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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

SMU Assignments:August fall drive 2012:Marketing management sem 4 :contact us for answers at

Fall/August 2012 

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
MK0015 – Service Marketing & Customer Relationship Management - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Mention the bases for segmentation of services with examples.

Q.2 Explain service quality concept. Evaluate the growth of services marketing.

Q.3 Briefly explain the five factors that influence the level of adequate service.

Q.4 Discuss service quality measurement and service mapping.

Q.5 Explain hard and soft customer defined standards. Compare flexible services and standard services.

Q.6 Define service sector in India and classify the major service sectors.

Fall/August 2012 

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
MK0015 – Service Marketing & Customer Relationship Management - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain the types of new service developments and its stages

Q.2 What is service differentiation? Explain service differentiation strategies

Q.3 What are the different stages in which organisations choose innovative operational methods?

Q.4 What are the various levels of customer satisfaction? How important is a plan or methodology to initiate customer responses?

Q.5 Categorise the marketing mix in insurance sector & airline industry .

Q.6 Define the elements of strategic management. Mention the technical options in the service marketing.

Fall/August 2012 

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
MK0016 – Advertising Management & Sales Promotion - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Why sales promotion is an integral part of marketing? How does it differ from marketing and advertising?

Q.2 Explain why the three segments of the very young, the working women and the elders need different advertising strategies now.

Q.3 Explain the advantage of Direct Marketing. List all the methods and media used for it.

Q.4 Marketers and advertisers are often accused of cheating the customer. How far is it true? To what extent is the customer also responsible for it?

Q.5 What role does copy play in a campaign? Why copy has to be written with great knowledge and skill?

Q.6 Mention the methods of fixing advertising budget, with their strengths and weaknesses. Which method will you recommend for a medium sized FMCG manufacturer in a stable market?

Fall/August 2012 

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
MK0016 – Advertising Management & Sales Promotion - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 What are the above - and below - the-line media? Describe the most powerful ones in both. What is a media mix?

Q.2 Every business in India wants to pursue the middle class spending habits. Describe how valid it is and why.

Q.3 Describe the fundamental differences between the urban consumer markets and the very scattered and diverse rural markets. What created the current boom in semi-rural market?

Q.4 What is Gestalt psychology? Explain with examples how it resembles the way a person fits in the advertising message with his existing knowledge.

Q.5 Describe some of the major tools of trade promotions. What incentive would you recommend for increasing sale of refrigerators?

Q.6 Describe why advertising objectives ought to be set up clearly at the outset. Why is it difficult to measure the return on investment of an advertising campaign?

Fall/August 2012 

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
MK0017 – e- marketing - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 List out the elements of today’s Web 2.0 landscape. What are the technological challenges faced in e-business?

Q.2 Briefly explain the meaning of SEO and how SEO works. Also explain any 3 benefits of Search Engine Optimisation in e-marketing

Q.3 What are the three different levels distinguished while defining the concept of e-CRM?

Q.4 Explain different types of positioning strategies. Discuss targeting strategies in e-marketing

Q.5 Mention the features of e-marketing. What are the benefits & scope of e-marketing?

Q.6 Explain in brief about customers’ responses in e-marketing & how customer responses are evaluated in e-marketing.

Fall/August 2012 

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
MK0017 – e- marketing - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Describe briefly the nature and characteristics of B2B markets & B2C markets.

Q.2 What is a social networking site? Discuss its merits and demerits.

Q.3 How does an e-CRM help? Explain briefly the method used to calculate the Life-cycle of a customer.

Q.4 Why is knowledge management necessary? What is knowledge management metrics and how important is it to an organisation?

Q.5 Explain briefly any three types of cyber-crimes. Explain the punishments given for cyber-crimes.

Q.6 Make a comparative study of advantages and disadvantages of B2B, B2C, B2G markets and how e-marketing can be successful in each.

Fall 2012 

MBA in Marketing Management – Semester 4
MK0018: “International Marketing”
(4 credits)
(Book ID: B1199)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. Explain how Letter of Credit acts as an appropriate mode of payment for both exporter and importer.

2. “International distribution decisions are critical decisions”. Substantiate.

3. Discuss the EPRG orientations and give the differences between international and domestic marketing.

4. How is international marketing segmentation helpful in making strategies? What are the bases of the segmentation?

5. What are the factors that affect the pricing strategy of an international firm? What different pricing strategies can the firms adopt?

6. What are star export houses? Mention the various special strategic packages for status holders.

Fall 2012 

MBA in Marketing Management – Semester 4
MK0018: “International Marketing”
(4 credits)
(Book ID: B1199)
Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. Discuss briefly the steps involved in processing of an export order.

2. Discuss briefly the various techniques to assess country risk. Give examples to illustrate your answer.

3. Discuss fundamental methods of exchange rate forecasting. What are the problems in forecasting exchange rates?

4. What is the role and elements of culture?

5. Write a short note on International Advertising. How is it important for international marketing?

6. Describe the various modes of entries in international market.

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