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Question Booklet Code: C Duration: 2 Hours
Course: Diploma in Architecture Assistantship Year: First Year
Paper Code: 702101 Paper Name: Engineering
1. The length of second’s pendulum on
the surface of earth is 1 m. the length of
same pendulum on the surface of moon,
where acceleration due to gravity is
(1/6)th of the g on the surface of earth is
(a) 36 m
(b) 1 m
2. A mass M is suspended from a light
spring. If the additional mass m is added,
it displaces the spring by a distance x.
now the combined mass will oscillate on
the spring with time period equals to
3. The displacement of particle
performing simple harmonic motion is
given by, x = 8 sin wt + 6 cos wt, where
distance is in cm and time is in second.
The amplitude of motion is
(a) 10 cm
(b) 14 cm
(c) 2 cm
(d) 3.5 cm
4. A simple pendulum is set up in a
trolley which moves to the right with an
acceleration a on a horizontal plane. Then
the thread of the pendulum in the mean
position makes an angle q with the
5. The angular velocity and the amplitude
of a simple pendulum is ‘w’ and ‘a’
respectively. At a displacement x from
the mean position its kinetic energy is T
and potential energy is V, then the ratio
of T to V is
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6. A particle executes S.H.M. of amplitude
A. at what distance from mean position
its kinetic energy is equal to its potential
(a) 0.51 A
(b) 0.61 A
(c) 0.71 A
(d) 0.81 A
7. A simple pendulum of length l and
mass (bob) m is suspended vertically.
The string makes an angle q with the
vertical. The restoring force acting on the
pendulum, is
(a) mg tan q
(b) mg sin q
(c) - mg sin q
(d) - mg cos q
8. The mass and diameter of a planet are
twice those of earth. the period of
oscillation of pendulum on this planet will
be (if it is a second’s pendulum on earth)
(c) 2 second
9. A second’s pendulum is placed in space
laboratory orbiting around the earth at a
height 3R from earth’s surface where R is
earth’s radius. The time period of the
pendulum will be
(a) Zero
(c) 4 s
(d) Infinite
10. The pendulum is acts as second
pendulum on earth. Its time on a planet,
whose mass and diameter are twice that
of earth, is
(b) 2 s
(d) 1/
11. A particle of mass m is hanging
vertically by an ideal spring of force
constant K. if the mass is made to
oscillate vertically, its total energy is
(a) Maximum at extreme position
(b) Maximum at mean position
(c) Minimum at mean position
(d) Same at all positions
12. At a place where g = 980 cm/sec2.
the length of seconds pendulum is about
(a) 50 cm
(b) 100 cm
(c) 2 cm
(d) 2 m
13. The maximum velocity for particle in
SHM is 0.16 m/s and maximum
acceleration is 0.64 m/s2. The amplitude
(a) 4 ´ 10-2 m
(b) 4 ´ 10-1 m
(c) 4 ´ 10 m
(d) 4 ´ 100 m
14. A particle is vibrating in S.H.M. with
an amplitude of 4 cm. at what
displacement from the equilibrium
position is its energy half potential and
half kinetic?
(a) 2.5 cm
(c) 3 cm
(d) 2 cm
15. The time period of a spring pendulum
16. The equation of displacement of
particle performing SHM is X = 0.25 sin
(200 t). The maximum velocity is
(a) 100 m/s
(b) 200 m/s
(c) 50 m/s
(d) 150 m/s
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17. A pendulum suspended from the roof
of a train has a period T (When the train
is at rest). When the train is accelerating
with a uniform acceleration ‘a’, the time
period of the pendulum will
(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) Remain unaffected
(d) Become infinite
18. A particle executing a vibratory
motion while passing through the mean
position has
(a) Maximum P.E. and minimum K.E.
(b) Maximum K.E. and minimum P.E.
(c) P.E. and K.E. both maximum
(d) P.E. and K.E. both minimum
19. The frequency of wave is 0.002 Hz.
Its time period is
(a) 100 s
(b) 500 s
(c) 5000 s
(d) 50 s
20. A simple pendulum has a period T. it
is taken inside a lift moving up with
uniform acceleration g/3. now its time
period will be
21. For a magnet of time period T
magnetic moment is M, if the magnetic
moment becomes one fourth of the initial
value, then the time period of oscillation
(a) Half of initial value
(b) One fourth of initial value
(c) Double of initial value
(d) Four time initial value
22. The value of displacement of particle
performing SHM, when kinetic energy is
(3/4)th of its total energy is
23. The shape of l - T graph of simple
pendulum is,
(a) Curve
(b) Parabola
(c) Straight line
(d) Hyperbola
24. A simple pendulum is suspended from
the roof of a trolley which moves in a
horizontal direction with an acceleration
‘a’ then the time period is given T = 2p
, where g is equal to
(a) u ag
(b) 3 - a
(c) g + a
25. Two equal negative charges -q are
fixed at point (0, a) and (0, -a) on the Yaxis
A positive charge q is released from
rest at point (2a, 0) on the X-axis. The
charge Q will
(a) Execute simple harmonic motion about the
(b) Move to the origin and remained at rest
(c) Move to infinity
(d) Execute oscillatory motion but not simple
harmonic motion
26. If x a sin and x’ a cos t, then
what is the phase difference between the two
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27. When a sound wave of frequency 300 Hz
passes through a medium, the maximum
displacement of a particle of the medium is 0.1
cm. the maximum velocity of the particle is
equal to
(a) 60 cm/s
(b) 30 cm/s
(c) 30 cm/s
(d) 60 cm/s
28. Two tuning forks A and B vibrating
simultaneously produce 5 beats. Frequency of
B is 512 Hz. It is seen that if one arm of a is
filed, then the number of beats increases.
Frequency of A will be
(a) 502 Hz
(b) 507 Hz
(c) 517 Hz
(d) 522 Hz
29. A simple harmonic wave having amplitude
A and time period T is represented by the
equation y 5 sin (t 4) metres. Then the
value of A (in metres) and T (in seconds) are
(a) A 5, T 2
(b) A 10, T 1
(c) A 5, T 1
(d) A 10, T 2
30. Which one of the following cannot
represent a traveling wave
(a) y f (x −t)
(b) y ym sin k (x t)
(c) y ym log (x −t)
(d) y f (x2 −t2)
31. Which of the following statements is
(a) Sound travels in a straight line
(b) Sound travels as waves
(c) Sound is a form of energy
(d) Sound travels faster in vacuum that then in air
32. The equation of a progressive wave
traveling on a stretched string is y 10 sin
where x and y are in cm and t is
in sec. what is the speed of the wave?
(a) 500 cm/s
(b) 50 m/s
(c) 40 m/s
(d) 400 cm/s
33. When a compression is incident on rigid
wall it is reflected as
(a) Compression with a phase change of
(b) Compression with no phase change
(c) Rarefaction with a phase change of
(d) Rarefaction with no phase change
34. The wavelength of sound in air is 10 cm.
its frequency is, (Given velocity of sound 330
(a) 330 cycles per second
(b) 3.3 kilo cycles per second
(c) 30 mega-cycles per second
(d) 3 × 105 cycles per second
35. Two waves are represented by y1 a sin
and y2 a cos t. what will be their
resultant amplitude?
(a) a
(d) 2 a
36. Sound waves having the following
frequencies are audible to human beings
(a) 5 c/s
(b) 27000 c/s
(c) 5000 c/s
(d) 50,000 c/s
37. A sound wave is represented by y a sin
(1000t −3x). the distance between two
points having a phase difference of 60is
38. The equation of wave traveling along
string is y 3 cos (100t −x) in C.G.S. unit
then wavelength is
(a) 1 m
(b) 2 cm
(c) 5 cm
(d) None of above
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39. A siren emitting a note of frequency n is
fitted on a police van, traveling towards a
stationary listener. What is the velocity of the
van, if the frequency of he note heard by the
listener is double the original frequency?
(a) VS V
(c) VS 2V
40. In the longitudinal waves the direction of
vibration in medium of particle is
(a) Perpendicular to propagation of wave
(b) Parallel to propagation
(c) Different from each other
(d) Variable for time to time.
41. The relation between frequency n,
wavelength and velocity of a wave is
(a) n
(b) n
42. With the propagation of a longitudinal
wave through a material medium the
quantities transmitted in the propagation
direction are
(a) Energy, momentum and mass
(b) Energy
(c) Energy and mass
(d) Energy and linear momentum
43. A wave is represented by the equation y
A sin (10x 15t ), where x is in meters
and t is in seconds. The expression represents
(a) A wave traveling in the positive x-direction with a
velocity 1.5 m/s
(b) A wave traveling the negative x-direction with a
velocity 1.5 m/s
(c) A wave traveling in the negative x-direction have
a wave-length 0.2 m
(d) Both ‘b’ and ‘c’
44. Loudness of a note of sound is
(a) Directly proportional to amplitude of the wave
(b) Directly proportional to square of amplitude of
(c) Directly proportional to velocity of the wave
(d) Directly proportional to square of velocity of the
45. The velocity of sound is maximum in
(a) Water
(b) Air
(c) Vacuum
(d) Metal
46. A wave is represented by the equation y
7 sin , where x is in meters
and t is in seconds. The speed of the wave is,
(a) 175 m/s
(b) (49 ) m/s
(c) (49 / ) m/s
(d) (0.28 ) m/s
47. Two wave having the intensities in the
ratio of 9: 1 produce interference. The ratio of
maximum to minimum intensity is equal to
(a) 10 : 8
(b) 9 : 1
(c) 4 : 1
(d) 2 : 1
48. Two tuning forks of frequencies 256 and
258 vibrations/second are sounded together.
Then the time interval between two
consecutive maxima heard by an observer is
(a) 2 sec
(b) 0.5 sec
(c) 250 sec
(d) 252 sec
49. Two waves are y1 0.25 sin 316t, y2 0.25
sin 310t are traveling in same direction. The
number of beats produced per second will be
(a) 6
(b) 3
(d) 3
50. What is phase difference between two
successive troughs in the transverse wave?
(d) 2
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51. A body is allowed to slide on a frictional
less track from rest under-gravity. The track
ends in a circular loop of diameter D. What
should be the minimum height of the body in
terms of D, so that it may successfully
complete the loop?
(a) D
(b) D
(c) D
(d) 2D
52. A body is moving along a circular path with
variable speed. It has
(a) a radial acceleration
(b) a tangential acceleration
(c) zero acceleration
(d) both tangential and radial accelerations
53. A body is traveling in a circle at constant
speed. It
(a) has constant velocity.
(b) has no acceleration
(c) has an inward acceleration
(d) has an outward radial acceleration
54. A body of mass 100 gram, tied at the end
of a string of length 3 m rotates in a vertical
circle and is just able to complete the circle. If
the tension in the string at its lowest point is
3.7 N, then its angular velocity will be ______
(g = 10 m/s2)
(a) 4 rad/s
(b) 3 rad/s
(c) 2 rad/s
(d) 1 rad/s
55. A body of mass 500 gram is rotating in a
vertical circle of radius 1 m. What is the
difference in its kinetic energies at the top and
the bottom of the circle?
(a) 4.9 J
(b) 19.8 J
(c) 2.8 J
(d) 9.8 J
56. A body of mass m is suspended from a
string of length l. What is the minimum
horizontal velocity that should be given to the
body in its lowest position so that it may
complete full revolution in the vertical plane
with the point of suspension at the center of
57. A body of mass m performing UCM with
frequency n along the circumference of circle
having radius r, force is given by
(a) 4nm2
(b) 42n2m
(c) 2n2mr
(d) nm2
58. A bucket containing water is tied to one
end of a rope of length 2.5 m and rotated
about the other end in a vertical circle. What
should be the minimum velocity of the bucket
at the highest point, so that the water in the
bucket will not spill? (g = 10 m/s2)
(a) 2.5 m/s
(b) 4 m/s
(c) 5 m/s
(d) 7 m/s
59. A bucket tied at the end of a 1.6 m long
string is whirled in a vertical circle with a
constant speed. What should be the minimum
speed so that the water from the bucket does
not spill when the bucket is at the highest
(a) 4 m/sec.
(b) 6.25 m/sec.
(c) 16 m/sec.
(d) None of these
60. A can filled with water is revolved in a
vertical circle of radius 4 metre and the water
does not fall down. The time period of
revolution will be
(a) 1 sec
(b) 10 sec
(c) 8 sec
(d) 4 sec
61. A tuning fork of frequency 480 Hz.
Produces 10 beats per second when sounded
with a vibrating sonometer string. What must
have been the frequency of the string if a
slight increase in tension produces fewer
beats per seconds then before?
(a) 460 Hz
(b) 470 Hz
(c) 480 Hz
(d) 490 Hz
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62. A whistle giving out 450 Hz approaches a
stationery observer at a speed of 33 m/s. the
frequency heard by the observer in Hz is
(velocity of sound 330 m/s)
(a) 409
(b) 429
(c) 517
(d) 500
63. When a source is going away from a
stationary observer, with a velocity equal to
that of sound in air, then the frequency heard
by the observer will be
(a) Same
(b) Half
(c) Double
(d) One third
64. A wave travels in a medium according to
the equation of displacement given by y(x,t)
0.03 sin (2t −0.01x), where y and x are in
meters and ‘t’ is seconds. The wavelength of
the wave is
(a) 200 m
(b) 100 m
(c) 20 m
(d) 10 m
65. Ten tuning fork are arranged in increasing
order of frequency in such a way that any two
nearest tuning forks produce 4 beats per
second. The highest frequency is twice that of
the lowest. Possible highest and lowest
frequencies are
(a) 80 & 40
(b) 100 & 50
(c) 44 & 22
(d) 72 & 36
66. The equation of a wave is given by y 10
sin (0.01 x −2t) where y and x are in cm and
t is in sec. its frequency is
(a) 10 sec−1
(b) 2 sec−1
(c) 1 sec−1
(d) 0.01 sec−1
67. Velocity of sound in air is
(a) 300 m/s
(b) 3.8 1010 m/s
(c) 3 108 m/s
(d) 9 1019 m/s
68. If the pressure amplitude in a sound wave
is tripled. Then by what factor the intensity of
the sound wave increased
(a) 3
(b) 6
(c) 9
69. A tuning fork X produces 4 beats/sec with
a tuning fork Y of frequency 384 Hz. When the
prongs of X are slightly filed, 3 beats/sec are
heard. What is the original frequency of X?
(a) 388 Hz
(b) 381 Hz
(c) 380 Hz
(d) 387 Hz
70. Which of the following phenomenon
cannot take place with sound wave?
(a) Reflection
(b) Interference
(c) Diffraction
(d) Polarization
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