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1 ) In a time-sharing operating
system, when the time slot given to a
process is completed, the process
goes from the RUNNING state to the
a. BLOCKED state
b. READY state
c. SUSPENDED state
2 ) Pre-emptive scheduling is the
strategy of temporarily suspending a
running process
a. before the CPU time slice expires
b. to allow starving processes to run
c. when it requests I/O
d. none of these
3 ) Mutual exclusion problem occurs
a. two disjoint processes that do not
b. processes that share resources
c. processes that do not use the same
d. none of these
4 ) Disk scheduling involves deciding
a. which disk should be accessed next
b. the order in which disk access requests
must be serviced
c. the physical location where files should
be accessed in the disk
d. none of these
5 ) The first-fit, best-fit and the
worst-fit algorithm can be used for
a. contiguous allocation of memory
b. linked allocation of memory
c. indexed allocation of memory
d. all of these
6 ) In Round Robin CPU scheduling,
as the time quantum is increased, the
average turnaround time
a. increases
b. decreases
c. remains constant
d. varies irregularly
7 ) Suppose that a process is in
'BLOCKED' state waiting for some I/0
service. When the service is
a. running state
b. ready state
c. suspend state
d. terminated state
8 ) Distributed systems should
a. meet prescribed time constraints
b. aim better resource sharing
c. aim better system utilization
d. aim low system overhead
9 ) In real-time operating systems,
which of the following is the most
suitable scheduling scheme?
a. round-robin
b. first-come-first-served
c. pre-emptive
d. random scheduling
Question Booklet Code: C Duration: 2 Hours
Course: Year: Third Year
Paper Code: Paper Name: Operating Systems 702333
Diploma in Engineering (Computer Science)
2 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
10 ) In a paged segmented scheme of
memory management, the segment
table itself must have a page table
a. the segment is spread over a number
to hit in one page
b. each segment is spread over a number
of pages
c. segment tables point to page tables
and not to the physical
location of the segment
d. the processor's description base
register points to a page table
11 ) Relocatable programs
a. cannot be used with fixed partitions
b. can be loaded almost anywhere in
c. do not need a linker
d. can be loaded onyx at one specific
12 ) Fixed partitions
a. are very common in current operating
b. are very efficient in memory utilization
c. are very inefficient in memory
d. are most used on large mainframe
operating systems
13 ) A linker
a. is not necessary with variable partitions
b. must be run after the loader
c. creates a load module
d. is not needed with a good compiler
14 ) The garbage collector
a. is critical for efficient virtual memory
b. prevents fragmentation from occurring
c. is mostly used with fixed partitions
d. collects fragmented areas of memory
15 ) An unpaged or read-ahead cache
associates disk domains with the
address of the read and continues for
a specific length. The major
disadvantage of unpaged cache is
a. it allows cache domain to contain
redundant data
b. it does not allow writes to be cached
c. its access time is greater than that of
paged caching
d. read ahead cache domain blocks are
necessarily fixed in size
16 ) File record length
a. should always be fixed
b. should always be variable
c. depends upon the size of the file
d. should be chosen to match the data
17 ) Wild-card specifiers
a. provide an easy way of finding groups
of realted files
b. are only used when printing the
contents of files
c. can be used when writing a file
d. allow several files to be read
18 ) The allocation map
a. is used to store program data
b. specifies which blocks are used by
which file
c. is updated by applications programs
d. allow programs to erase files
19 ) The volatility of a file refers to
a. the number of records added or deleted
from a file composed to
the original number of records in that file
b. efficiency with which non-sequential
files are processed
c. the extent where the records of the file
are contiguous and in
proximity to others
d. percentage of records that has changed
in a given time period
20 ) Which types of file organization
are supported by magnetic tape?
a. random files
b. contiguous sequential file
c. indexed sequential file
d. all of these
21 ) System supports two types of
file, which are
a. text files
b. executable binary files
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
22 ) The simplest directory structure
a. single level directory
b. two level directory
c. tree structure directory
d. none of these
3 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
23 ) Solution of name collision
problem is
a. single level directory
b. two level directory
c. tree structure
d. all of these
24 ) Path's name are
a. absolute path
b. relative path
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
25 ) Which structure prohibits the
sharing of files and directories?
a. tree structure
b. one level structure
c. two level structure
d. none of these
26 ) Shared sub-directories and files
are example of
a. a cyclic graph directory
b. tree structured direction
c. one level directory
d. none of these
27 ) There are no cycle in which type
of directory?
a. General graph directory
b. A cyclic graph directory
c. One level directory
d. Two level directory
28 ) The lowest level of I/0 control
consists of
a. device drivers
b. interrupt handlers
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
29 ) Access time is the highest in the
case of
a. floppy disk
b. cache
c. swapping devices
d. magnetic disks
30 ) The most common systems
security method is
a. passwords
b. key-card systems
c. mantrap
d. none of these
31 ) Dial-back systems
a. prevent hackers from calling the
b. force the user to call the computer
twice to get access
c. require no effort by systems personnel
to implement
d. receive calls, and calls back if user is
32 ) Supervisor state is
a. entered by programs when they enter
the processor
b. required to perform any I/0
c. only allowed to the operating system
d. never used
33 ) Trojan-Horse programs
a. are legitimate programs that allow
unauthorized access
b. are hacker programs that do not show
up on the system
c. really do not usually work
d. usually are immediately discovered
34 ) Interrupts per second
a. is a good measure of the system I/0
b. is a good measure of the system
paging activity
c. should never be greater than
d. is higher on smaller computers
35 ) Control unit busy
a. is the same as device busy
b. shows the availability of the path of
c. can be prevented with more devices
d. can be prevented by reducing the
paging rate
36 ) Multiple processor continuations
a. are more efficient than scalar
b. are less efficient than scalar
c. work equally well on all applications
d. are very efficient, but only on some
37 ) Resources are managed
a. with each processor equally
b. by only one processor
c. by sophisticated locking mechanisms
d. more easily with multiple processors
4 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
a. has segmented address space
b. each segment is file
c. segment is associated with the rings
d. all of these
39 ) Objects are represented by
a. rows
b. columns
c. tables
d. none of these
40 ) Security violation due to
a. malicious
b. accidental
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
41 ) A major security problem for
operating system is
a. authentication problem
b. physical problem
c. human problem
d. none of these
42 ) The most common approach to
authenticating a user identity is
a. user passwords
b. user log in
c. hardware device
d. none of these
43 ) In one time password
a. the password is different in each
b. the password is same in each instance
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
44 ) Program threats are
a. Trojan Horse
b. trap doors
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
45 ) Trojan Horse
a. A code segment that misuses its file is
called Trojan horse
b. good for file accessing
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
46 ) Trap door
a. could be included in a compiler
b. pose a difficult problem because to
detect them
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
47 ) Worm
a. is a process that uses the spawn
mechanism to clobber system
b. spawns copies of itself, using up
system resources and perhaps
locking out system used by all other
c. both (1) and (2)
d. none of the above
48 ) Worm was made up
a. one program
b. two programs
c. three programs
d. all of the above
49 ) Protection against computer
viruses is
a. preventation
b. practice of safe computing
c. purchasing unopened software from
d. avoiding free or pirated copies from
public sources
50 ) Threat monitoring technique is
a. the system can check for suspicious
patterns of activity in an
attempt to detect a security violation
b. a time sharing a system that counts the
number of incorrect
passwords given
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
51 ) The security of a system can be
improved by
a. threat monitoring
b. audit log
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
52 ) Encryption
a. is one common method of protecting
information transmitted over
unreliable links
b. in crypted information is accessed by
an unauthorized person or
program, it will be useless unless it can be
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
5 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
53 ) A system has 3 processes
sharing 4 resources. If each
process needs a maximum of 2 units
a. deadlock can never occur
b. deadlock may occur
c. deadlock has to occur
d. none of the above
54 ) 'm' processes share 'n' resources
of the same type. The maximum need
of each process doesn’t exceed 'n'
and the sum of all their maximum
needs is always less than m+n. In
this set up
a. deadlock can never occur
b. deadlock may occur
c. deadlock has to occur
d. none of the above
55 ) Some computer systems support
dual mode operations-the user mode
and the supervisor or monito mode.
These refer to the modes
a. by which user programmes handle their
b. by which the operating system
executes user programmes
c. in which the processor and the
associated hardware operate
d. of memory access
56 ) Which of the following page
replacement algorithms suffers from
Belady's anomaly?
a. Optimal replacement
b. LRU
d. both optimal replacement and FIFO
57 ) Which of the following
scheduling policy is well suited for
a time-shared operating system?
a. Shortest job first
b. Round robin
c. First come first serve
d. Elevator
58 ) Memory protection is normally
done by
a. the processor and the associated
b. the operating system
c. the compiler
d. the user programme
59 ) In a paged segmented scheme of
memory management,
the segment table itself must have a
page table because
a. the segment table is often too large to
fit in one page
b. each segment is spread over a number
of pages
c. segment tables point to tables and not
to the physical location
of the segment
d. the processor's description base
register points to a page table
60 ) in real-time operating system,
which of the following is the most
suitable scheduling scheme?
a. round-robin
b. first-come-first-served
c. preemptive scheduling
d. random scheduling
61 ) An algorithm is best described as
a. A computer language
b. A step by step procedure for solving a
c. A branch of mathematics
d. All of the above
62 ) The size of the virtual memory
depends on
a. the size of the data bus
b. the size of the main memory
c. the size of the address bus
d. none of the above
63 ) Semaphores are used to solve
the problem of
a. race condition
b. process synchronization
c. mutual exclusion
d. none of the above
64 ) Memory protection is of no use in
a. single user system
b. non-multiprogramming system
c. non-multitasking system
d. none of the above
65 ) What is the operating system
used by Macintosh computers?
a. System 7.0
b. AU/X
c. Xenix
d. none of the above
6 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
66 ) What is the name given to the
software which can be legally
compiled and often used for free?
a. Shareware programme
b. Public domain programme
c. Firmware programme
d. Mindware
67 ) The problem of thrasing is
affected significantly by
a. programme structure
b. programme size
c. primary storage size
d. all of the above
68 ) A multi-user, multi-processing
operating system cannot be
implemented on hardware that does
not support.
a. Address translation
b. DMA for disk transfer
c. At least two modes of CPU execution
(privileged and non-privileged)
d. All of the above
69 ) What is the name of the
technique in which the operating
system of a computer executes
several programme concurrently by
switching back and for the between
a. Partitioning
b. Multitasking
c. Windowing
d. Paging
70 ) Which of the following is NOT a
valid deadlock prevention scheme?
a. Release all resources before requesting
a new resource
b. Number the resources uniquely and
never request a lower
numbered resource than the last one
c. Never request a resource after
releasing any resource
d. none of the above
1 ) In a time-sharing operating
system, when the time slot given to a
process is completed, the process
goes from the RUNNING state to the
a. BLOCKED state
b. READY state
c. SUSPENDED state
2 ) Pre-emptive scheduling is the
strategy of temporarily suspending a
running process
a. before the CPU time slice expires
b. to allow starving processes to run
c. when it requests I/O
d. none of these
3 ) Mutual exclusion problem occurs
a. two disjoint processes that do not
b. processes that share resources
c. processes that do not use the same
d. none of these
4 ) Disk scheduling involves deciding
a. which disk should be accessed next
b. the order in which disk access requests
must be serviced
c. the physical location where files should
be accessed in the disk
d. none of these
5 ) The first-fit, best-fit and the
worst-fit algorithm can be used for
a. contiguous allocation of memory
b. linked allocation of memory
c. indexed allocation of memory
d. all of these
6 ) In Round Robin CPU scheduling,
as the time quantum is increased, the
average turnaround time
a. increases
b. decreases
c. remains constant
d. varies irregularly
7 ) Suppose that a process is in
'BLOCKED' state waiting for some I/0
service. When the service is
a. running state
b. ready state
c. suspend state
d. terminated state
8 ) Distributed systems should
a. meet prescribed time constraints
b. aim better resource sharing
c. aim better system utilization
d. aim low system overhead
9 ) In real-time operating systems,
which of the following is the most
suitable scheduling scheme?
a. round-robin
b. first-come-first-served
c. pre-emptive
d. random scheduling
Question Booklet Code: C Duration: 2 Hours
Course: Year: Third Year
Paper Code: Paper Name: Operating Systems 702333
Diploma in Engineering (Computer Science)
2 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
10 ) In a paged segmented scheme of
memory management, the segment
table itself must have a page table
a. the segment is spread over a number
to hit in one page
b. each segment is spread over a number
of pages
c. segment tables point to page tables
and not to the physical
location of the segment
d. the processor's description base
register points to a page table
11 ) Relocatable programs
a. cannot be used with fixed partitions
b. can be loaded almost anywhere in
c. do not need a linker
d. can be loaded onyx at one specific
12 ) Fixed partitions
a. are very common in current operating
b. are very efficient in memory utilization
c. are very inefficient in memory
d. are most used on large mainframe
operating systems
13 ) A linker
a. is not necessary with variable partitions
b. must be run after the loader
c. creates a load module
d. is not needed with a good compiler
14 ) The garbage collector
a. is critical for efficient virtual memory
b. prevents fragmentation from occurring
c. is mostly used with fixed partitions
d. collects fragmented areas of memory
15 ) An unpaged or read-ahead cache
associates disk domains with the
address of the read and continues for
a specific length. The major
disadvantage of unpaged cache is
a. it allows cache domain to contain
redundant data
b. it does not allow writes to be cached
c. its access time is greater than that of
paged caching
d. read ahead cache domain blocks are
necessarily fixed in size
16 ) File record length
a. should always be fixed
b. should always be variable
c. depends upon the size of the file
d. should be chosen to match the data
17 ) Wild-card specifiers
a. provide an easy way of finding groups
of realted files
b. are only used when printing the
contents of files
c. can be used when writing a file
d. allow several files to be read
18 ) The allocation map
a. is used to store program data
b. specifies which blocks are used by
which file
c. is updated by applications programs
d. allow programs to erase files
19 ) The volatility of a file refers to
a. the number of records added or deleted
from a file composed to
the original number of records in that file
b. efficiency with which non-sequential
files are processed
c. the extent where the records of the file
are contiguous and in
proximity to others
d. percentage of records that has changed
in a given time period
20 ) Which types of file organization
are supported by magnetic tape?
a. random files
b. contiguous sequential file
c. indexed sequential file
d. all of these
21 ) System supports two types of
file, which are
a. text files
b. executable binary files
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
22 ) The simplest directory structure
a. single level directory
b. two level directory
c. tree structure directory
d. none of these
3 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
23 ) Solution of name collision
problem is
a. single level directory
b. two level directory
c. tree structure
d. all of these
24 ) Path's name are
a. absolute path
b. relative path
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
25 ) Which structure prohibits the
sharing of files and directories?
a. tree structure
b. one level structure
c. two level structure
d. none of these
26 ) Shared sub-directories and files
are example of
a. a cyclic graph directory
b. tree structured direction
c. one level directory
d. none of these
27 ) There are no cycle in which type
of directory?
a. General graph directory
b. A cyclic graph directory
c. One level directory
d. Two level directory
28 ) The lowest level of I/0 control
consists of
a. device drivers
b. interrupt handlers
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
29 ) Access time is the highest in the
case of
a. floppy disk
b. cache
c. swapping devices
d. magnetic disks
30 ) The most common systems
security method is
a. passwords
b. key-card systems
c. mantrap
d. none of these
31 ) Dial-back systems
a. prevent hackers from calling the
b. force the user to call the computer
twice to get access
c. require no effort by systems personnel
to implement
d. receive calls, and calls back if user is
32 ) Supervisor state is
a. entered by programs when they enter
the processor
b. required to perform any I/0
c. only allowed to the operating system
d. never used
33 ) Trojan-Horse programs
a. are legitimate programs that allow
unauthorized access
b. are hacker programs that do not show
up on the system
c. really do not usually work
d. usually are immediately discovered
34 ) Interrupts per second
a. is a good measure of the system I/0
b. is a good measure of the system
paging activity
c. should never be greater than
d. is higher on smaller computers
35 ) Control unit busy
a. is the same as device busy
b. shows the availability of the path of
c. can be prevented with more devices
d. can be prevented by reducing the
paging rate
36 ) Multiple processor continuations
a. are more efficient than scalar
b. are less efficient than scalar
c. work equally well on all applications
d. are very efficient, but only on some
37 ) Resources are managed
a. with each processor equally
b. by only one processor
c. by sophisticated locking mechanisms
d. more easily with multiple processors
4 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
a. has segmented address space
b. each segment is file
c. segment is associated with the rings
d. all of these
39 ) Objects are represented by
a. rows
b. columns
c. tables
d. none of these
40 ) Security violation due to
a. malicious
b. accidental
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
41 ) A major security problem for
operating system is
a. authentication problem
b. physical problem
c. human problem
d. none of these
42 ) The most common approach to
authenticating a user identity is
a. user passwords
b. user log in
c. hardware device
d. none of these
43 ) In one time password
a. the password is different in each
b. the password is same in each instance
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
44 ) Program threats are
a. Trojan Horse
b. trap doors
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
45 ) Trojan Horse
a. A code segment that misuses its file is
called Trojan horse
b. good for file accessing
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
46 ) Trap door
a. could be included in a compiler
b. pose a difficult problem because to
detect them
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
47 ) Worm
a. is a process that uses the spawn
mechanism to clobber system
b. spawns copies of itself, using up
system resources and perhaps
locking out system used by all other
c. both (1) and (2)
d. none of the above
48 ) Worm was made up
a. one program
b. two programs
c. three programs
d. all of the above
49 ) Protection against computer
viruses is
a. preventation
b. practice of safe computing
c. purchasing unopened software from
d. avoiding free or pirated copies from
public sources
50 ) Threat monitoring technique is
a. the system can check for suspicious
patterns of activity in an
attempt to detect a security violation
b. a time sharing a system that counts the
number of incorrect
passwords given
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
51 ) The security of a system can be
improved by
a. threat monitoring
b. audit log
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
52 ) Encryption
a. is one common method of protecting
information transmitted over
unreliable links
b. in crypted information is accessed by
an unauthorized person or
program, it will be useless unless it can be
c. both (1) and (2) above
d. none of the above
5 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
53 ) A system has 3 processes
sharing 4 resources. If each
process needs a maximum of 2 units
a. deadlock can never occur
b. deadlock may occur
c. deadlock has to occur
d. none of the above
54 ) 'm' processes share 'n' resources
of the same type. The maximum need
of each process doesn’t exceed 'n'
and the sum of all their maximum
needs is always less than m+n. In
this set up
a. deadlock can never occur
b. deadlock may occur
c. deadlock has to occur
d. none of the above
55 ) Some computer systems support
dual mode operations-the user mode
and the supervisor or monito mode.
These refer to the modes
a. by which user programmes handle their
b. by which the operating system
executes user programmes
c. in which the processor and the
associated hardware operate
d. of memory access
56 ) Which of the following page
replacement algorithms suffers from
Belady's anomaly?
a. Optimal replacement
b. LRU
d. both optimal replacement and FIFO
57 ) Which of the following
scheduling policy is well suited for
a time-shared operating system?
a. Shortest job first
b. Round robin
c. First come first serve
d. Elevator
58 ) Memory protection is normally
done by
a. the processor and the associated
b. the operating system
c. the compiler
d. the user programme
59 ) In a paged segmented scheme of
memory management,
the segment table itself must have a
page table because
a. the segment table is often too large to
fit in one page
b. each segment is spread over a number
of pages
c. segment tables point to tables and not
to the physical location
of the segment
d. the processor's description base
register points to a page table
60 ) in real-time operating system,
which of the following is the most
suitable scheduling scheme?
a. round-robin
b. first-come-first-served
c. preemptive scheduling
d. random scheduling
61 ) An algorithm is best described as
a. A computer language
b. A step by step procedure for solving a
c. A branch of mathematics
d. All of the above
62 ) The size of the virtual memory
depends on
a. the size of the data bus
b. the size of the main memory
c. the size of the address bus
d. none of the above
63 ) Semaphores are used to solve
the problem of
a. race condition
b. process synchronization
c. mutual exclusion
d. none of the above
64 ) Memory protection is of no use in
a. single user system
b. non-multiprogramming system
c. non-multitasking system
d. none of the above
65 ) What is the operating system
used by Macintosh computers?
a. System 7.0
b. AU/X
c. Xenix
d. none of the above
6 | P a g e Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institutions (CCII) – www.cmju.in
66 ) What is the name given to the
software which can be legally
compiled and often used for free?
a. Shareware programme
b. Public domain programme
c. Firmware programme
d. Mindware
67 ) The problem of thrasing is
affected significantly by
a. programme structure
b. programme size
c. primary storage size
d. all of the above
68 ) A multi-user, multi-processing
operating system cannot be
implemented on hardware that does
not support.
a. Address translation
b. DMA for disk transfer
c. At least two modes of CPU execution
(privileged and non-privileged)
d. All of the above
69 ) What is the name of the
technique in which the operating
system of a computer executes
several programme concurrently by
switching back and for the between
a. Partitioning
b. Multitasking
c. Windowing
d. Paging
70 ) Which of the following is NOT a
valid deadlock prevention scheme?
a. Release all resources before requesting
a new resource
b. Number the resources uniquely and
never request a lower
numbered resource than the last one
c. Never request a resource after
releasing any resource
d. none of the above
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