1 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
Question Booklet Code: C Duration: 2 Hours
1. Strategic management is the set of
decisions and actions in formulation
and implementation of stragies
designed to achieve the objectives ofa.
An organisation
b. A customer
c. A planning
d. A Management
2. “Strategic Management is a stream
of decisions and actions which leads
to the development of an effective
strategy or strategies to help achieve
corporate objectives”. Who said?
a. Boulton
b. Sharplin
c. Jauch and Glueck
d. Lloyd. L. Byans
3. The strategic management process
is the way in which strategists
determine objective anda.
Make planning
b. Make coordinating
c. Make strategic decisions
d. Make recording
4. “………………………. Is the process of
managing the pursuit of
organisational mission while
managing the relationship of the
organisation to its environment.”
a. Cost Management
b. Strategic Management
c. Financial Management
d. System Management
5. “Strategic management as the
formulation and implementation of
plans and carrying out of activities
relating to the matters which one of
vital pervasive or continuning
important to the total organisation”.
Who said it?
a. Sharplin
b. Hofer and Schendel
c. Ansoff
d. Lloyd L.Byans
6. Strategic Management involvesa.
The determination of the
organisation’s mission, strategic
policies and strategic objectives
b. The determination of price of the
product and service
c. Cost
d. Planning with high cost
7. Which is the new form of Retailing?
a. Direct Selling
b. Direct Marketing
c. Buying Services
d. Automatic Vending Machine
8. Which is the dimension of
a. Risk taking
b. Organicity
c. Participation
d. Coersion
9. Which is the part of corporate
a. Board of Directors
b. Audit committee
c. Remuneration Committee
d. Disclosures
Course: EMBA Year: First Year
Paper Code: 102107 Paper Name: Strategic Management
2 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
10. The pattern of diversification
Product diversification
b. Market diversification
c. Vertifical diversification
d. Unrelated diversification
11. The missiona.
Is the basic reason of existence and
legitimization of an organisation
b. Is defined from the outside of an
c. Is defined in terms of benefits
which are provided by the firm to
d. Is a fundamental work and
responsibility which is given by
society to an organisation
12. A mission’ s aim should always be
high but it should not be improper
b. Clear
c. Significant
d. Impractical
13. A mission includesa.
Distinctive from the firm
b. Precise
c. Feasible
d. Motivating
14. The process of strategy
management starts witha.
Determination of product
b. Determination of price
c. Determination of mission
d. Firm
15. The organic model coversa.
Low Formulisation
b. Decentralisation
c. Free Flow of Information
d. All of these
16. “ The goal is the necessary
equipment for conducting of
professional units in important fields.
The flight of management will be
aimless without this because there
will neither be any signs nor any early
familiar way to know the way”. Who
a. Koontz and O’Donnell
b. Pearce and Robinson
c. Thompson
d. P.F.Drucker
e. All of these
17. Which statement is true?
a. Goal setting is the base and the
success of a unit and all
management process
b. According to Broom, “Goals can
defined be as future states of
c. Goals are those basic plans that
direct final results of projected
action of any unit
d. All of these
18. Which statement is true about
a. Goal is an equipment to measure of
execution, it provides clear measure
for control. These measures are
accepted by most of thepeople.
b. Goal setting gives base to a
company for long term existence
c. Goal setting is helpful in decision
d. Goal setting gives stability too the
member of a company in their
decentralisation decision
19. The Goal includesa.
b. Challenge
c. Feed-back
d. All of these
20. Which statement is true?
a. The goal improves organisational
and personal execution, clearly tells
about reason for increment in
b. Feedback arrangement with
revaluation is also an effective goal.
c. Effective goals are related to the
important features of job
d. Effective goals are accepted by
people and this acceptance provides
them more information and
increased their understanding level
3 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
21. The organisational goalsa.
Are concerned with whole of the
objectives and goals of an
organisation which are the sum of
many personal goals and come
from different places in an
b. As a standard
c. Are provided the source of reality
d. Are related to future state of affairs
for that an organisation makes
22. Which state is/ are true
a. Business is operated in and with the
help of society
b. Economic conditions of a nation
directly affect the progress of trade
and industry
c. In a mixed economic system, both
public and private sector are
present and plays a vital role in
economic activities
d. Economic policy of a nation affects
the functionining of business and
23. Business is affected by
technological environemnt to a large
extent because it affect thea.
Fund of the firm
b. Profit of firm
c. Product of the firm
d. Operations of the Company
24. SWOT Analysis includesa.
b. Opportunities
c. Threats
d. Weaknesses
25. The ……………….. analysis is a tool
of environement analysis
b. EOQ
c. PLC
26. Internal environment of an
organisation includesa.
Market Force
b. Exchange Price
c. Political System
d. Weaknesses
27. External environment of an
organisation includes
a. Opportunity
b. Threat.
c. Economic law
d. Strength
28. Which is the element of the
Mechanistic Model?
a. High Specialisation
b. Clear Chain of Command
c. Centralisation
d. High Formulisation
29. Which is the structural choice?
a. Simple Structure
b. Functional Structure
c. Divisional Structure
d. Matrix Structure
30. Opportunities is/are
a. Global market
b. Cost advantage
c. Lack of government regulation
d. All of these
31. Strengths include
a. Low cost of production
b. Better product quality
c. Product innovation skills
d. All of these
32. Weaknesses includea.
Lack of external relationships
b. Low skilled personnel
c. Inadequate use of production
d. No patent right
33. A focused strategy based on there
being a buyer segment that is looking
Special Product attribute
b. Planning
c. Coordination
d. Budget
34. “ Benchmarking is a process of
identifying understanding and
adopting outstanding practices from
within the same organisation or from
other business to help improver
a. Sarah Cook
b. Thompson and Strickland
c. Robert C. Camp
d. Steven Walleck
4 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
35. Benchmarking involves thea.
Determine the functions of bench
b. Identify the key performance
c. Identify the best in class companies
d. All of these
36. Which is the type of test?
a. Intelligence Test
b. Aptitude Test
c. Judgement Test
d. Projective Test
37. Which is the type of test?
a. Projective Test
b. Temperament Test
c. Personality Test
d. Achievement Test
38. Strategy formulation includesa.
Cut-back Strategy
b. Liquidation Strategy
c. Intensive Growth Strategy
d.Conglomerate Strategy
39. A merger is the combining ofa.
One or two firms
b. Two or more firms
c. One or one firm
d. One firm
40. Horizontal merger is a
combination of …………………… firms
in the same business and aspects of
the production processa.
Single Firm
b. Single or two firm
c. Two and more firms
d. All of these
41. Which statement is true?
a. An acquistion is when one
company, the acquirer, purchases
and absorbs the operation of
another, the required
b. A merger is a combination and
pooling of equals, with the newely
created company often taking on a
new name
c. Merger and acquistion ends the
competition among firms
d. Joint venture is used as a strategy
of external grwoth by the
42. Joint venture is fora.
To satisfy nationalistic demands
b. To benefit from economics of scale
critical mass and the experience
curve effect
c. To decrease dependency on other
d. To circumvent market imperfections
43. Which is the type of Interview?
a. Patterned Interview
b. Non-directive Interview
c. Stress Interview
d. Board Interview
44. Financial Policies includesa.
Management of Cash
b. Management of Acounts Receivable
c. Sources of Finance
d. Investment Decisions
45. Human Resources Policies area.
Emploument Policy
b. Human Resource Development
c. Wages
d. Benefits
46. Routine decision includesa.
Analysis process flows provide for
maintenance of equipment
b. Decide overtime
c. Arrange for subcontracting
d. Determine scheduling
47. Which statement is true?
a. Operations management in a
service organisation is different
from a manufacturing organisation
b. New product design plays a crucial
role in the survival and
development of most of the firm
c. New product introduction is a way
of life in fast changing industries
d. The quality objective is concerned
with the quality of the product
48. Evaluating decisions in operations
management require numerous trade
offs among thea.
Decision Criteria
b. Budget Centre
c. Quality
d. Choice of equipment
5 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
49. Plant and equipment includesa.
Span of process
b. Plant size
c. Plant location
d. Investment decision
50. Selection of personnel is a most
important function and issue ofa.
Production Policy
b. Personnel Policy
c. Financial Policy
d. Brand Policy
51. Which is the element of 4Cs?
a. Customer
b. Cost
c. Convenience
d. Communication
52. Planning and Managing Assets
Management of Cash
b. Management of Account Receivable
c. Capital Structure
d. None of these
53. Which statement is/are true?
a. Human resource policies are a set
of proposals and actions that act as
a reference point for managers in
their dealings with employees
b. The strategist can use the HRD
process and techniques before the
implementation of strategies
c. Human resource development plays
a crucial role in market economices
d. Performance appraisal is a ninestep
54. Which is the techniques of
organisational climate?
a. Performance Appraisal
b. Training
c. Management Development
d. Quality Circles
55. A Multinatioal Company is an
organisation doing business in more
One Country
b. One Product.
c. One Market
d. One Fund
56. Which statement is/are true?
a. Multinational companies benefit the
host country as well as the home
b. Global business is becoming more
integrated around, the world and
international issues are growing
more important in business
c. The General Agreement on Tariff
and Trade was a multilateral trade
d. The main purpose of GATT was to
enable the smooth flow of goods
between nations
57. WTO stands fora.
World Trade Office
b. World Trade Organisation
c. Wide Trade Organisation
d. World Trade over exchange
58. GATT meansa.
General Age Trade Tariffs
b. General Agreement on Tariff and
c. General All Tax Trade
d. Gross All Tax Trade
59. Which is the functions of GATT?
a. Administrating and implementing
the multilateral and plurilateral
trade agreements which together
make up the WTO
b. Acting as a forum for multilateral
trade negotiations
c. Seeking to resolve trade disputes
d. Overseeing natural trade policies
60. Macro-environement includes
a. Political and legal factors
b. Economic factors
c. Technological factors
d. All of these
61. Asia-Pacific forum was setup ina.
b. 1940
c. 1991
d. 1989
6 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
62. Which is the member of ‘APEC’
a. China
b. Malaysia
c. New Zealand
d. Canada
63. Corporate Strategy involvesa.
Marketing Policies and Plans
b. Financial Plans
c. R &D
d. Human Resource Plans
64. Which is the mode of entry?
a. Indirect Exporting
b. Management Contracts
c. Joint ventures
d. Licensing
65. Ayal and Zif have suggested that a
company should enter fewer markets
Market entry and market control
costs are high
b. Product and communication
adaption costs are high
c. Population and income size and
growth are high in the initial
countries chosen
d. Dominant foreign firms can
establish high barriers to entry
66. Adaptive Mode condition includesa.
b. Indeterminate
c. Judgmental
d. Bargaining
67. Entrepreneurial mode includesa.
Proactive Decisions
b. Entrepreneur Choice
c. Vision of direction should be
d. Long term decision
68. Which is the type of corporate
a. The firm can compete in one
business or industry
b. The firm can compete in several
related business or industries
c. The firm can compete in several
unrelated business
d. All of these
69. Which is the reasons for change
of a firm from concentration
a. Templations of diversification
b. Pressure to use idle capacity
c. Overconfidence
d. Impatience to grow
70. Match the following
a. Conger
b. Donnelly, Petter and James
c. David
d. Peter f. Drucker
Question Booklet Code: C Duration: 2 Hours
1. Strategic management is the set of
decisions and actions in formulation
and implementation of stragies
designed to achieve the objectives ofa.
An organisation
b. A customer
c. A planning
d. A Management
2. “Strategic Management is a stream
of decisions and actions which leads
to the development of an effective
strategy or strategies to help achieve
corporate objectives”. Who said?
a. Boulton
b. Sharplin
c. Jauch and Glueck
d. Lloyd. L. Byans
3. The strategic management process
is the way in which strategists
determine objective anda.
Make planning
b. Make coordinating
c. Make strategic decisions
d. Make recording
4. “………………………. Is the process of
managing the pursuit of
organisational mission while
managing the relationship of the
organisation to its environment.”
a. Cost Management
b. Strategic Management
c. Financial Management
d. System Management
5. “Strategic management as the
formulation and implementation of
plans and carrying out of activities
relating to the matters which one of
vital pervasive or continuning
important to the total organisation”.
Who said it?
a. Sharplin
b. Hofer and Schendel
c. Ansoff
d. Lloyd L.Byans
6. Strategic Management involvesa.
The determination of the
organisation’s mission, strategic
policies and strategic objectives
b. The determination of price of the
product and service
c. Cost
d. Planning with high cost
7. Which is the new form of Retailing?
a. Direct Selling
b. Direct Marketing
c. Buying Services
d. Automatic Vending Machine
8. Which is the dimension of
a. Risk taking
b. Organicity
c. Participation
d. Coersion
9. Which is the part of corporate
a. Board of Directors
b. Audit committee
c. Remuneration Committee
d. Disclosures
Course: EMBA Year: First Year
Paper Code: 102107 Paper Name: Strategic Management
2 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
10. The pattern of diversification
Product diversification
b. Market diversification
c. Vertifical diversification
d. Unrelated diversification
11. The missiona.
Is the basic reason of existence and
legitimization of an organisation
b. Is defined from the outside of an
c. Is defined in terms of benefits
which are provided by the firm to
d. Is a fundamental work and
responsibility which is given by
society to an organisation
12. A mission’ s aim should always be
high but it should not be improper
b. Clear
c. Significant
d. Impractical
13. A mission includesa.
Distinctive from the firm
b. Precise
c. Feasible
d. Motivating
14. The process of strategy
management starts witha.
Determination of product
b. Determination of price
c. Determination of mission
d. Firm
15. The organic model coversa.
Low Formulisation
b. Decentralisation
c. Free Flow of Information
d. All of these
16. “ The goal is the necessary
equipment for conducting of
professional units in important fields.
The flight of management will be
aimless without this because there
will neither be any signs nor any early
familiar way to know the way”. Who
a. Koontz and O’Donnell
b. Pearce and Robinson
c. Thompson
d. P.F.Drucker
e. All of these
17. Which statement is true?
a. Goal setting is the base and the
success of a unit and all
management process
b. According to Broom, “Goals can
defined be as future states of
c. Goals are those basic plans that
direct final results of projected
action of any unit
d. All of these
18. Which statement is true about
a. Goal is an equipment to measure of
execution, it provides clear measure
for control. These measures are
accepted by most of thepeople.
b. Goal setting gives base to a
company for long term existence
c. Goal setting is helpful in decision
d. Goal setting gives stability too the
member of a company in their
decentralisation decision
19. The Goal includesa.
b. Challenge
c. Feed-back
d. All of these
20. Which statement is true?
a. The goal improves organisational
and personal execution, clearly tells
about reason for increment in
b. Feedback arrangement with
revaluation is also an effective goal.
c. Effective goals are related to the
important features of job
d. Effective goals are accepted by
people and this acceptance provides
them more information and
increased their understanding level
3 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
21. The organisational goalsa.
Are concerned with whole of the
objectives and goals of an
organisation which are the sum of
many personal goals and come
from different places in an
b. As a standard
c. Are provided the source of reality
d. Are related to future state of affairs
for that an organisation makes
22. Which state is/ are true
a. Business is operated in and with the
help of society
b. Economic conditions of a nation
directly affect the progress of trade
and industry
c. In a mixed economic system, both
public and private sector are
present and plays a vital role in
economic activities
d. Economic policy of a nation affects
the functionining of business and
23. Business is affected by
technological environemnt to a large
extent because it affect thea.
Fund of the firm
b. Profit of firm
c. Product of the firm
d. Operations of the Company
24. SWOT Analysis includesa.
b. Opportunities
c. Threats
d. Weaknesses
25. The ……………….. analysis is a tool
of environement analysis
b. EOQ
c. PLC
26. Internal environment of an
organisation includesa.
Market Force
b. Exchange Price
c. Political System
d. Weaknesses
27. External environment of an
organisation includes
a. Opportunity
b. Threat.
c. Economic law
d. Strength
28. Which is the element of the
Mechanistic Model?
a. High Specialisation
b. Clear Chain of Command
c. Centralisation
d. High Formulisation
29. Which is the structural choice?
a. Simple Structure
b. Functional Structure
c. Divisional Structure
d. Matrix Structure
30. Opportunities is/are
a. Global market
b. Cost advantage
c. Lack of government regulation
d. All of these
31. Strengths include
a. Low cost of production
b. Better product quality
c. Product innovation skills
d. All of these
32. Weaknesses includea.
Lack of external relationships
b. Low skilled personnel
c. Inadequate use of production
d. No patent right
33. A focused strategy based on there
being a buyer segment that is looking
Special Product attribute
b. Planning
c. Coordination
d. Budget
34. “ Benchmarking is a process of
identifying understanding and
adopting outstanding practices from
within the same organisation or from
other business to help improver
a. Sarah Cook
b. Thompson and Strickland
c. Robert C. Camp
d. Steven Walleck
4 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
35. Benchmarking involves thea.
Determine the functions of bench
b. Identify the key performance
c. Identify the best in class companies
d. All of these
36. Which is the type of test?
a. Intelligence Test
b. Aptitude Test
c. Judgement Test
d. Projective Test
37. Which is the type of test?
a. Projective Test
b. Temperament Test
c. Personality Test
d. Achievement Test
38. Strategy formulation includesa.
Cut-back Strategy
b. Liquidation Strategy
c. Intensive Growth Strategy
d.Conglomerate Strategy
39. A merger is the combining ofa.
One or two firms
b. Two or more firms
c. One or one firm
d. One firm
40. Horizontal merger is a
combination of …………………… firms
in the same business and aspects of
the production processa.
Single Firm
b. Single or two firm
c. Two and more firms
d. All of these
41. Which statement is true?
a. An acquistion is when one
company, the acquirer, purchases
and absorbs the operation of
another, the required
b. A merger is a combination and
pooling of equals, with the newely
created company often taking on a
new name
c. Merger and acquistion ends the
competition among firms
d. Joint venture is used as a strategy
of external grwoth by the
42. Joint venture is fora.
To satisfy nationalistic demands
b. To benefit from economics of scale
critical mass and the experience
curve effect
c. To decrease dependency on other
d. To circumvent market imperfections
43. Which is the type of Interview?
a. Patterned Interview
b. Non-directive Interview
c. Stress Interview
d. Board Interview
44. Financial Policies includesa.
Management of Cash
b. Management of Acounts Receivable
c. Sources of Finance
d. Investment Decisions
45. Human Resources Policies area.
Emploument Policy
b. Human Resource Development
c. Wages
d. Benefits
46. Routine decision includesa.
Analysis process flows provide for
maintenance of equipment
b. Decide overtime
c. Arrange for subcontracting
d. Determine scheduling
47. Which statement is true?
a. Operations management in a
service organisation is different
from a manufacturing organisation
b. New product design plays a crucial
role in the survival and
development of most of the firm
c. New product introduction is a way
of life in fast changing industries
d. The quality objective is concerned
with the quality of the product
48. Evaluating decisions in operations
management require numerous trade
offs among thea.
Decision Criteria
b. Budget Centre
c. Quality
d. Choice of equipment
5 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
49. Plant and equipment includesa.
Span of process
b. Plant size
c. Plant location
d. Investment decision
50. Selection of personnel is a most
important function and issue ofa.
Production Policy
b. Personnel Policy
c. Financial Policy
d. Brand Policy
51. Which is the element of 4Cs?
a. Customer
b. Cost
c. Convenience
d. Communication
52. Planning and Managing Assets
Management of Cash
b. Management of Account Receivable
c. Capital Structure
d. None of these
53. Which statement is/are true?
a. Human resource policies are a set
of proposals and actions that act as
a reference point for managers in
their dealings with employees
b. The strategist can use the HRD
process and techniques before the
implementation of strategies
c. Human resource development plays
a crucial role in market economices
d. Performance appraisal is a ninestep
54. Which is the techniques of
organisational climate?
a. Performance Appraisal
b. Training
c. Management Development
d. Quality Circles
55. A Multinatioal Company is an
organisation doing business in more
One Country
b. One Product.
c. One Market
d. One Fund
56. Which statement is/are true?
a. Multinational companies benefit the
host country as well as the home
b. Global business is becoming more
integrated around, the world and
international issues are growing
more important in business
c. The General Agreement on Tariff
and Trade was a multilateral trade
d. The main purpose of GATT was to
enable the smooth flow of goods
between nations
57. WTO stands fora.
World Trade Office
b. World Trade Organisation
c. Wide Trade Organisation
d. World Trade over exchange
58. GATT meansa.
General Age Trade Tariffs
b. General Agreement on Tariff and
c. General All Tax Trade
d. Gross All Tax Trade
59. Which is the functions of GATT?
a. Administrating and implementing
the multilateral and plurilateral
trade agreements which together
make up the WTO
b. Acting as a forum for multilateral
trade negotiations
c. Seeking to resolve trade disputes
d. Overseeing natural trade policies
60. Macro-environement includes
a. Political and legal factors
b. Economic factors
c. Technological factors
d. All of these
61. Asia-Pacific forum was setup ina.
b. 1940
c. 1991
d. 1989
6 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
62. Which is the member of ‘APEC’
a. China
b. Malaysia
c. New Zealand
d. Canada
63. Corporate Strategy involvesa.
Marketing Policies and Plans
b. Financial Plans
c. R &D
d. Human Resource Plans
64. Which is the mode of entry?
a. Indirect Exporting
b. Management Contracts
c. Joint ventures
d. Licensing
65. Ayal and Zif have suggested that a
company should enter fewer markets
Market entry and market control
costs are high
b. Product and communication
adaption costs are high
c. Population and income size and
growth are high in the initial
countries chosen
d. Dominant foreign firms can
establish high barriers to entry
66. Adaptive Mode condition includesa.
b. Indeterminate
c. Judgmental
d. Bargaining
67. Entrepreneurial mode includesa.
Proactive Decisions
b. Entrepreneur Choice
c. Vision of direction should be
d. Long term decision
68. Which is the type of corporate
a. The firm can compete in one
business or industry
b. The firm can compete in several
related business or industries
c. The firm can compete in several
unrelated business
d. All of these
69. Which is the reasons for change
of a firm from concentration
a. Templations of diversification
b. Pressure to use idle capacity
c. Overconfidence
d. Impatience to grow
70. Match the following
a. Conger
b. Donnelly, Petter and James
c. David
d. Peter f. Drucker
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