Course Code : MS-43
Course Title : Management Control Systems
Assignment No. : 43/TMA /SEM-I/2013
Coverage : All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 30th April, 2013 to the coordinator of your study center.
1. What are Business Unit Strategies? Explain the BCG Model and General Electric (GE) Planning Model.
2. Explain the concept of Responsibility Accounting, what is a Responsibility Centre and why is responsibility centres established?
3. Explain the concept of Profit Centres. Distinguish between Genuine and Artificial profit centre established.
4. Elaborate on three constituent parts of the performance measurement system. Construct a road map for designing a performance measurement system.
5. What are the characteristics of a project organization? Explain how these characteristics affect the control system design of a project.
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