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Wednesday, 18 November 2015

IIBM Exam papers: Digital Marketing professional:contact us for the answers at

Examination Paper of Digital Marketing Professional
IIBM Institute of Business Management     1
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper       MM. 100
Digital Marketing Professional
Guidelines for paper
•  Total No. of Question is 100.
•  The minimum passing mark is 40%.
•  Each Question carries 1 mark.
•  Answer all the Questions.
Multiple Choices:
1.  The First Form of Mass-Media advertising was born in_______
a)  17
b)  18
c)  20
d)  19
2.  Which one is the new and latest force of the advertising?
a)  Radio  
b)  Internet
c)  Newspaper  
d)  Television
3.  Printing press, radio, television and internet are all examples of:
a)  Major breakthroughs in technology     
b)  Digital Marketing
c)  Global communication    
d)  None of these
4.  ARPA Stand for_____________
a)  Advanced report project agency    
b)  Advanced research project agency
c)  Advanced report packet agency
d)  None of these
5.  The conversion of an analogue signal to a digital format is called__________
a)  Decoding  
b)  Embedded Format
c)  Emoticons  
d)  Encoding
6.  What is the full form of W3C?
a)  World Wild Web computer
b)  World Wide Web consortium
c)  World West Web computer  
d)  World Wide Web communicated
7.  Advertising that is targeted to the content on the web page being viewed by a user at that specific time
is  called______
a)  Contextual Advertising
Examination Paper of Digital Marketing Professional
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b)  Content Advertising
c)  Conversion Advertising
d)  Commission Advertising
8.  Which of the following is not come under Four Ps of product?
a)  Place
b)  People
c)  Price    
d)  Promotion
9.  Search engine optimization (SEO) is related to_________
a)  Promotion
b)  Process
c)  Product        
d)  None of these
d)  All of the above
13.  Which of the following is most common and cheapest form of hosting?
a)  Virtual dedicated hosting
b)  Shared hosting
c)  Dedicated hosting
d)  Cloud-based hosting
14.  Write down the full name of SERP_______
15.  In the header section of the code on each of your web pages known as_______
a)  Link
b)  Body
c)  Tag
d)  Title
16.  Which type of links are reside on pages that do not belong to your domain?
a)  External  
b)  Internal
c)  Internal/External  
d)  None of these
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17.   IAB Stand for_________
18.   A page with no meaningful content that is full of ads and the webmaster makes money from if someone
Clicks on them is called_________
a)  Cloaking
b)  Doorway page
c)  Spam page
d)  Interlinking
19.    What is the second method of page Tagging?
a)  Process
b)  Developing
c)  Designing  
d)  None of these
20.    Every Transaction your web server makes is recorded in:
a)  User file  
b)  Log file
c)  Page tags
d)  All of these
21.  What is the full form of  KPI________
a)  Key process indicator 
b)  Key present indicator
c)  Key performance indicator
d)  Key Prospective identity
22.  Which version produces the best result when two different version running of an ads or a page and
measuring the result to identity?
a)  Testing
b)  Tweaking
c)  Investing
d)  A/B split testing
23.  Putting the theory into practice means:
a)  Taking intelligence gleaned
b)  Taking advertising creative
c)  Taking Decisive action
d)  Taking measurable action
24. “The new information technology internet and e-mail have practically eliminated the physical costs of
communication” said by________
a)  Sims Jenkins
b)  Signal vs noise
c)  Matt Lindermann
d)  Peter Drucker
25.  Which marketing is the most powerful element in your digital marketing toolbox?
a)  Digital Marketing
b)  Direct Marketing
c)  E-mail Marketing
d)  Personal Marketing
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d)  All of the above
32.  A series of digital media files (Audio or video) distributed over the internet is known as________
a)  Blogs
b)  Podcasts
c)  Micro Blogging
d)  Wikis
33.  What is the essentially a short-message broadcast service that lets people keep people up to data via
short, public text posts upto 140 characters?
a)  Facebook
b)  SMS
c)  Twitter
d)  Linkedln
34.  Online collection of web pages that are literally open for anyone to create, edit, discuss, comment on
and generally contribute to is:
a)  Micro Blogging
b)  Social media dash board
c)  Wikis
d)  None of these
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35.  In which year the Chartered Institute of Public relation is define online PR (Public Relation) relations?
a)  2009
b)  2008
c)  2007
d)  2006
36.  The process whereby a brand site, attracts customers by recording a third party for promoting their
Products and driving converting traffic website is called_________
a)  Digital Marketing  
b)  Affiliate Marketing
c)  E-mail Marketing  
d)  Strategic partnership
37.   _______ the amount paid by an advertising for a click on their sponsored search listing.
a)  Cost per action
b)  Cost per acquisition
c)  Cost per click
d)  Cost per mille        
38.   The consumer performs the desired action on the merchant’s site, and a small piece of embedded code
on the merchant’s site inform the___________
a) Affiliate Marketing
b) Affiliate Network
c) Affiliate Site
d) None of these
39.  Online Advertising content that appears over the top of the web page is called_________
a)  Organic search results
b)  Overlay
c)  Opt-out 
d)  Opt-in
40.  A computer file format that compresses audio files up to a factor of 12 from a wav file is known
a)  MP3
c)  MPEG
d)  MPU
41.   ___________ is a set of practices that enable organizations to communicate and engage with their
audience in an interactive and relevant manner through any mobile device or network.
a)  Mobile Marketing
b)  E-mail Marketing
c)  Digital Marketing
d)  All of the above
42.  Which Advertising is now recognized as an opportunity for brands, advertisers and publishers to
engage consumers in a targeted and contextual manner?
a)  Radio advertising
b)  News paper advertising
c)  Mobile advertising
d)  Television advertising 
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43.  Which of the following language is used by many Internet application for exchanging information:
a)  HTML
c)  XML
d)  JAVA
44.  Which is the example of popular Key performance Indicator (KPIs) for mobile campaigns?
a)  Total downloads
b)  Total Application user
c)  Frequency and duration visit
d)  All of these
45.  Write down the full form of GPS__________
46.  Which one of the company was launched its first play station back in 1995?
a)  Apple
b)  Nokia
c)  Sony
d)  Blackberry
47.  In which year the first advertising agency, set up in Boston?
a)  In 1855
b)  In 1847
c)  In 1843
d)  In 1850
48.  In 1983 which one started using TCP/IP protocol?
a)  W3C
b)  DNS
49.  The first web page on the Internet was built at________
a)  TCP
b)  CERN
c)  ARPA
d)  All of the above
50.  Who are becoming better informed, better connected, more communicative in the market?
a)  Buyers
b)  Customer
c)  Consumers
d)  None of these
51.  Which Technology become more ubiquitous in people lives that consumers can satisfy their need more
quickly, more easily and with fewer barriers?
a)  Advance Technology
b)  Digital Technology
c)  Both (a) & (b)
d)  None of these
52.    ___________ Technology that allows the use of a broadband internet connection to make telephone  
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a)  Video on demand
b)  Virtual mobile network operator
c)  Wireless application protocol
d)  Voice over internet protocol
53.  Who is the most important element in any form of marketing?
a)  People
b)  Customer
c) Seller  
d)  Consumer
54.  Press releases, articles syndication and blogs they all are related to which channels?
a)  Personal Channels
b)  Offline Channels
c)  Online Channels
d)  None of these
55.  Everything you do, online and offline, to get your product in front of your prospects is called_______
a)  Promotion
b)  Influencing
c)  Advertising
d)  All of the above
56.  What is the first step of building your websites?
a)  Testing
b)  Design
c)  Planning
d)  Development
57.  The process of designing your website to be equally accessible to everyone, in relation to the web is:
a)  Usability
b)  Accessibility
c)  W3C & web standards
d)  None of the above
58.  You can buy multiple domain names is true or false.
a)  True
b)  False
69.  ___________ will work even if you can’t access your web server logs?
a)  Logs files
b)  Page Tagging
c)  Both (a) & (b)
d)  None of these
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77.   __________ is umbrella term for web based software and service.
a)  Social Media
b)  Social Media Submission
c)  Social Bookmarking
d)  None of these
78.  People who are most active in social media circles will be the element of your target market can be
classified as________
a)  Influencers
b)  Influence
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c)  Listener
d)  All of these
79.  Social bookmarking site is known as_______
c)  Both (a) & (b)
d)  None of these
80.  What is the main work of review and rating sites?
a)  Allow user to review and rate companies
b)  Allow user to show the status of the companies
c)  Allow user to give suggestion
d)  Allow user to view the status
81.  Facebook, Linkedlns, Google these all are comes under_______
a)  Social Network Sites
b)  Social Media Sites
c)  Media sharing Sites
d)  Forums and Discussion Sites
82.  People all over the world are using blogs to______
a)  Report Local News
b)  Offer their opinion
c)  Share their experience
d)  All of these
83.  Which of the following content is available to both media professionals and consumers?
a)  PR
b)  CRM
c)  Both (a) & (b)
d)  None of these
84.  What is the right way of getting prominent, newsworthy stories about your product, brand or company?
a)  Online Press release
b)  Offline press release
c)  Offline Equivalent
d)  Standard Press release
85.  Your headline and first paragraph should capture reader’s_________
a)  Attention
b)  Interest
c)  Views
d)  Suggestion
86.  Who are working in affiliate Marketing?
a)  Brand/Seller
b)  Affiliate
c)  Customer
d)  all of these
87.  The companies who want their product and services advertising on the interest and are trying to attract
new business called_______
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a)  The Affiliate
b)  The Merchants
c)  The Consumers
d)  The Customers
88.  __________ is refers to that free brand exposure free as merchant only pay for action.
a)  Affiliate marketing
b)  Digital Marketing
c)  Strategic Marketing
d)  None of these
89.   Innovation and human desire for something newer and better are driving the rapid evolution of:
a)  Laptop
b)  Tablet
c)  Mobile Device
d)  Radio
90.  Mobile gaming has been described as the wide-open battle ground of the:
a)  Professional Industry
b)  Application Industry
c)  Entertainment Industry
d)  All of these
91.  For mobile marketing to work, consumers need to have confidence that their privacy will be________
a)  Well crafted
b)  Imaginative
c)  Entertaining
d)  Protected

98.  A group of computer connected together which are at one physical location is.
a)  MAN
b)  LAN
c)  WAN
d)  Link
99.  The area where an Advertising is displayed/placed within a publisher’s mobile content is:
a)  Placement
b)  Podcasting
c)  Pharming
d)  Phishing
100.  When a user makes a purchase from online advertiser is called______
a)  Buy
b)  Sale house
c)  Sale
d)  Both (a) & (c)

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