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Project Management

Assignment - I

Assignment Code: 2016D0M03B1                                          Last Date of Submission: 15th November 2016
                                                             Maximum Marks: 100

Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
    Section-A (50 marks)  

1.    Describe the terms Project, Project Management, Project Environment and critical issues in success of Project management. What are the types of Project Selection Models Criteria of Choice?                                  (25 Marks)

2.    What are the different types of project organization? Discuss each with its merits             and demerits.                                           (25 Marks)

                        Section B (50 Marks)

Tsunami hits the costal line of India, thousands of people suffered. Government decided to have technology with them using which they can detect the possibility of such natural disaster in advance. Considering this as the project:

(i) Define the scope of the project
(ii) What are the chances of failure of project? Why?
(iii) Conduct a feasibility study.
(iv) On what factors do the above project depends?
(v) Which organization structure will be suitable for project? Why?

Project Management

Assignment - II

Assignment Code: 2016D0M03B2                                          Last Date of Submission: 15th November 2016
                                                             Maximum Marks: 100

Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
    Section-A (50 marks)  

1.    Discuss the role and characteristics of  Budgets, Audit and Review in Project Management. What is Cost and Project Cost Management? Explain the concept of time value of money                                       (25 Marks)

2.    Explain the importance of "Project Review" in the context of control of a project. What are the elements of controls in projects? How is cybernetics concepts applied to project management?                                           (25 Marks)

                                                             Section B    (50 Marks)
Case Study
Rocket Aerial Target System (RATS)

Bill Williams   called a staff meeting of his key people to get their ideas on proceeding with the RATS project. It was generally agreed that this was a piece of business the operation should pursue. The question was: How could the operation go after this new business and still successfully produce and deliver its other products? It was conceded that the new business was so important that if the key personnel were satisfied with what they heard from marketing tomorrow, an all out effort should be expended to win the contract.
The meeting the next morning resolved most of the operation's questions. Ivor Kaney informed Williams that Corporate was so impressed with the prospects of RATS that the operation had Corporate's approval to spend up to a half million dollars in securing the contract, a very high trust, high priority allotment. All the department heads agreed that some sacrifice would have to be made by them to succeed in this new effort. Each of them would be asked to give up one or two key employees to serve on the project team. Williams decided to commit the operation to an all out effort on the project.

The next day the project team was announced:The team developed the following list of project activities, time estimates, and precedence relationships as part of the project plan:

                                                     Activity    Descriptiom    Immediate Predecessor
Activities    Estimated Time To
Complete  Activity
Product Development
A     Preliminary propulsion design                    -    4
B     Preliminary flight system design                -    5
C     Static tests  A    A    2
D    Propulsion design modifications                    C    2
E    Static tests     D    2
F    Flight tests A                                    B    3
G    Flight system design modifications               E,F    3
H    Flight tests B    G    3
I    Demonstration to customer                         H    2
Bid Package
J    Material and component costs                     E,F    6
K    Labor and overhead costs                         E,F    6
L    Processing of bid package through company        J,K    2
M    Delivery of bid package to customer               I    1

1.    Draw a CPM network for the project.

2.    How long would the project take to complete if Activity b were delayed 2 weeks? How long would the project take to complete if Activity f were delayed 2 weeks? How long would the project take to complete if both Activities b and f were delayed 2 weeks? Discuss the care that must be taken in interpreting the meaning of the activity slack values.

3.    Explain how the project would be affected if some resources could be shifted to Activity j and that activity's duration were reduced by 1 week.   

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