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Wednesday, 19 December 2012

SMU Assignments:Fall/ Aug 2012:BBA Sem V: contact us for answers at

Fall/August 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 5
BB0022 Capital and Money Market - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0101)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
1. Explain the securities market and discuss the methods of underwriting the securities.
2. List out the primary stock exchanges operating in India and the causes of price
fluctuations of shares.
3. Explain the meaning, requirements, criteria, advantages and limitations of Listing.
4. Discuss the shortcomings of Indian money markets
5. What do you mean by “Bullish and Bearish”. Explain the attitudes of buyers and sellers
of call and put options
6. Explain the importance of credit rating agencies. List out the credit rating agencies
operating in India and describe the rating system.
Fall/August 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 5
BB0022 Capital and Money Market - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0101)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
1. Discuss the role played by SEBI in capital markets and list out the SEBI regulations.
2. What do you mean by a Demat account?. Explain the importance and process of
dematerialization of shares.
3. What do you mean by Mutual Fund? Give an example and advantages of mutual funds.
List out the RBI guidelines for mutual funds.
4. Write short notes on the following with an example of each -
a. Derivatives
b. Forward contract
5. Describe the various sectors of money markets
6. Explain the credit instruments used in money markets.
Fall/ August 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 5
BB0023 Multinationals & their Roles - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0102)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
1. What is a MNC? Discuss the impact of Foreign Direct Investments in at least two sectors
of the Indian economy with examples.
2. “The technologies transferred by the MNC to their production units in the
underdeveloped countries are appropriate for the latter’s social and economic
development needed”. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Support your
answer with relevant examples.
3. Briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of MNCs.
4. Write short notes on the following:
(a) FERA
(b) Obstacles of foreign capital in developing economies
5. Write a brief note on international HRM strategy.
6. Discuss the organizational structures for multinational strategies.
Fall/ August 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 5
BB0023 Multinationals & their Roles - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0102)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
1. Explain the concept of Franchising with an example. List out the advantages and
disadvantages of franchising
2. Write a short note on “transfer pricing and multinational corporations.”
3. Explain the importance of “Foreign Capital in India” and list out the various government
agencies which are entrusted with the responsibility of controlling the activities of MNCs
in the country.
4. Write a brief note on MNC relations with trade unions.
5. Write a short note on designing a global remittance policy.
6. Give the structure of balance of payments and explain the causes and correction of
balance of payments disequilibrium
Fall/August 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 5
BB0024– Introduction to International Marketing - 4 Credits
(Book ID: BO103)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Name and explain with suitable examples, three reasons why international marketing is
more challenging than domestic marketing. [10 Marks]
Q.2 What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of standardization and adaptation
? Explain with suitable examples. [10 Marks]
Q.3 Suggest five different ways in which India could improve its image as an exporter in
international markets, explaining why. [10 Marks]
Q.4 Name five different characteristics of the economic environment that need to be
analyzed by international marketers and their implications for international marketing
strategy.[10 Marks]
Q.5 Describe any two aspects of the current Indian legal environment and its implications for
international marketers entering the Indian market for the first time.[10 Marks]
Q.6 Select a product of your choice to be introduced in the US market. What are the
cultural factors that would have to be considered in developing a marketing strategy for this
product?[10 Marks]
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 5
BB0024 - Introduction to International Marketing - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0103)
Assignment Set- 2 ( 60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain the differences between – a) Tariff and non-tariff barriers b) GATT and the
Fall/August 2012
WTO. [10 Marks]
Q.2 What are the differences between domestic and international marketing research? In
your opinion, which is the most difficult step in conducting international marketing research
and why? [10 Marks]
Q.3 What are the pros and cons of direct entry into international markets through joint
ventures, as compared to direct foreign investment? [10 Marks]
Q.4 Select a currently existing product in the Indian market to be launched in the US
market. Explain three aspects of marketing strategy that need to be adapted for the US
market. [10 Marks]
Q.5 What are the essential elements of an international marketing plan that distinguish it
from a domestic marketing plan? Why is it important to update the international marketing
plan regularly? [10 Marks]
Q.6 Your Company is importing fertilizer in bulk. On arrival there is a shortage compared
to the Bill of Lading quantity. How would you deal with this situation for future consignments
– before shipment, on arrival of the vessel, at time of discharge and thereafter? 10 Marks]
Fall/August 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester V
BB0025 – E Commerce – 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0035/B0104)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Let us examine the simple task when an employee of a company wants to buy a PC for
his office.
•Generate request for PC including the specifications.
•Approval process has to pass through one or more than one person, depending upon the
cost involved, the position and/or right of the person.
•Once sanctioned, request passes on to the purchasing department.
•Identify the item & supplier: Selection of appropriate model & supplier, with the help of
office supply catalog. The person in the purchasing department has to check more than
one catalog and contact the suppliers to find out the availability, present cost or may be
latest version.
•Issue a purchase order, fax or mail it to the supplier.
•Verify the credit and sales history of the ordering company.
•Check the warehouse for inventory; find out when it can be delivered to the desired
location, within the time frame. Once the supplier is satisfied, then
Create a transportation and inform the warehouse.
Create an invoice for the PC and mail it.
Finally PC reaches the office & the company pays the bill for PC by some standard means.
Once the above given processes are digitized (if not, most of the steps) business can be
done online in e-Commerce. Certainly e-Commerce results in reduction of procedural
overheads, hence better performance at reduced cost and time.
a. What are the procedural overheads you come across in the traditional
b. Describe how ecommerce results in reduced cost and time. [10 Marks]
Q.2 a. What are the different elements of E-C applications? [5 Marks]
b. Explain the different layers of OSI reference model [5 Marks]
Q.3 Summarize the future directions of E-commerce. [10 Marks]
Fall/August 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester V
BB0025 – E Commerce – 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0035/B0104)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain Stretch principle [10 Marks]
Q.2 What is the difference between system procedure and system function?.
Explain the different procedures and functions with their description. [10 Marks]
Q.3 Explain the steps to set up a website [10 Marks]
Fall/August 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester V
BB0026 – Introduction to technology Management – 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0105)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain the role and importance of technology management. [10 Marks]
Q.2 Explain how the ten basic tenets for the management of technology is used in an
enterprise to operate within a TC framework by taking a sample enterprise to explain
[10 Marks]
Q.3 How do you assess technology management? [10 marks]
Fall/August 2012
Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester V
BB0026 – Introduction to technology Management – 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0105)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 a. What is technology management and who is the technology manager?
(5 Marks)
b. What are the strategic issues in technology management? (5 Marks)
[5 Marks]
Q.2 a. “The human being used to be the masters of technologies”. Give the
comparative analysis on this statement. [5 Marks]
b. How do you justify that risk analysis assess creative and innovative
ventures in technology? [5 marks]
Q.3 How does technology helps in low cost and high quality. Justify with the
example of your own. [10 Marks]

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