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Sunday, 30 September 2012

M.Com – 3rd Semester : contact us for answers at

M.Com – 3rd Semester
Subject Name: Research Methodology
Subject code: MCC 301
Summer Drive 2012
4 credits (60 marks)
(BKID: B1602)
Set 1
Answer the following questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
1. What are the criteria of a good research?
2. What are the sources of error in measurement? Why should researchers

be aware of these sources?
3. Describe the following sampling distribution in detail:
a. F distribution
b. Chi-square distribution
4. Discuss the process of determining sample size through approach based

on precision rate and confidence level.
5. Try to identify the uses of sampling in real life.
6. Suppose you are required to conduct a research on the social issue of

domestic violence. The aim of the research is to find out how many cases
are actually reported and the reasons why they are not reported. What would
be your sampling unit? Make a list of the factors that you would study.

M.Com – 3rd Semester
Subject Name: Research Methodology
Subject code: MCC 301
Summer Drive 2012
4 credits (60 marks)
(BKID: B1602)
Set 2
Answer the following questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
1. Discuss the necessary conditions for making causal inferences.
2. Explain different types of informal experimental designs.
3. What is discriminant function analysis? State its objectives and uses.
4. Explain various sampling strategies used in qualitative research.
5. Prepare a questionnaire for a social research to find out the changing food

habits among the current generation in your locality.
6. Why is interpretation important? Give your answer in context of social


M.Com – 3rd Semester
Subject Name:Strategic Management
Subject code: MCC 302
Summer Drive 2012
4 credits (60 marks)
(BKID: B1609)
Set 1
Answer the following questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
1. What are the advantages of strategic management?
2. Explain the theories of management thinkers who contributed to the field
of strategic management.
3. How can the vision of a company be translated into its mission?
4. Which are the approaches used for organizational appraisal? Describe
the sources of information for organizational appraisal.
5. Illustrate the risks of focus in the context of real life business.
6. Find out how business houses fulfill their responsibility towards the
M.Com – 3rd Semester
Subject Name: Strategic Management
Subject code: MCC 302
Summer Drive 2012
4 credits (60 marks)
(BKID: B1609)
Set 2
Answer the following questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
1. State the subjective factors that influence strategic choice.
2. What are the critical ongoing processes of learning organizations?
3. What factors have to be kept in mind while choosing the location of a
manufacturing unit?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of control techniques in the
strategic management of an organization?
5. In an MNC, one of the major foreign projects has been closed down by the
client leaving eight hundred employees without work. As a human resource
manager, what are the initiatives you will take in order to solve this problem.
6. Consider a company going through a difficult time. It needs to cut down on
some expenses in order to survive in the market. What suggestions would
you give in order to save on expenses?
M.Com – 3rd Semester
Subject Name: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Subject code: MCC 303
Summer Drive 2012
4 credits (60 marks)
(BKID: B1610)
Set 1
Answer the following questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
1. Explain market risk protection.
2. Describe the Dow theory.
3. Which are the main statements used in financial analysis? State the

limitations of financial analysis.
4. Explain the strong form of market efficiency with empirical evidences.
5. How would you immunize the bond portfolio using the immunization

6. Suppose a preferred stock’s annual dividend is ` 4 and the required rate

of return is 10 per cent, what is it worth today?

M.Com – 3rd Semester
Subject Name: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Subject code: MCC 303
Summer Drive 2012
4 credits (60 marks)
(BKID: B1610)
Set 2
Answer the following questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
1. Explain utility in reference to investor risk.
2. What is corner portfolio?
3. Explain the advantages of APT over CAPM.
4. Differentiate between open-end and closed-end mutual funds.
5. Mr. X paid a premium of Rs. 5 per share for a 6 month call option contract (total

of Rs. 500 for 100) share of Mohana corporation. At the time of purchase Mohana
stock was selling for Rs.57 per share and the exercise price of the call option
was Rs. 56.
(a) Determine X ’s profit or loss if the price of Mohana’s stocks is Rs. 53, when
the option is exercised.
(b) What is X’s profit or loss if the price of Mohana‘s stocks is Rs. 63 when the
option is exercised.
6. Consider two situations, a young man X in his early twenties— and single

another young man, Y, in his late thirties—married with responsibilities. X
and Y earn the same amount of money. Y has a family, a house, a car and
all the encumbrances associated with the marital status. Both of them like
to invest in securities. What would be their constraints and objectives?

M.Com – 3rd Semester
Subject Name: Management Accounting
Subject code: MCC 304
Summer Drive 2012
4 credits (60 marks)
(BKID: B1611)
Set 1
Answer the following questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
1. What are the functions of and the basic requisites for a management

2. Write short notes for the following:
a. Return on Investment
b. Inventory turnover ratio
3. Distinguish between funds flow statement and cash flow statement.
4. What are the uses of funds flow statement?
5. The net profit after making a provision of Rs. 3,30,000 for Income Tax of Tata

Ltd. for the year ended 31 March 2007 amounts to Rs.3,00,000. This figure of the
net profit has been arrived at after taking into account the following items:
Depreciation on Fixed Assets 65,000
Preliminary Expenses written off 7,000
Bad Debts 1,000
Loss on Sale of Furniture 1,500
Profit on Sale of Long-term Investments 5,000

M.Com – 3rd Semester
Subject Name: Management Accounting
Subject code: MCC 304
Summer Drive 2012
4 credits (60 marks)
(BKID: B1611)
Set 2
Answer the following questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
1. What are the various factors that affect the pricing of a product?
2. What are the steps involved in rational decision making?
3. What are the limitations of the opportunity cost approach?
4. Explain the concept of social cost benefit.
5. Companies in India have felt the strong impact of globalization more than

many other countries. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons to
support your answer.
6. From the following information of Steel India Ltd. for the year ended 31st March,

2011, prepare their Social Balance Sheet as on that date:
(i) A specialist has valued their human assets at Rs.828 lakhs.
(ii) Their investments were classified as:
(Rs. in lakhs)
Residential Hospital School Welfare
Buildings 17.00 1.00 1.40 0.80
Equipments 2.80 1.00 1.00
(i) Water, electricity and gas supply systems totalled Rs.1 lakh.
(ii) Their Net owned funds were Rs. 26 lakhs.

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