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Friday, 26 July 2013

IIBM Exam Papers/Case Studies: General Management:Contact us for answers at

Case I

The case is based on an actual incident which took place in an Army unit operationally deployed in a field area just a few months before the 1971 showdown with Pakistan. The opposing forces of India and Pakistan were taking their respective positions in a pre-war scenario. The clouds of showdown were looming large over the horizons of both the countries. The rumbling of own tanks and guns, the reconnaissance, leaders of different arms and services establishing liaison with one another in the process of formulating plans for both defence and attack, digging of main and contingency positions was in progress, complete war machinery was being mobilized, camouflaged, and concealed. Ammunition and other explosives were being unloaded and dug down. Junior leaders were being briefed and rebriefed, communications were being checked, and troops were being motivated and looked after as most of them were green because of their sudden induction in the Army in post war days of 1965. Such was the scene which convinced all and sundry that war was imminent. Most of the troops looked forward to a showdown mainly because they wanted to get rid of the heavy ……
The cadre was conducted for the whole sub-unit with a view to eradicate any apprehensions from the minds of others too, in case there were any, and to educate all. The cadre proved to be a great success. It motivated the whole lot, made them more confident and ready to face the challenge bravely. This was subsequently apparent when the hostilities started.
1.    What was the cause of fear in RBM?
2.    What were the symptoms of fear displayed by RBM?
3.    How did the RMO come to know of the war phobia of RBM?
4.    What actions should be taken to avoid building up of fear among the troops? Which of these steps were taken by the officer?

Case II


In the Year of the Youth, the author took up a research project on young industrial workers. It involved comparing young and old workers. Two industries producing the same machines at similar technological level were selected. One belonged to the private sector and the other to the public sector. While the latter was started a decade later than the former, it had achieved greater expansion. Both were located in the same state.

After we obtained necessary permission to conduct our study, we reached the mofussil town where the private sector industry was located. Before we could launch our study, as a matter of principle, we wanted to meet the General Secretary of the workers' union. The Personnel Department was not willing for this. On our insistence they called the union official. We talked to him for about half an hour but Personnel Department people were all the time hovering around.

………While the older union was a prisoner of its past, the new union was free to write its own history. Workers' interests were being served perhaps by both.

1.    Discuss merits/demerits of the role of strike, agitation and legal approach in union¬management relations.
2.    What role does mutual trust play in building union-management relations?



The telecom sector had been functioning as a typical government department right from its inception. With the Department of Telephones (DoT) being under the exclusive control of the Ministry of Communications, Government of India (GO!), the system functioned more as a monopoly., With the advent of the LPG process (liberalization, privatization and globalization) in the early nineties, the telecom department went through a phase of modernization. A number of new and sophisticated electronic exchanges were installed which enhanced the capacity and lead to the disappearance of waiting list for telephone connections. In a landmark decision in 1995-96, the Government of ………………….
•    was outlined for launching a comprehensive promotion programme using both indoor and outdoor media ensuring a good coverage of the market.

VSNL – Tariff Structure
Scheme     Rental (Rs.)     Free Colis     Facilities
Business Plan - 500-700*     500 (Monthly)     700     Without STD
Economy Plan **     160 (Monthly)     Nil     With STD
Standard Plan*     500 (Bimonthly)     150     With STD
* 0.80 Per Call     ** Rs.1 .20 Per Call        

VTNL – Tariff Structure
Scheme     Rental (Rs.)     Free Calls
Silver 300     349 (Monthly)     300
Golden – 500     499 (Monthly)     500


1.    What were the strengths and weaknesses of VSNL?
2.    Do you think that VSNL should have changed its thrust from basic telephony to cellular services?
3.    If you were the Deputy General Manager, what strategies would you have undertaken to deal with the competition?

Case IV
The Walt Disney Company is heralded as the world’s largest entertainment company.  It has earned this astounding reputation through tight control over the entire operation : control over the open – ended brainstorming that takes place 24 hours a day ; control over the engineers who construct the fabulous theme – park rides; control over the animators who create and design beloved characters and adventurous scenarios ; and control over the talent that brings the many concepts and characters to life.  Although control pervades the company, it is not too strong a grip.  Employees in each department are well aware of their objectives and the parameters established to meet those objectives.  But in conjunction with the pre-determined responsibilities, managers at Disney encourage independent and innovative thinking.
    People at the company have adopted the phrase “Dream as a Team” as a reminder that whimsical thoughts, adventurous ideas, and all – out dreaming are at the core of the company philosophy.  The over all control over each department is tempered by this concept.  …….
where it comes from.”

Questions :
1.    What environmental factors influenced management style at Disney?
2.    What kind(s) of organizational structure seem to be consistent     with “Dream as a Team” ?
3.    How and where might the informal organization be a real asset at Disney ?

1.    Case V
When Robert Frey purchased Cin – Made in 1984, the company was near ruin.  The Cincinnati, Ohi-based manufacturer of paper packaging had not altered its product line in 20 years.  Labor costs had hit the ceiling, while profits were falling through the floor.  A solid quarter of the company’s shipments were late and absenteeism was high.  Management and workers were at each other’s throats.
    Ten years later, Cin – Made is producing a new assortment of highly differentiated composite cans, and pre-tax profits have increased more than five times.  The Cin – Made workforce is both flexible and deeply committed to the success of the company.  ……………
s workers, have a lot of opportunities,” said Williams. “If we want to take leadership, it’s offered to us.”

1.    How were principles of delegation and decentralization incorporated into Cine – Made operations?
2.    What are the sources and uses of power at Cin – Made?
3.    What were some of the barriers to delegation and empowerment at Cin –Made?
4.    What lessons about management in a rapidly changing marketplace can be learned from the experience of Cin – Made? 


Case VI
When a manger finds that demand exceeds inventory, the answer lies in making more goods. When a manager finds that inventory exceeds demand, the answer lies in making fewer goods.  But what if a company management finds that they just do not know which situation applies?
    This is the situation that recently confronted management at Rollerblade, the popular skate manufacturer based in Minnetonka, …………………
eliminate order backlog.  “Now we have a different business,” says Ellis. “The new layout has taken us from being in a crunch, to being able to plan.

1.    With retailers as their primary customers, what customer competitive imperatives could be affected by Rollerblade’s inventory problems?
2.    How appropriate might a just – in – time inventory system be for a product such as roller skates?”
3.    What opportunities are therefore Rollerblade managers to see FOR themselves as selling services, instead of simply roller skates?

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