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Saturday, 24 August 2013

SMU Assignments : Summer 2013: Contact us for answers at

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MU0018 – Change Management
(Book ID: B1339)
Note: Assignment (60 marks) must be written within 6-8 pages. Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should not exceed 400 words.
Q1.     What is change management? Explain the importance of change management.
(meaning of change management – 5, explanation of importance – 5)     10 marks
Q2.     Define Organisational Life Cycle. List and explain the stages in organizational Life cycle?
(meaning of organisational life cycle – 2, listing the five stages – 3, explanation – 5)     10 marks
Q3.     Explain briefly the recent approaches to organisational development and change. List some of the process based change models. Describe Lewin’s model of change.
(explanation of recent approaches – 5, listing of process based change models – 1, explanation of Lewin’s model of change – 4)     10 marks
Q4.     What are the Five disciplines in Change leadership framework? Discuss in brief about the role of leaders in the change process.
(five disciplines – 3, explanation of role of leaders – 7)     10 marks
Q5.     What are the four strategies that are commonly used in the change management? Explain the strategies for competitive advantage.
(listing and explanation of four strategies – 4, meaning of competitive advantage – 1, explanation of strategies – 5)     10 marks
Q6.     Define learning organization. Explain the need for learning organization and its characteristics.
(definition – 2 , explanation of need – 2, listing the four characteristics – 1, explanation of characteristics - 5)     10 Marks

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MU0015 – Compensation Benefits
(Book ID: B1336)
Note: Assignment (60 marks) must be written within 6-8 pages. Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should not exceed 400 words.
Q1.     Discuss the elements of compensation package.
(listing the elements of compensation package – 2, explanation – 8)     10 marks
Q2.     Describe the importance of employee satisfaction. Explain the link between employee satisfaction and compensation.
(meaning of employee satisfaction – 2, importance – 4, explanation of link – 4)     10 marks
Q3.     What is pay structure? Explain why it is necessary to develop a proper pay structure. Mention the factors to be determined and steps for developing pay structures.
(meaning of pay structure – 1, reason for developing a proper pay structure – 4, explanation of factors – 2, explanation of steps – 3)     10 marks
Q4.     Explain the components of wages. Explain employee participation in wage fixation.
(listing the components– 2, explanation on components of wages – 4, explanation on employee participation – 4)     10 marks
Q5.     Describe Cost-to-Company and list its components.
(meaning of CTC – 3, explanation– 5, listing the components – 2)     10 marks
Q6.     What is meant by strategy? Write a brief note on Strategic compensation planning.
(meaning of strategy – 2, meaning of strategic compensation planning – 2, explanation on strategic compensation planning – 6)     10 Marks

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 3
MB0051 –Legal aspects of Business -4 Credits
(Book ID: B1725)
Assignment- 60 marks
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Q1. It is important for any person to know law as ignorance of law is no excuse. Modern Indian law has been derived from some sources. Discuss the primary and secondary sources of Indian law.
(primary sources- 5 marks, secondary sources- 5 marks) 10 marks
Q2. We all enter into many contracts in a day knowingly or unknowingly. Explain the definition of a valid contract. How are contracts classified?
( definition - 5 marks, classification – 5 marks) 10 marks
Q3. The parties to bailment have certain rights and duties. Discuss the duties of both parties i.e. the bailor and bailee.
( duties of bailor- 5 marks, duties of bailee- 5 marks) 10 marks
Q4. A contract comprises of reciprocal promises. In a contract of sale who is an unpaid seller?
Discuss the remedies for breach of contract under Sale of Goods Act, 1930.
( unpaid seller- 2 marks, breach of contract- 8 marks) 10 marks
Q5. The Companies Act, 1956 deals with the formation and transaction of business of a company. Discuss the features of a company. Also explain the process of formation of a company.
( features- 3 marks, process of formation- 7 marks) 10 marks
Q6. With Information Technology Act, 2000, India has a set of cyber laws to provide legal infrastructure for e commerce. Discuss the objectives and limitations of this Act.
( objectives- 3 marks, limitations- 7 marks) 10 marks

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MU0016 – Performance Management and Appraisal
(Book ID: B1337)
Note: Assignment (60 marks) must be written within 6-8 pages. Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should not exceed 400 words.
Q1.     Explain the evolution of performance management. What are the aims of performance management?
(explanation of evolution – 5, aims of performance management – 5)     10 marks
Q2.     Define motivation. Explain McGregor’s theory X and theory Y.
(definition of motivation – 2, explanation of Theory X – 4, Theory Y – 4)     10 marks
Q3.     Explain the Contents of performance agreement. Describe the managers’ responsibility in Performance Planning.
(explanation on contents – 5, description of managers’ responsibility– 5)     10 marks
Q4.     Describe the traditional methods of performance appraisal.
(listing the traditional methods – 2, explanation – 8)     10 marks
Q5.     Write a brief note on Subjectivity and Errors in Rating. What is Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
(explanation on subjectivity and errors in rating – 4, explanation of BARS – 4, advantages & disadvantages – 2)     10 marks
Q6.     What are the methods to measure performance? How do you monitor performance?
(explanation of methods to measure performance – 7, explanation of monitoring performance – 3)     10 Marks

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MU0017 – Talent Management
(Book ID: B1338)
Note: Assignment (60 marks) must be written within 6-8 pages. Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should not exceed 400 words.
Q1.     Explain the need for talent management?
(meaning of talent management – 2, explanation of the need – 8)     10 marks
Q2.     Describe talent selection and talent alignment
(meaning – 2 , explanation of five process of talent selection – 4, meaning and explanation of talent alignment – 4)     10 marks
Q3.     Write a brief note on ‘promoting ethical behaviour’ in workplace.
(meaning of ethics – 1, explanation on ethical behaviour – 2, promoting positive ethics in workplace – 2, keys to promote ethical behaviour in the workplace – 5)     10 marks
Q4.     What is talent engagement? What are the objectives of talent engagement?
(meaning of talent engagement – 5, objectives of talent engagement – 5)     10 marks
Q5.     Why is retention vital to organisation? What are the keys to strong retention? Explain some of the retention strategies.
(meaning of retention – 2, explanation of reasons for retention being vital – 2, keys for strong retention – 3, explanation of retention strategies – 3)     10 marks
Q6.     What are the elements of total rewards?
(meaning of rewards and total rewards- 2, example – 1, listing the elements of total rewards – 2, explanation - 5)     10 Marks

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 3
MB0050 – Research Methodology - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1700)
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Q1.     Explain the process of problem identification with an example.
(Process – 7 marks, Example – 3 marks)     10 marks
Q2.     Interview method involves a dialogue between the Interviewee and the Interviewer. Explain the interview method of data collection. What are the uses of this technique? What are the different types of interviews?
(Explanation – 4 marks, Uses – 3 marks, Types – 3 marks)     10 marks
Q3.     A study of different sampling methods is necessary because precision, accuracy, and efficiency of the sample results depend on the method employed for selecting the sample. Explain the different types of Probability and Non-Probability sampling designs.
(Probability sampling designs – 5 marks, Non- probability designs – 5 marks)     10 marks
Q4.     a. Differentiate between descriptive and inferential analysis of data.
(Differences – 5 marks)
b. Explain with examples various measures of Central Tendency.
(Explanation – 5 marks)     10 marks
Q5.     The chi-square test is widely used in research. Discuss the various applications of chi-square test. Under what conditions is this test applicable?
(Meaning – 3 marks, Applications – 4 marks, Conditions – 3 marks)     10 marks
Q6.     What is analysis of variance? What are the assumptions of the technique? Give a few examples where this technique could be used.
(Meaning – 3 marks, Assumptions – 4 marks, Examples – 3 marks)     10 marks

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