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Business Communication
Business Communication

Business Communication

Q1. (a) How is communication classified? State the advantages and disadvantages of formal communication.

Q1. (b) Discuss the levels of listening and state the factors that can make listening ineffective.

Q2. (a) Discuss the principles of an effective presentation.

Q2. (b) How is a meeting planned? Discuss the factors to be kept in mind while planning a meeting.

Q3. (a) How can the purpose of business writing be classified? What are the characteristics of effective writing?

Q3. (b) Explain the preparation of an effective CV. Why is it important to send a cover letter with CV?

Q4. (a) Different between office circulars, office orders and office notes. State the standard parts of business letter.

Q4. (b) Discuss the steps involved in writing a case analysis.

Q6. (a) - 1: Discuss the ler.els where the communication systems failed resulting in the tragedy.

Q6. (a) - 2: Prepare a bullet presentation of the incident.

Q6. (b) - 1: Who was at fault the dentist for not putting his diagnosis in writhing or the patient for not fully understanding the services?

Q6. (b) - 2: How could some of these misunderstandings have been avoided?

Q6. (b) - 3: What services should have been communicated orally and what ones in writing?
Business Communication
Business Communication

Business Communication

Q1. (a) How is communication classified? State the advantages and disadvantages of formal communication.

Q1. (b) Discuss the levels of listening and state the factors that can make listening ineffective.

Q2. (a) Discuss the principles of an effective presentation.

Q2. (b) How is a meeting planned? Discuss the factors to be kept in mind while planning a meeting.

Q3. (a) How can the purpose of business writing be classified? What are the characteristics of effective writing?

Q3. (b) Explain the preparation of an effective CV. Why is it important to send a cover letter with CV?

Q4. (a) Different between office circulars, office orders and office notes. State the standard parts of business letter.

Q4. (b) Discuss the steps involved in writing a case analysis.

Q6. (a) - 1: Discuss the ler.els where the communication systems failed resulting in the tragedy.

Q6. (a) - 2: Prepare a bullet presentation of the incident.

Q6. (b) - 1: Who was at fault the dentist for not putting his diagnosis in writhing or the patient for not fully understanding the services?

Q6. (b) - 2: How could some of these misunderstandings have been avoided?

Q6. (b) - 3: What services should have been communicated orally and what ones in writing?
Accounting Management
Accounting Management

Accounting Management

Q1. (a) What is the logic in using contribution approach in pricing decisions? Explain with a help of an example.

Q1. (b) “The real justification for variable costing lies in its managerial use.” Explain.

Q2. (a) "The major defect of variable costing is that it ignores fixed costs, which are becoming increasingly important in business enterprises today." Do you agree? Explain.

Q2. (b) "Responsibility accounting, budgeting and reporting to organization and responsibilities". Explain.

Q3. (a) What is the significance of classifying manufacturing overheads as fixed, variable and semi-variable? Explain the behavior of them.

Q3. (b) Explain the formulae to calculate all possible kind of materials variances.

Q4. (a) Are standard costs applicable to non- manufacturing activities? Explain.

Q4. (b) "Budgets and standards are not the same thing. They have different relation hip exists between them". Elucidate.

Q5.(a) "Discounted payback ensures that you don't accept an investment with negative NPV, but it can't stop you from rejecting project with negative NPV, but it can't stop you from rejecting projects with a positive NPV." Illustrate why this can happen?

Q5. (b) Why is the attitude of top management crucial for the success of budgeting system? Explain.

Q6. (a) Explain the assumptions underlying the break-even analysis. How do they make the breakeven analysis unrealistic?

Q6. (b) Would it be really important for the cost volume-profit interrelations to allocate fixed costs to individual product lines.
Consumer Behavior
Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior

Q1. (a) What is the difference between primary and secondary research? Under what circumstances might the availability of secondary data make primary research unnecessary?

Q1. (b) What is opinion leadership?

Q2. (a) What are the strengths and weaknesses of motivational research?

Q2. (b) What is social class?

Q3. (a) What is the relationship between Brand loyalty and brand equity? What role do concepts play in the development of marketing strategies?

Q3. (b) Sony is introducing a new 27- inch TV with a picture-in-picture feature. How should the company position and advertise the product to (i) Generation-X Consumers (ii)   Affluent’ baby boomers.

Q4. (a): Are there any circumstances in which information from advertisement likely to be more influential than word of mouth?

Q4. (b) Find two ads that depict two different defence mechanisms and discuss their effectiveness.

Q5. (a) How can marketers use measures of recognition and recall to study the extent of consumer learning?

Q5. (b) What is market Segmentation? How is the practice of market segmentation related to the marketing concept?

Q6. (a) What is cross-cultures consumer analysis? How can a multinational company use cross-cultural research to design each factor in its marketing mix?

Q6. (b) How should marketers promote products and services to working women? What appeals should they use? Explain.

Q6. (c) For what kinds of audiences could you consider using comparative advertising? Why?Business Market Management
Business Market Management

Business Market Management

Q1. (a) Why business market managers must be adopt at analyzing understanding. Building & playing an active part in work teams working relationships & Business network?

Q1. (b) How do firms make new offering realization more market oriented?

Q2. (a) How can one ensure that value is delivered?

Q2. (b) How can one strengthen reseller reformation?

Q3. (a) What do you mean by A General Realization process model?

Q3. (b) Explain the resource-based view of the firm creating market strategy?

Q4. (a) Define market segmentation & explain the progressive and conventional bases of Segmentation.

Q4. (b) Is it essential that business market managers recognize which prospective Customer firm is having a buying orientation?

Q5. (a) How can business market managers sustain customer through connected Relationship?

Q5. (b) Explain the way of fulfilling supplier commitments to deliver value.

Q6. (a) Explain how manager use CRM to evaluate customer relationship?

Q6. (b) What is value in business markets?

Q6. (c):  State the importance of gaining customer feedback.

 Business Ethics
Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Q1. (a). "Ethics has no place in business." Discuss this statement.

Q1. (b) "An ethic of caring conflicts with morality because morality requires impartiality." Discuss this criticism of an ethic of caring.

Q2. (a) "From an ethical point of view, big business is always bad business." Discuss the pros and cons of this statement.

Q2. (b) "Equality, justices and a respect for rights are characteristics of the American economic System. Would you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

Q3. (a)Do you agree with the claims that (i) future generations have no rights, and (ii) the future generations to which we have obligations actually include only the generation that will immediately succeed us? Explain your answer. If you do not agree with these claims, state your own views and provide arguments to support them.

Q3. (b) Discuss the arguments for and against the 3 main theories of a producer's duties to the customer. In your judgment, which theory is most adequate? Are there any marketing areas where one theory is more appropriate than the others?

Q4. (a) In your judgment was the historical shift in emphasis from intentional/isolated discrimination to non-intentional/ institutionalized discrimination good or bad? Justify your statement.

Q4. (b) Kohlderg's views on moral development show that the more morally mature a personal becomes, the more likely it is that the person will obey the moral morms of his or her socieity." Discuss.

Q5. (a) In view of contractual agreement that every employee makes to be loyal to the Employer. Do you think that the Whistle blowing is ever morally justified? Explain your answer.

Q5. (b) In your judgment, is it wrong, from an ethical point of view, for the auto companies to submit plans for an automobile to China? Explain your answer.

Q6. (a) "Utilitarianism is the view that so long as an action provides with more measurable economic benefits than costs, the action is morally right." Identify all of the mistakes contained in this definition of utilitarianism.

Q6. (b) "Any pollution law is unjust because it necessarily violates people's right to liberty and right to property." Discuss.

Q6. (c) Evaluate the desirability of the "caring organization."

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