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Thursday, 2 May 2013

AIMA 2013 Assignments : contact us for answers at

    Management Functions and Organizational Behavior
    Assignment No.I
    Assignment Code: 2013GM11A1    Last Date of Submission: 15th April 2013
    Maximum Marks:100
Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
    Ques.    1    What factors need to be considered while devising control systems in organizations?
    Discuss some of the tools that could be used to facilitate the process.
    Ques.    2    Identify five decision problems from secondary sources like business journals or
    Internet- which specific organizations have faced, and comment on the rationality of the
     decision that the organizations reportedly arrived at.
    Ques.    3    To which beneficiaries of corporate behavior is management primarily responsible?
    Justify your answer
    Ques.    4    Examine Fayol’s 14 principles of management in the light of modern organizations.
    Explain why do the principles are still appropriate or inappropriate.

Case Study : Tanner Company

After considerable research and discussion, the decision was reached by the executive committee for new product planning to add a new product line to the Tanner line of household appliances.  Members of this committee include of the production manager, the sales manager, the purchasing agent, the director of research, and the advertising manager.  The company has two new product lines that could be introduced to the market next year.  However, due to the limitations of sales personnel and financial resources, only one  product line can be added next year.  Company personnel have devoted much effort to estimate sales potentials, production costs, administrative problems, and profits.  Important data  shown in Exhibit I.

Economic Prosperity    Economic Recession
    Expected Profit    Expected Loss    Expected Profit    Expected Loss
Product line 1…    $275,000    -    -    $ 150,000
Product line 2…    100,000    -    $300,000    -

Recent published economic reports state there is a 30-35 percent chance of a recession next year.  The president of Tanner Company is anxious to secure as many pertinent facts as necessary to plan the launching of the new product line.  Yet she strongly believes that the marketing campaign in launching the new product and the aggressiveness of promoting it are essential and critical to the new product line’s success or failure.  On the other hand, the director of research suggests that there is no virtue in taking unnecessary chances.  The company should not gamble – losses are too difficult to recoup.  The best plan includes expecting the worst combined with selecting the product line that can hurt the company the minimum amount.


1.    What other criteria than those mentioned might the manager use in planning for the new product line?  Discuss.

2.    Which new product line do you recommend be adopted?  Why?

3.    Is the company using strategic planning ?  Justify your answer.

    Management Functions and Organizational Behavior
    Assignment No.II
    Assignment Code: 2013GM11A2    Last Date of Submission: 15th May 2013
    Maximum Marks:100
Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
    Ques.    1    Explain the perceptual process. How does the perceptual process gets distorted?
    Ques.    2    As a team leader, how would you go about choosing your team members, in the light
    of William C. Schutz’s theory of Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation.
    Ques.    3    Discuss some of the common symptoms of interpersonal problems between
    Ques.    4    What is personality and what factors contribute to the formation of the personality of
Case Study


When Mr.Ram Bansal took over the handbag department at RK & Company New Delhi, he established several important goals for the department.   One was to increase sales without increasing the number of salespeople or the way they were paid.   Unlike some retail supervisors, Mr.Bansal was not in a position to use commissions to reward improved performance.  All his employees were paid a straight wage without commissions and all members of the staff were union led.   He also wanted to improve customer service and employee satisfaction.

This arrangement offered few motivational options and had a negative effect on employee attitudes.   In other departments of the company, customers were often shown a dressing room “cop” who asked how many garments were included and gave them the appropriately colored tag.   The original sales clerk rarely appeared for additional customer service.  Many sales people in the company were painfully aware of the lack of personal commitment to their job and customers.   One employee commented, “There’s a lot of talk about increasing customers.”   Mr.Bansal knew he had to make some changes in order to improve the sales production in the department.

His first step was to give full-time employees their own counter area and their own line of merchandise.   He also increased the responsibility of the sales staff for managing their own inventory and their own line of merchandise.   Any sales person who needed information was encouraged to offer the buying staff suggestions, was encouraged to talk with buyer of handbags.   Previously, the sales staff had felt they were not supposed to talk to buyers.

Every week, Mr.Bansal brings the staff together for a meeting.   At these meetings, he emphasizes the importance of customer service and reviews any change in departmental policies and procedures.   He also encourages employees to discuss problems and ask questions.   These meetings provide Mr.Bansal with an opportunity to publicly recognize the accomplishments of employees.


1.    What motivational need did Mr.Bansal satisfy for his full-time employees?
2.    Discuss these needs with reference to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
3.    Mr. Bansal achieved significant productivity gains because of a positive change in employee’s                  attitudes. What motivational strategies did he use to achieve this success?

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