Corporate Finance
(For CNM Cases)
Assignment – II
Assignment Code: 2016FM05A2 Last Date of Submission: 30th
April 2016
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry
equal marks.
1. What is carrying cost and shortage
cost? Which policy is recommended if the shortage cost is relatively lower than the carrying cost and vice versa?
Explain the policies followed in
maintaining working capital with examples.
2. How do you evaluate a proposed credit
policy? How does the value of a credit policy change
in case the new policy earns a repeat customer? Explain with
3. What are the techniques used to
accelerate collections in the area of cash management. Explain with a case study.
4. What are the different kinds of
expansion and contraction policies used by firms? Explain with example.
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