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Friday, 19 July 2013

SMU Assignments: Summer 2013-Oct –Nov Exams : Contact us for answers at

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MA0043 –Corporate Banking – 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1312)
Assignment- 60 marks
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Q1.     Corporate Banking represents the wide range of banking and financial services provided to domestic and international operations of large local corporates and local operations of multinationals corporations. Write a detailed note on evolution of corporate banking.
( introduction- 3 marks; explanation of evolution of corporate Banking -7 marks) 10 marks     (7
Q2.     The supply bills are not bills of exchange and do not enjoy the status of being a negotiable instrument. What are supply bills? What is the procedure to be followed by a bank in making advances against such bills?
( explanation of supply bills -4 marks; procedure-6 marks) 10 marks
Q3.     Assume yourself as a banker and discuss the measures to be taken by the bank to monitor working capital limits sanctioned?
(explanation of working capital-4 marks; measures to be taken by the bank to monitor working capital limits sanctioned -6 marks) 10 marks
Q4.     As a trader in order to be competitive and successful, how can you address some risks that are peculiar to foreign trade like commercial risks and political risks?
( introduction of ECGC- 3 marks; explanation of ECGC- 7 marks) 10 marks
Q5.     The arrangement in which short term domestic receivables on sale of goods or services are sold to an agency (known as the factor) is called Factoring. Write a detailed note on factoring and its benefits.
(explain the Factoring- 6marks +benefits of Factoring – 4 marks) 10 marks
Q6.     What role does RBI play in ensuring that the guidelines are adhered to by banks as per RBI Act 1934 and Banking Regulation Act 1949?
(explanation of role of RBI -RBI Act 1934 -5 marks and Banking Regulation Act 1949 - 5 marks) 10 marks

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MF0017/MA0041 – Merchant Banking and Financial Services - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1318)
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Q1.     Explain the functions of merchant banking and functions of financial intermediaries.
(Functions of merchant banking 8marks; Functions of financial intermediaries 2marks)     10 marks
Q2.     What do you understand by book building and Green shoe option? Explain the book building guidelines.
(Explanation on book building 2marks ; Explanation on book building 3 marks; Book building guidelines 5 marks)     10 marks
Q3.     Explain the roles and responsibilities of custodian services. Write down the code of conduct prescribed by SEBI.
(Roles and responsibilities of custodians 5 marks; Code of conduct by SEBI 5 marks)     10 marks
Q4.     Explain the leases in the financial statements in case of lessees and lessors.
(Explanation on leases in financial statements of lessees 5 marks; Explanation on leases in financial statements of lessors 5 marks)     10 marks
Q5.     Give the meaning and characteristics of Hire Purchase finance. Differentiate between Hire Purchase Vs. Installment and Hire Purchase Vs. Leasing. (Meaning and characteristics – 5marks; Differences between Hire purchase and Installment – 2 marks; Differences between Hire purchase and Leasing.)     10 marks
Q6.     Explain the money market products.
(Call/notice money 2 marks; Treasury Bills 2 marks; Commercial Bills 2 marks; Money market mutual funds 2marks; Commercial paper 2 marks)     10 Marks

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MB0053 –International Business Management -4 Credits
(Book ID: B1724)
Assignment- 60 marks
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Q1. The world economy is globalizing at an accelerating pace. What do you mean by globalization? Discuss the merits and demerits of Globalization.
(meaning of globalization - 2 marks, merits- 4 marks, demerits- 4 marks) 10 marks
Q2. The international trade theories explain the basics behind international trade. Compare the Absolute and comparative cost advantage theories with the help of example.
(explain the 2 theories - 6 marks, examples- 4 marks) 10 marks
Q3. Culture is more often a source of conflict than synergy. As an Indian manager, what management style and corporate culture you should be aware of while travelling to Japan and to USA?
( Japanese corporate culture - 5 marks, USA’s corporate culture - 5 marks) 10 marks
Q4. Regional integration is the bonding between nations and states through political, cultural and economic cooperation. A whole range of regional integration exists today. Discuss these 6 types in brief.
(6 Types of regional integration - 10 marks) 10 marks
Q5. The decision of a firm to compete internationally will be strategic. While formulating global marketing strategies, how should a firm deal with segmentation, market positioning and international product policy?
( segmentation-3 marks, positioning - 4 marks, product policy- 3 marks) 10 marks
Q6. Global sourcing industry is on a growth run as there are sound business reasons to it. Discuss these reasons with examples.
( reasons for global sourcing- 7 marks, examples- 3 marks) 10 marks

Summer 2013 

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
MA0042 –Treasury Management– 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1311)
Assignment- 60 marks
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Q1.     Consider yourself as a chief financial officer, describe the treasury functions that you handle and discuss how you will formulate the treasury policy.
( explanation of treasury functions-5 marks; explanation of treasury policy-5 marks) 10 marks     (7
Q2.     The NCDEX trading system provides a fully automated screen based trading for futures commodities on basis of nationwide online monitoring and surveillance mechanism. Discuss explain the concept of commodity market, role of regulator and players.
(concept of commodity market - 3 marks; role of regulator - 3 marks; players - 4 marks) 10 marks
Q3.     Consider yourself as a CEO of an automobile company in India, Which tool will you adopt to minimise risk occurring in the production process.
(explanation of risk management - 3 marks, explanation of process of risk management - 4 marks; explain tools used to minimise risks - 3 marks) 10 marks
Q4.     Suppose you are the CEO of MS Bank Corporation. Your bank is facing interest rate risk, which has affected its operation significantly. Discuss the factors that influence the level of market interest rate.
(explanation of interest rate risk - 4 marks; explanation of various types of products/ credit facilities offered - 6 marks) 10 marks
Q5.     The treasury maintains the bank funds, it automatically surrounds liquidity and interest rate risks. Discuss the relationship between treasury and ALM
(explain treasury-3 marks; explain ALM-3 marks; explain the relationship between treasury and ALM –4marks) 10 marks
Q6.     ALM deals with strategic balance sheet management, which involves various risks, caused due to the changes in exchange rates and the position of liquidity, interest rates in the organisation. Discuss how the ALM contributes to the risks in balance sheet management.
(explanation of ALM- 3 marks; explanation how the ALM contributes to the risks in balance sheet management-7marks) 10 Marks

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