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Monday, 28 January 2013

IIBM Exam papers: Renewable Energy :contact us for answers at

Examination Paper: Energy Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management 5
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper MM.100
Renewable Energy
Section A: Objective Type (30 Marks)
•This section consists of Multiple Choices/Fill in the blanks and Short notes type Questions.
•Answer all the questions.
•Part One carry 1 mark each and Part Two questions carry 5 marks each.
Part One:
1. Which of the following works as the promotional and financial arm of the Ministry?
2. _________________ is a research that focus on producing more energy than consumed by
combining highly efficient design in fuel – cell.
a. Zero Energy Building
b. Hydrogen Technology
c. Nano Technology
d. LED Development
3. MNES has been promoting RD & D to tap the energy namely:
a. Biomass
b. Solar Air Heating
c. SPV Power Plant
d. Hydrogen Energy
4. India is the fifth largest producer of ______________ in the world with power generation
capacity of 126MV:
a. Wind Power Energy
b. Small Hydro Power
c. Ocean Energy
d. Biomass Power
5. WEA stands for _________________________.
6. MNES stands for ________________________________________.
7. It is only possible when biogas from fodder grasses without going through the bullock route:
a. Fodder – Biogas – Engine
b. Fodder – Bullock
c. Wood – Producer Gas – Engine
d. Bullock – Biogas – Fodder
Examination Paper: Energy Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management 6
8. NABARD is providing the facility of automatic refinancing to banks as an:
a. Incentive for Solar Photovoltaic’s
b. Incentive for Biogas
c. Incentive for Solar Thermal
d. Incentive for Small Hydro Power
9. Give any two objectives of Cost Management System?
10. Uncertain technological track record is which of the following barrier in Solar Power
a. Market Related
b. Institutional
c. Economical & Technological
d. Ecological
Part Two:
1 Write a short note on ‘Wind Turbine System’.
2. Describe some policies of Small Scale Industries.
3. Write a short note on ‘Small Hydro Power? State its investment opportunities.
4. What are the problems in Renewal Energy Sources?
Section B: Caselets (40 Marks)
•This section consists of Caselets.
•Answer all the questions.
•Each Caselet carries 20 marks.
•Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 Words)
Caselet 1
This a truly a ambitious project and a showpiece of co-operation between the state Government of
Rajasthan, the Government of India, the World Bank and the Government of Germany getting together to
strike a blow to renewable energy.
The project in question is a 140 MW Integrated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC) power plant with a solar
component of 35 MW and a combined cycle power plant of 105 MW in Jodhpur district in Rajasthan. The
combined cycle plant will use naphtha as the fuel, and a back-up plant of 35 MW will also lend a helping
hand when the sun is not shining.
The total cost of the project works out to eight hundred and seventy-one crores rupees- a hefty capital cost
of six crore thirty lakh rupees per MW while a stand-alone naphtha based plant will cost less than four
crore rupees a MW. The trick here is how the project is being financed to make it viable.
Examination Paper: Energy Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management 7
•The Government of India will provide a grant of fifty crore rupees.
•The Government of Rajasthan will pitch in with an equity contribution of fifty crore rupees and a
loan component of two hundred crore rupees.
•The World Bank through its Global Environment Facility will grant US dollars 49 million or two
hundred and thirty-five crore rupees.
•The Government of Germany will add a “cheap” long-term loan of twenty-five crore Deutsche
Marks or five hundred crore rupees.
Total “aid” in terms of grants and easy loan works out to close to one thousand crore rupees for an eight
hundred and seventy-one crore rupee project!
Most of the time, the “green” and “clean” showcase project will be running on naphtha, a dirty oil based
fuel, which negates all that green activists stand for. That is simply because the sunlight won’t be around
at the convenience of green activists. Of course, economists would be more concerned with the
opportunity cost of using one lakh seventy thousand tones each year of naphtha in this “solar” energy
1. How to Generate Solar Energy using Naptha? Explain.
Caselet 2
Energy plays a vital role in our day to day life. Energy consumption and production affect the local and
global environment. Energy is mainly produced from fossil fuels and a sustainable development in the
production of energy is a situation in which the future does not get harmed in any way. However, the use
of fossil fuels will not help promote this much – longed – for sustainable development as fossil fuels
when burned release a lot of energy into the atmosphere, which may lead to environmental damage.
The sustainable energy sources must be tapped to change the energy pattern used by the consumers, for
which renewal energy sources like wind, sunlight and water need to be tapped and stored. The use of
renewable energy is cleaner and safer for the environment. Various countries have started taking
initiatives in building sustainable renewal energy resources, thereby, throwing open employment to the
The adoption of renewable energy resources is difficult in poor countries due to lack of education, or
inaccessibility of technology, or lack of institutional capacity for promoting renewable energy or lastly
due to high financial costs. The environment of the youth can be roped in for the task of developing
renewable resources after necessary coaching. Empowering the youth will help to reach a wider spectrum
of the community in the development process of renewable energy resources.
The environment of the youth in such enterprises will tackle not only the issue of youth unemployment
but will also promote environmentally sustainable renewable energy development. The rural youth need a
conducive environment for the successful and continued implementation of renewable energy projects. In
order to remote off –grid renewable energy, close and continuous engagement with local community
members is essential. Thus, if the stakeholders are the ones who are developing and operating these
enterprises, it will ensure viability, sustainability and effective operation in these enterprises.
Examination Paper: Energy Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management 8
The various renewable energy technologies available are not cost – effective and technically viable.
However, most forms of renewable energy still have a significant way to go. The implementation of
renewable energy projects can deliver clear benefits to developing countries provided they use efficient
technologies. In this case, the technical know – how is invariably transferred from the experienced and
developing countries to most of the less developed or developing countries.
1. What is Renewable Energy and state the Sustainable Development to it?
2. How could renewable energy help in providing opportunities to the youth?
3. Write a note on ‘Adoption of Renewable Energy’.
4. What are the issues in harnessing Renewable Energy?
Section C: Applied Theory (30 Marks)
•This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.
•Answer all the questions.
•Each question carries 10 marks.
•Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 Words)
1. Write the key features of Renewable Energy Technologies.
2. Give the Pros & Cons of Solar Power.
3. State the issues involved in mainstreaming of Renewables.

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