+4 marks
Q2.     Earlier payroll systems used the systems which were more than process time sheets, print payroll checks and keep total number of annual wages and deductions. Present day systems used computer-based system that optimises the collection, collation, transfer and presentation of information throughout an organisation. Identify the type of system used by earlier payroll system and current system and define them. What are the main differences between the two systems? Explain the various characteristics of MIS.
(identifying the types- 2 marks, definitions- 2 marks, listing the 4 differences – 4 marks, characteristics of MIS- 2 marks )     10 marks
Q3.     Normally when we review a potential software suppliers, we tend to focus only on the potential product’s functionality and cost. Though these elements are important, the methodology neglects other areas of importance. What are the key selection criteria for ERP software.
(listing the criteria for various departments- 5 marks, explaining the necessary questions- 5 marks)     5+5 marks
a. List the major subsystems of manufacturing and production planning module.

(listing – 4 marks)     6+4 marks

Summer 2013 

b. Explain the various modules in detail with example

(explanation-4 marks, examples- 2 marks)
Q5.     Explain the relation between output variety and the type of manufacturing process with a neat diagram
(Diagram- 2 marks, explanation- 8 marks)     10 marks
Q6.     Describe in detail the workflow of HRM that deploys ERP systems with a neat diagram
(Diagram- 3 marks, listing the different sub modules- 2 marks, explaining-5 marks)     10 Marks

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MI0039 –E-Commerce-4 Credits
(Book ID: B1325)
Assignment (60 marks)
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should not exceed 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Q1.     Warigon is a retail company and they want to automate the payment system. Assume that you are the design engineer of that company. What are the factors that you would consider while designing the electronic payment system?
(Analysing- 5 marks, Factors- 5 marks)     (7 10 marks
Q2.     For many years companies have been using computers to send business documents instead of mailing paper documents (i.e. most of our pay checks are directly deposited into our bank accounts). This transfer of funds is accomplished by the use of an electronic file being sent from your company to your bank). The problem was that the all employed proprietary used unique formats to pursue this task. The absence of a standard format led to the condition where computers could no longer "talk" to one another without a great deal of effort by programmers. For example, Supplier X could recognize an electronic Purchase Order from Retailer A but not from Retailer B. To avoid the above condition ANSI formulated a committee for the entire world to have standardised format for the electronic transaction. What is the name of the standard? Discuss the working concepts of that standard.
(Recognising the standard – 1 mark, defining the standard- 2 marks, listing the various components – 3 marks , explaining the working – 4 marks)     10 marks
Q3.     The four Ps concept in marketing are the four major ingredients of a traditional marketing mix directed at the customer or target market. List and explain the four Ps of marketing? Are the 4 Ps really applicable to Internet marketing? How?
(list – 1 mark, explain four Ps- 3 marks, answering yes or no – 1 mark, reasoning the answer – 5 marks )     10 marks
Q4.     Website is the most important front end tool in the online marketing. It provides     6+4 marks

Summer 2013 

the interactive mode of operation to the user. Define what is a website? Analyse the structure of a website.
(defining the website – 1 mark, diagram- 2 marks, analysing with the justification- 7 marks)
Q5.     RIBA is one of the famous online library which uses online catalogues. Online catalogues are the best way to browse and locate material from the collections of the British Architectural Library at the RIBA. List the benefits of online catalogue
(List 5 benefits- 5 marks, Explain- 5 marks)     10 marks
Q6.     Mobile advertising has become a no-brainer for some brands to drive in-store traffic and online revenue. This is possible only after the growth of Mcommerce. Define Mcommerce. Describe the areas of its potential growth and future of mCommerce
(Definition and example- 2 marks, Areas of potential growth-5 marks, Future of mCommerce- 3 marks)     10 Marks

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MI0040 –Technology Management- 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1326)
Assignment (60 marks)
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should not exceed 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Q1.     Define the term technology. Write a short note on evolution and growth of technology. .
( Definition – 2 marks, Description on evolution – 5 marks, Growth of technology- 3 marks)     (7 10 marks
Q2.     Citing an example, state and explain the reasons that compel a company to go for the new technology.
(Stating with an example -2 marks, Reasons and describe – 8 marks)     10 marks
Q3.     Describe some characteristics of technology forecasting. Explain in brief about the six phases in technology forecasting process.
(4 characteristics – 4 marks, 6 phases of technology – 6 marks)     10 marks
Q4.     Write a short note on technology strategy. Explain in brief about the innovation management.
(Explanation – 3 marks, Describe – 7 marks)     10 marks
Q5.     What is the importance of technology diffusion? What are the benefits of technology absorption?
(Importance- 5 marks, 5 benefits – 5 marks)     10 marks
Q6.     Explain the implementation of new technology. Briefly describe the automation decisions.
(Explanation- 5 marks, Description of automatic decisions – 5 marks)     10 Marks

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MI0041 –Java and Web Design - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1327)
Assignment (60 marks)
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should not exceed 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Q1.     Explain the browser components and its features
(Listing the browser components-2 marks, explanation- 3 marks, Features-5 marks)     (7 10 marks
Q2.     Describe in detail the building of webpage
(description- 10 marks)     10 marks
Q3.     How to use forms? Explain with an example
( Instruction to use forms- 5 marks, Example – 5 marks)     10 marks
Q4.     Give an example for cascade style sheets and explain editing with cascade style sheets in detail .
( Define cascade sheet – 2 marks, Explanation of editing feature- 3 marks, Example and illustrating – 5 marks)     10 marks
Q5.     Describe the working of search engine. What are the different types of search engine? Explain with its application.
(Working of search engine- 5 marks, Different type of search engine- 3 marks, Explain with its application - 2 marks)     10 marks
Q6.     List the benefits and drawbacks of Lamp stack
(benefits- 5 marks, drawbacks- 5 marks)     10 Marks

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MB0053 –International Business Management -4 Credits
(Book ID: B1724)
Assignment- 60 marks
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Q1. The world economy is globalizing at an accelerating pace. What do you mean by globalization? Discuss the merits and demerits of Globalization.
(meaning of globalization - 2 marks, merits- 4 marks, demerits- 4 marks) 10 marks
Q2. The international trade theories explain the basics behind international trade. Compare the Absolute and comparative cost advantage theories with the help of example.
(explain the 2 theories - 6 marks, examples- 4 marks) 10 marks
Q3. Culture is more often a source of conflict than synergy. As an Indian manager, what management style and corporate culture you should be aware of while travelling to Japan and to USA?
( Japanese corporate culture - 5 marks, USA’s corporate culture - 5 marks) 10 marks
Q4. Regional integration is the bonding between nations and states through political, cultural and economic cooperation. A whole range of regional integration exists today. Discuss these 6 types in brief.
(6 Types of regional integration - 10 marks) 10 marks
Q5. The decision of a firm to compete internationally will be strategic. While formulating global marketing strategies, how should a firm deal with segmentation, market positioning and international product policy?
( segmentation-3 marks, positioning - 4 marks, product policy- 3 marks) 10 marks
Q6. Global sourcing industry is on a growth run as there are sound business reasons to it. Discuss these reasons with examples.
( reasons for global sourcing- 7 marks, examples- 3 marks) 10 marks

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MB0052 – Strategic Management and Business Policy - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1699)
Assignment- 60 marks
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Q1.     A well- formulated strategy is vital for growth and development of any organization. Explain corporate strategy in different types of organizations.
(Corporate strategy in small business 2marks ; Corporate strategy in large business 2marks; Corporate strategy in multinational 2 marks; Corporate strategy on public sectors 2marks; Corporate strategy on non-profit organizations 2marks)     10 marks
Q2.     Businesses need to be planned not only for today, but also for tomorrow, that is, for the future which implies business continuity. Write the importance of business continuity planning. Explain any two strategies for business continuity planning.
(Meaning of business continuity planning 2 marks; Importance of business continuity planning 3 marks ; Explanation of any 2 business continuity planning 5 marks)     10 marks
Q3.     Governed corporation is a model of successful corporate governance. Define and explain governed corporation. Distinguish between managed corporation and governed corporation in terms of board’s role, major characteristics and policies of a company.
(Definition and introduction governed corporation 4 marks; Distinguish between managed corporation and governed corporation.(each point of difference carries 2 marks) 6 marks)     10 marks
Q4.     Price or market competitiveness of a product or business depends on its cost competitiveness. Cost competitiveness implies two things-cost efficiency and cost effectiveness. Explain the concept of cost efficiency of an organization. Analyze the major determinants of cost efficiency.     10 marks

Summer 2013 

(Introduction of cost efficiency 2 marks; explanation of four major factors of cost efficiency 8 marks)
Q5.     Stability strategy is most commonly used by an organization. An organization will continue in similar business as it currently pursues similar objectives and resource base. Discuss six situations when it is good/best to pursue stability strategy. Give some Indian examples.
(Explanation of six situations 6 marks; examples 4 marks)     10 marks
Q6.     Corporate culture governs, to a large extent, business ethics and values in an organization. Describe the state of business ethics in Indian companies. Analyze in terms of KPMG business ethics survey.
(Introduction of business ethics in Indian companies 2 marks; Major findings of KPMG 8 marks)     10 Marks

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