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Saturday, 29 September 2012

IIBM Semester-III Examination Paper MM.100 Knowledge Management: contact us for answers at

Examination Paper of Semester III
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Semester-III Examination Paper MM.100
Knowledge Management
Section A: Objective Type (30 marks)
This section consists of Mixed Type questions & Short Answer type questions.
Answer all the questions.
Part One questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each.
Part One:
Multiple Choices:
1. UCC stands for
a. Universal Commercial Code
b. Uniform Commercial Code
c. Uniq Commercial Code
d. United Commercial Code
2. E-business connects critical business systems and constituencies directly via
a. Internet
b. Extranet
c. Intranet
d. All of the above
3. Unusable rule are also called as
a. User rule
b. Conflicting rule
c. Subsumed rule
d. None of the above
4. Fact in knowledge codification refers to
a. Value of an object or a slot
b. Codification scheme
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. Filling of slots
5. An individual with skills & solutions that work some of the time but not all of the time is
a. Scribe
b. Validity
c. Novice
d. None of the above
Examination Paper of Semester III
6. CBR is
a. Case based reasoning
b. Case based reliability
c. Case based repository
d. None of the above
7. An unskilled employee trying to learn or gain some understanding of the captures knowledge is a
a. Pupil user
b. Tutor user
c. People user
d. None of the above
8. A rule of thumb based on years of experience is called
a. Procedural rule
b. Tacit knowledge
c. Heuristic

d. None of the above
9. Episodic knowledge is
a. Is knowledge based on the fundamentals structure functions & behaviour of objects
b. Is knowledge based on experimental information or episodes
c. Is knowledge based on the unrelated facts
d. None of the above
10. A directory that points to people, documents and repositories is
a. Knowledge map
b. Knowledge codification
c. Rapid prototyping
d. None of the above
Part Two:
1. Write short note on “KM Life Cycle”?
2. Write short note on “The Knowing Doing Gap”?
3. What is “The Malpractice Factor”?
4. What is knowledge creation?
Examination Paper of Semester III
Section B: Caselets (40 marks)
This section consists of Caselets.
Answer all the questions.
Each caselet carries 20 marks.
Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).
Caselet 1
This case is based on an actual incident which took place in an Army Unit deployed in field area.
A part of a Battery (about 1/4 of an Artillery Regiment) was deployed in a snow bound high
altitude area of Kashmir. This was the first time, an artillery unit was deployed in an area with
roads and tracks still under development. Preparation of this area for such a deployment needed a
lot of digging for guns, pits for ammunition storage, living place of the personnel, slit trenches
and weapon pits for local defence against any possible enemy/terrorists’ attack on the position,
place for storage of rations, cook-house and communication trenches, etc.
The total strength of the party deployed there was
a) Officer - 1 (Second Lieutenant with about one year service)
b) Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) - 1
c) Jawans - 40
The Battery Commander (BC) remained with the Regiment Headquarters at Srinagar (with the
remaining part of the Battery) as per the orders of the commanding Officer. These was a vehicle
with the part of the Battery which was deployed at high altitude to assist in the daily
administration of the troops like collection of ration, stores for preparation of defences, water, and
ferrying of personnel from one place to another. The vehicle could could go only upto a limited
number of places due to bad road conditions and step gradients. Only one driver was kept for this
vehicle to reduce administrative problems due to more number of personnel. The vehicle
completed about 35 to 40 kms. of running daily in its routine commitments.
The part had just been inducted about two weeks back. The defences were being prepared
which involved lot of effort in digging of hardened ground due to the cold winter months of
November. The defence stores were to collected, once the digging was complete, from another
Engineering Unit located about 5 kms. to the rear. The roads were treacherous; with a number of
stones and slides falling down occasionally during a drizzle due to precipitation in atmosphere,
there were steep gradients, narrow roads with sheer falls on one side due to the road having been
cut into the side of hills. The digging was complete by end November. In the month of December,
snow fall at that location was expected any time, as it had already started snowing in the higher
reaches and tops of mountains. The digging had been completed in a record time of two weeks.
The party under the stewardship of the young officer had done a commendable job.
In the first week of December, the only driver of the vehicle reported pain in the chest and
problem in breathing. He was evacuated by helicopter the next day with instructions to inform the
unit to send another driver for the vehicle. It took about three days for any one to reach this area,
with staying of two nights enroute in order to acclimatize by stages. The detachment was to be
without any driver for about three days. Another driver was detailed to proceed to this area, after
having been medically examined and found it. A day after the dispatch of the driver, the young
officer with this party arrived in the unit and reported that the vehicle had fallen from a hill-side
road and was completely damaged. The office was in a complete state of disarray and shock.
What actually had happened, goes something like this.
Examination Paper of Semester III
After the first driver of the vehicle was evacuated, the weather started turning bad and it
seemed that it was going to snow that day. The officer realised that in case of snow fall all the
efforts put in by the troops would go waste, if the dug-ins were not covered. Realising this, he
borrowed a driver of an ambulance from a local medical unit to direct his vehicle for collection of
defence stores. After the stores had been collected and dumped at the site of defences, the vehicle
was being driven back to the party’s location. Before it could reach this location, it had to
negotiate a dusty and steep track. At a steep climb the vehicle stalled and got switched off. All the
men got down, prevented the vehicle from reversing by putting stones behind the wheels and
started checking what had gone wrong.
After the check on the engine had been carried out, the bonnet cover slipped off the hands of
the driver while closing it and fell to closing position with a bang. Because of the jerk thus
created, the stones placed behind the vehicle slipped off. It was later discovered that there was
glassy smooth layer of ice under the thin layer of dirt which could not hold the stones firmly and
they slipped off, with the result, that the vehicle moved backward and toppled thrice and stopped
upside down because of the obstruction created by a big boulder. As thee was no one in the
vehicle, thee were no injuries to personnel. On close inspection by the officer, it was found that
the vehicle body, cabin, bonnet, steering wheel and two of the four wheels were badly damaged.
The officer, being quite young and inexperienced, could not ascertain the real condition of the
engine and chassis. He thought those too were damaged, whereas because of some providential
chance, the chassis and engine remained intact.
The BC was given the responsibility of getting the vehicle back to the unit. He was given a
vehicle fitter and recovery vehicle with a driver. The BC took two more Non-Commissioned
Officers (NCOs) and proceeded to the location to retrieve the vehicle, it took two days to reach
with a few hours of the last leg of the journey in complete darkness in that snow bound area with
treacherous slippery roads. On reaching the location, the Commanding Officer of the local unit,
who happened to be the Station Commander of the sector, expressed his unhappiness on their
taking such a great risk. With the assistance of all ranks of the unit, who came in willingly, it took
two days to get the vehicle out of the boulder strewn area on to a track. It was a minor military
operation in itself in the hostile terrain, and inclement weather of high altitude. The troops and
officer had a very good rapport with those of the local unit and there was not much of a problem
in getting the men of that unit to assist.
While coming back, the hazards of night journey were very obvious. There was a thick layer
of snow on the road with slope towards the khuds as layers after layers kept on accumulating,
freezing before the water could roll down the complete slope. There were steep falls on one side.
Both these phenomena, peculiar to hilly terrain, were not very discernible because of the
darkness. The headlights of the vehicles exposed very little. There were frozen nalas where the
vehicle would skid, aligning itself in the direction of the frozen nala, which tended to prove quite
dangerous at times. At such places, the few troops and officer available would get down , push
the vehicle to keep it aligned to the road and in turn slip down themselves on the frozen snow,
most of the times face-down , in an attempt to push the vehicle. Though the situation was quite
grave, it sometimes bordered on being humorous with everyone laughing spontaneously. At one
place, the BC pushing the vehicle to keep its tail and aligned to the direction of road , fell down,
slipped a few feet down the frozen nala and landed up head down in an frozen khud about five
feet deep. But for the direction of landing, the slip and fall could have proved quite dangerous.
There was complete silence. The vehicle was gently stopped on the snow itself, secured with
pegs along the wheels and rescue operation commenced for the ditch. There were several
humorous seamarks by the BC and the tension was relieved at once, with troops working on the
vehicle with renewed vigour and strength once again.
At another place, the recovery vehicle with the damaged vehicle behind it at suspension toe
slipped, but because of the dexterity of the driver, it was saved from going down a nala by putting
it on the left. The BC himself was in the recovery vehicle to give encouragement and moral
Examination Paper of Semester III
support to the driver, sharing all the risks which his troops were facing. He did all that the troops
did, while directing, controlling and executing. The party with the vehicle, reached the unit
location on the evening of the second day after starting from a high altitude area. The problem of
recovery of the vehicle being resolved, the question of enquiry into the cause of accident arose.
An enquiry into such an accident would have caused embarrassment to all those in authority in
the unit and also the officers and jawans of the sub-unit/battery. Meanwhile, the inspection of the
vehicle was carried out to assess the extent of damage. It was found that the engine and chasis
were intact and the rest of the items of the body or fitment were damaged, either lightly or
severely. To avoid embarrassment to the unit and loss to the exchequer, as well as in view of the
administrative difficulties, the BC decided to have the vehicle put on road with the units’ efforts
and at the earliest. Meanwhile, the cabin-hood of the vehicle had been purchased for about Rs 650
and was paid for by the BC, from his own pocket, thus setting an example to others. The JCO and
jawans were also keen to pay for other damages. The offer was appreciated but declined. The
Officer-in-charge of the local Army Workshop happened to be an officer with commendable
helping attitude, positive bent of mind and with an understanding of peculiarities and problems of
the area where such accidents were quite frequent and possible. When approached to assist, he
listened to the whole incident very sympathetically and promised to assist in whatever way he
could. This officer was a contemporary of the unit in a previous station and had excellent
relations and interaction with the unit. Some items were offered by the workshop officer and
replaced accordingly. The vehicle was made roadworthy again within a fortnight and put on road
for duty. All the enquiries were dispensed with and there was no loss of face by anyone at any
level. It is pertinent to mention that it had snowed in that location as soon as the recovery party
came out of the hills.
1. Which factors contributed to motivate the troops to go ahead for such a difficult task as
recovering a damaged vehicle from such a difficult and treacherous terrain and getting it
repaired in such a short time?
2. Which incidents indicate the importance of good interpersonal relationships with juniors,
peers and superiors and what is the importance of good interpersonal relationships?
Caselet 2
Carrier Corp. is using data mining to profile online customers and offer them cool deals on air
conditioners and related products. By using services from WebMiner, Inc., the air-conditioning,
heating, and refrigeration equipment maker has turned more Web visitors into buyers, increasing
per-visitor revenue from$1.47 to $37.42.
Carrier, part of $26 billion United Technologies Corp., began selling air conditioners, air
purifiers, and other products to consumers via the Web in 1999. However, it sold only about
3,500 units that year, says Paul Berman, global e-business manager at the Farmington,
Connecticut, company. Not knowing just who its customers were and what they wanted was a big
part of the problem. “We were looking for ways to raise awareness [of Carrier’s Web store] and
convert Internet traffic to sales,” Berman says.
Last year, Carrier gave WebMiner a year’s worth of online sales data, plus a database of
Web surfers who had signed up for an online sweepstakes the company ran in 1999. WebMiner
combined that with third-party demographic data to develop profiles of Carrier’s online
customers. The typical customer is young (30 to 37), Hispanic, and lives in an apartment in an
East Coast urban area.
Examination Paper of Semester III
WebMiner matched the profiles to ZIP codes and developed predictive models. Since
May of 2002 Carrier has enticed visitors to its Web site, with discounts. When they type in their
ZIP codes, WebMiner establishes a customer profile and pops up a window that offers
appropriate products, such as multiroom air conditioners for suburbanites or compact models for
apartment dwellers. “It’s the first time we’ve intelligently delivered data-driven promotions,”
Berman says.
Online sales have exceeded 7,000 units this year, Berman says, compared with 10,000
units for all of last year. Carrier chose the WebMiner service because it was quick to implement
and is relatively inexpensive - $10,000 for installation and a $5 fee to WebMiner for each unit
sold, compared with 6-figure alternatives.
1. The DM application used by Carrier was one that was predictive in nature. Could a
descriptive model also be used? How would you use it, and what outputs would you except?
Would they be of any use to Carrier?
2. What other data-driven promotions could Carrier come up with using other data mining
3. What manufacturing-driven applications can Carrier implement using data mining?
4. What finance-driven applications can Carrier implement using data mining?`
Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)
This section consists Long Questions.
Answer all the questions.
Each question carries 15 marks.
1. Explain in detail “Knowledge Management Systems Life Cycle” and its various approaches?
2. What do you mean by “Knowledge Codification” and its importance?

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