HR Health & Welfare Measures in Textile Industry
A study of performance appraisal / performance management system in XYZ organization
Assessment of role stress amongst the employees of XYZ organization
Job satisfaction survey at XYZ organization
Competency mapping in an organization
Training effectiveness in an organization
Motivational analysis of organization
A comparative study of team effectives in an organization: Team effectiveness assessment measure.
A study of Compensation Management System
A detailed study of promotion and reward policy of organization
A study of quality of work life in an organization.
Mapping training need of employees: Training Need Analysis
Improve Job Satisfaction Levels
Increase Employee Motivation
Improve Employee Retention
Improve Employee Satisfaction Levels
Improve Customer Satisfaction Levels
Decrease Employee Absenteeism
Stress Management of Employees
Reducing employee grievance and increase satisfaction
Reduce Work Stress of employees
Identifying Weak Points & Strengthening Market Strategy in Bisleri
Formulation of Marketing Strategies to Improve Market Share of XYZ Microwave Ovens
Improving the Effectiveness & Efficiency of Operations at XYZ India Ltd.
Developing a Service Delivery Model for XYZ .
Strategies for Increasing the Occupancy Rate of the XYZ Hotel, Bangalore
A Market Feasibility Study for New X-ray Machines from XYZ Medical Systems
Distribution Mapping & Dealer Satisfaction Survey for Nokia Mobile Phones.
A Study of Marketing Strategies & Distribution Channels in North Karnataka for XYZ
A Study to improve Awareness level of ABC Scheme among farmers for XYZ Ltd
A Study to increase Penetration Level & Brand Loyalty among existing consumers of XYZ Electronics
Increase E Commerce Revenue
Micro Finance – a Means to benefit the small investor
Financial Contagion in Emerging Markets
The study on Indian Financial System post liberalization
The impact of Global recession on Information Technology sector in India
The impact of recent global economic slump on Indian capital market
A comparative study of Bank Assurance products in banks
A Comparative study of Equity linked Savings Schemes floated by domestic Mutual fund players.
A Comparative Study of cost of capital in Automobile /Steel/Pharma/Finance industry
A comparative study of Finance performance of banks using various ratios.
Profitability and Operational Efficiency of Public Sector banks
Profitability and Operational Efficiency of banks in India
A study of working capital management in small scale industries
The scope of Microfinance in Indian context.
Financial Inclusion- The scope and effect in Indian economy
Rural banking in India
Dematerialization – The scope and effect.
The future of Investment banks in the post Lehman Brothers era
Improve Customer Revenue
Increase Customer revenue in Insurance Sector
Improve Organizational Revenue
Analysis of Working Capital Policy and Future Potential
The Internet:An Innovative solution to B2B competition
Role of software agents as a collaborative tool E commerce
Positioning E-Strategy To Successfully Develop An E-Business
Increase Online System Reliability
Hospital Management System-Database Approach,XYZ hospital, Hassan
Automation of Banking database, XYZ Bank.
Increase E Commerce Usage to increase sales by XYZ
A study on Electronic data storage- Steel factory, Mumbai
Improving Online System Usage and Reliability
1. Application of Project Management Processes to the Global Product Development System
2. TRIZ applied in Product Development Project Prioritization.
3. Project Cost Estimation
4. Virtual Project Management
5. Continuous Business Process Improvement (CBPI)
6. Force Field Analysis
7. Information Risk Management
8. SEI – CMM & ISO Certification
9. Recent Revolutions in Project Management
10. Modern Trends in Project Management Perception
11. Knowledge Management in Project Management
12. Project Management Application Softwares
13. Project Risk Management
14. Project Administration
15. Project Feasibility Studies
16. Importance of Human Resource Management in Project Management.
Purchasing Process in Automobile Industry
Concepts and Techniques related to materials management
Computer and Quantitative models used in formulating managerial problems.
Concepts and Techniques of Value Analysis to effectively control costs.
Deterministic and Stochastic inventory models.
Just In Time Production.
Logistics Management.
Project Scheduling.
Manufacturing strategy.
Site and Location Analysis.
Application of Quantitative Analysis and Computers for managerial decision making in operations problems.
A study on tools and techniques (e.g., CPM and PERT) developed to aid the planning, scheduling, and control of projects.
Quality issues related to enhancing customer satisfaction (both internal and external) to ensure long-term customer loyalty.
Ethical Issues in Operations Management
Studies and conclusions of McGregor, Maslow, Herzburg, Likert, Aggyris, and Blake on Operations Management Behavioral Science.
The use of material and supply chain management in manufacturing and service organizations to reduce inventory levels while providing adequate service to customers.
Problems encountered in planning, operating, and controlling production of goods and services
Tools in project management
A study on the methods of planning, organizing, and controlling maintenance.
A study on Production and inventory control, procurement, distribution, and their interrelationships.
A study on Total Quality Management, human resources, finance and accounting, information systems, and their interrelationships
Investigation into computerized production technology
Study on Plant layout design depending on type of production system.
Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Workforce Management
Work study, Method Study and Time Study
Modern Trends in Project Management
Improving Inventory levels
1. A study on Indian organised retail sector
2. Effectiveness of promotional schemes in Retail stores
3. Study of retail store operations
4. Prospects of etailing
5. Impact of retail atore design & layout on customer mind
6. Emerging retail formats and strategies
7. Role of FDI in Indian retail sector
8. A study on retail consumer behaviour-personal, socisl & cultural
9. A study on Loyalty programs in organised retail sector
10. A study on changing consumer preferences towards organised retailing from unorganised retail ing
11. A study on strategies for promoting retailers brand
12. An analysis of possible strategies for successful internet based customer services in retail
13. Measuring the effectiveness of display system in retail industry
14. Retail outlet mapping of retail stores & shopping malla
15. Study on private lables VS national brands
16. A study on effective supplychain practices in organised retail sector
17. Impact of retail IT application on effective store operations
18. Best HR practices in organised retail sector
19. A study on customer relationship management practices in retail store
20. Issues in mall management
21. A study on effective retail project management
22. Analysis of training needs assesment of retail sales executives
23. A study on ethical issues in organised retail sector
24. A study on pricing strategies followed by sucessful retailers.
Emerging Role of Teams in Multicultural Organizations
Increase Product Awareness in International Market
Improving Enterprise production
Improving Labour Production levels
HR Health & Welfare Measures in Textile Industry
A study of performance appraisal / performance management system in XYZ organization
Assessment of role stress amongst the employees of XYZ organization
Job satisfaction survey at XYZ organization
Competency mapping in an organization
Training effectiveness in an organization
Motivational analysis of organization
A comparative study of team effectives in an organization: Team effectiveness assessment measure.
A study of Compensation Management System
A detailed study of promotion and reward policy of organization
A study of quality of work life in an organization.
Mapping training need of employees: Training Need Analysis
Improve Job Satisfaction Levels
Increase Employee Motivation
Improve Employee Retention
Improve Employee Satisfaction Levels
Improve Customer Satisfaction Levels
Decrease Employee Absenteeism
Stress Management of Employees
Reducing employee grievance and increase satisfaction
Reduce Work Stress of employees
Identifying Weak Points & Strengthening Market Strategy in Bisleri
Formulation of Marketing Strategies to Improve Market Share of XYZ Microwave Ovens
Improving the Effectiveness & Efficiency of Operations at XYZ India Ltd.
Developing a Service Delivery Model for XYZ .
Strategies for Increasing the Occupancy Rate of the XYZ Hotel, Bangalore
A Market Feasibility Study for New X-ray Machines from XYZ Medical Systems
Distribution Mapping & Dealer Satisfaction Survey for Nokia Mobile Phones.
A Study of Marketing Strategies & Distribution Channels in North Karnataka for XYZ
A Study to improve Awareness level of ABC Scheme among farmers for XYZ Ltd
A Study to increase Penetration Level & Brand Loyalty among existing consumers of XYZ Electronics
Increase E Commerce Revenue
Micro Finance – a Means to benefit the small investor
Financial Contagion in Emerging Markets
The study on Indian Financial System post liberalization
The impact of Global recession on Information Technology sector in India
The impact of recent global economic slump on Indian capital market
A comparative study of Bank Assurance products in banks
A Comparative study of Equity linked Savings Schemes floated by domestic Mutual fund players.
A Comparative Study of cost of capital in Automobile /Steel/Pharma/Finance industry
A comparative study of Finance performance of banks using various ratios.
Profitability and Operational Efficiency of Public Sector banks
Profitability and Operational Efficiency of banks in India
A study of working capital management in small scale industries
The scope of Microfinance in Indian context.
Financial Inclusion- The scope and effect in Indian economy
Rural banking in India
Dematerialization – The scope and effect.
The future of Investment banks in the post Lehman Brothers era
Improve Customer Revenue
Increase Customer revenue in Insurance Sector
Improve Organizational Revenue
Analysis of Working Capital Policy and Future Potential
The Internet:An Innovative solution to B2B competition
Role of software agents as a collaborative tool E commerce
Positioning E-Strategy To Successfully Develop An E-Business
Increase Online System Reliability
Hospital Management System-Database Approach,XYZ hospital, Hassan
Automation of Banking database, XYZ Bank.
Increase E Commerce Usage to increase sales by XYZ
A study on Electronic data storage- Steel factory, Mumbai
Improving Online System Usage and Reliability
1. Application of Project Management Processes to the Global Product Development System
2. TRIZ applied in Product Development Project Prioritization.
3. Project Cost Estimation
4. Virtual Project Management
5. Continuous Business Process Improvement (CBPI)
6. Force Field Analysis
7. Information Risk Management
8. SEI – CMM & ISO Certification
9. Recent Revolutions in Project Management
10. Modern Trends in Project Management Perception
11. Knowledge Management in Project Management
12. Project Management Application Softwares
13. Project Risk Management
14. Project Administration
15. Project Feasibility Studies
16. Importance of Human Resource Management in Project Management.
Purchasing Process in Automobile Industry
Concepts and Techniques related to materials management
Computer and Quantitative models used in formulating managerial problems.
Concepts and Techniques of Value Analysis to effectively control costs.
Deterministic and Stochastic inventory models.
Just In Time Production.
Logistics Management.
Project Scheduling.
Manufacturing strategy.
Site and Location Analysis.
Application of Quantitative Analysis and Computers for managerial decision making in operations problems.
A study on tools and techniques (e.g., CPM and PERT) developed to aid the planning, scheduling, and control of projects.
Quality issues related to enhancing customer satisfaction (both internal and external) to ensure long-term customer loyalty.
Ethical Issues in Operations Management
Studies and conclusions of McGregor, Maslow, Herzburg, Likert, Aggyris, and Blake on Operations Management Behavioral Science.
The use of material and supply chain management in manufacturing and service organizations to reduce inventory levels while providing adequate service to customers.
Problems encountered in planning, operating, and controlling production of goods and services
Tools in project management
A study on the methods of planning, organizing, and controlling maintenance.
A study on Production and inventory control, procurement, distribution, and their interrelationships.
A study on Total Quality Management, human resources, finance and accounting, information systems, and their interrelationships
Investigation into computerized production technology
Study on Plant layout design depending on type of production system.
Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Workforce Management
Work study, Method Study and Time Study
Modern Trends in Project Management
Improving Inventory levels
1. A study on Indian organised retail sector
2. Effectiveness of promotional schemes in Retail stores
3. Study of retail store operations
4. Prospects of etailing
5. Impact of retail atore design & layout on customer mind
6. Emerging retail formats and strategies
7. Role of FDI in Indian retail sector
8. A study on retail consumer behaviour-personal, socisl & cultural
9. A study on Loyalty programs in organised retail sector
10. A study on changing consumer preferences towards organised retailing from unorganised retail ing
11. A study on strategies for promoting retailers brand
12. An analysis of possible strategies for successful internet based customer services in retail
13. Measuring the effectiveness of display system in retail industry
14. Retail outlet mapping of retail stores & shopping malla
15. Study on private lables VS national brands
16. A study on effective supplychain practices in organised retail sector
17. Impact of retail IT application on effective store operations
18. Best HR practices in organised retail sector
19. A study on customer relationship management practices in retail store
20. Issues in mall management
21. A study on effective retail project management
22. Analysis of training needs assesment of retail sales executives
23. A study on ethical issues in organised retail sector
24. A study on pricing strategies followed by sucessful retailers.
Emerging Role of Teams in Multicultural Organizations
Increase Product Awareness in International Market
Improving Enterprise production
Improving Labour Production levels
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