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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

SMU Assignments:Fall drive :August 2012:contact us for answers at

August 2012 

Bachelor of Business Administration - Semester 1
BB 0032/BBA 101: ‘Communication Skills’
(4 credits)
(Book ID: B1497)    
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. Explain the process of communication. What is the role of communication in business?
2. What are the various barriers to the Listening Process? Why do you think listening plays a vital role in the organization?
3. What is internal communication and what are the reasons for having it? List the various channels and stake-holders of internal communication.
4. What do you mean by a report? Explain its important features. Note the differences between a performance appraisal report and confidential report.
5. How do verbal, vocal and visual components of communication impact a presentation? What are the points that one needs to keep in mind while preparing audio visual aids?
6. a. With the growing competition and volatile market conditions, jobs are not secured as they ought to be previously. What are the factors looked into by the prospective employers?

b. Do manners and etiquettes play an important role in the interview process? 

August 2012 

Bachelor of Business Administration - Semester 1
BB 0032/BBA 101: ‘Communication Skills’
(4 credits)
(Book ID: B1497)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. What are the various types of communication based on channels and style? What is the importance of verbal communication?
2. a. Explain the role of horizontal communication in an organization by giving suitable examples.
b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of grapevine communication?
3. A sales letter best captures the AIDA principles – comment. Bring out the difference between personal letters and business letters
4. a. What is a memo and what are the principles of writing a memo?
b. What is a circular? What are the guidelines to write a circular?
5. Explain the principles of email. How can you overcome the problems encountered in email communication?
6. a. Why is employment communication a necessary weapon for employers? What should an employer look for in a good resume?
b. State the differences between a resume and a CV. 

Fall/ August 2012 

Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 1
BBA102- Organization and Behaviour - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1498)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
1     What are the key elements of Organisational Behaviour?     [10]
2     Explain Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning theories of learning.     [10]
3     What are the characteristics of emotions?     [10]
4     Explain Abraham Maslow’s theory of motivation.     [10]
5     What are the sources of conflict?     [10]
6     Mr. James is the HR Executive at Power India Ltd. He is assigned to interview ten candidates for the post of Production General Manager. What biological and cultural factors will he keep in mind while assessing the personalities of the candidates?     [10]

Fall/ August 2012 

Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 1
BBA102- Organization and Behaviour - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1498)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
1     What are the types of departmentation?     [10]
2     What are the different leadership styles?     [10]
3     Explain the organisational sources of stress.     [10]
4     Describe the process of communication.     [10]
5     How do employees learn organisational culture?     [10]
6     Imagine yourself as a Team Manager in RS Technologies. You would like to assess and improve the team’s relationship with others. How can you use the Johari Window Model to do it? Explain the four quadrants of Johari model.     [10]

(August 2012) 

Bachelor of Business Administration - Semester 1
BB 0034/BBA 103 “ Business Environment”
(4 credits)
(Book ID: B1499)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. Write a note on the following:
    a. Technological environment
    b. Economic environment
2. What are the key points to be understood in environmental analysis?
3. “Knowingly do no harm” is a part of business ethics. What are the activities considered unethical in business ?
4. Describe the achievements of the New Economic Policy.
5. Compare GATT and WTO.
6. Comment on the corporate social responsibility of Indian businesses.

(August 2012) 

Bachelor of Business Administration - Semester 1
BB 0034/BBA 103 “ Business Environment”
(4 credits)
(Book ID: B1499)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. Write a note on the following:
a. Human Development Index b. Purchasing Power Parity
2. Explain the different instruments of Monetary Policies.
3. Trace the evolution of Indian economy from 1947 onwards.
4. Differentiate between capitalist and socialist economies.
5. How does foreign direct investment help in the acceleration of economy? How is FDI channelized in India?
6. Write a note on the three pillars of free economy namely liberalization, privatization and globalization.

August 2012 

Bachelor of Business Administration - Semester 1
BB 0035/BBA 104: ‘Quantitative Techniques in Business’
(2 credits)
(Book ID: B1500)
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. a. Define Statistics. Discuss the functions and list the limitations of statistics.
b. Explain the different types of sampling methods.
2. a. What do you mean by measures of central tendency and dispersion? What are the various measures of central tendency and dispersion?
b. The monthly income (in rupees) of 10 employees working in a firm is as follows:
4487     4493     4502     4446     4475     4492     4572     4516     4468     4489

Find the average monthly income
4000     4200     4400     4600     4800

c. Calculate the mean deviation of the following statistical data about the median:
3. a. What are index numbers? What are the uses of Index numbers?
b. Briefly explain the various control charts. 

August 2012 

Bachelor of Business Administration - Semester 1
BB 0035/BBA 104: ‘Quantitative Techniques in Business’
(2 credits)
(Book ID: B1500)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. a. Define primary data? What are the various methods of collecting primary data?
b. What is a questionnaire? Explain what precautions must be taken while drafting a questionnaire.
2. a. Explain briefly the meaning of i) range ii) Interquartile range iii) Quartiles deviation iv) Average Deviation v) Standard Deviation vi) Lorenz Curve.
b. Determine the Correlation Coefficient. What are the properties and uses of Correlation Coefficient?
3. a. What do you understand by time series? What are the different types of variation in time series?
b. Fit a straight line trend by the method of least squares to the following data.
Year     2006     2007     2008     2009     2010
Sales (in lakh tonnes)     100     120     110     140     80

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