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Thursday, 1 November 2012

AIMA sem 2 assignments:GM 07 Research Methodology:contact us for answers at

GM 07
Research Methodology

Assignment I

Assignment Code: 2012 GM 07 B1        Last Date of Submission: 15th October 2012
                                                                                                                    Maximum Marks: 100

Attempt all the questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Section A

1.    What are the types of market research? In present day business, explain the usage of market research, with reference to : a) Product Planning, b) Pricing, c) Physical Distribution & d) Promotional & Advertising

2.    When dealing with any market research project, what points should be kept into mind while defining the problem? Briefly explain the advantages of considering these points while defining a research purpose?

3.    Comment on the under mentioned statement :
`A sample may be large yet worthless because it is not random, or it may be random but unreliable because it is small’  Also, explain the importance of sampling in normal quantitative research studies.

4.    Write short notes on the mentioned topics :
a)    Objective characteristics and inferred characteristics
b)    Usage of weighted scales
c)    Editing of primary data
d)    Operating & Strategic decisions
e)    Decision making unit

Section B


In 1992, one of the Delhi based flour mills had planned out a new product launch. This was a salty snack, that was to be launched.  They deputed a professional market research firm for this pre-launch study. Basically they demanded from the study, a) Market acceptance of their product, b) Acceptability  in which specific `Socio Economic Classification’ of  Delhi’s consumer market and finally c) The product branding that will ideally suit their launch. Their accounts section, based on the product manufacturing raw cost and distribution cost, derived that the ideal pricing for the 500 grams pack would be Rs.5.50 .

After completing the pre-launch study they launched their product. As per the study, their prime target segment was the students from the middle & upper middle class families. They advertised also on the satellite channels for various family based serials and few local English dailies.

After three months of launch, their Accounts MIS showed sale of the product was less than 50 % of the expected sales. The retail placement was also proper, but somehow their product was not getting the expected market turnover.

As per their marketing departments recommendation, again the Research firm was contacted, and responsibility was given out to derive the reason for this low market acceptance. The result was derived, the price at which they had launched their product, was a bit under their target segments assessment. The ideal pricing came out to be Rs.8.00 to Rs.10.00 per pack. They had to re-launch their product, and in the process the cycle of Re-Branding, Promotion and all this aspects had to be redone. This time thankfully, their accounts section 1st quarter post-launch  data showed Productivity .

Question :

1.    If you were the one who had the responsibility to formulate the pre-launch study, design a suitable proposal for the same
2.    Also, if you decide to use survey design the questionnaire that you would use for the same. If you decide not to use survey, how will you solve the problem.

GM 07
Research Methodology

Assignment II

Assignment Code: 2012 GM 07 B2         Last Date of Submission: 15th November 2012
                                      Maximum Marks: 100

Attempt all the questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Section A

(a)    What is the difference between a management problem and a research problem?
(b)    How many types of errors may be encountered in a marketing research? What are the methods of minimizing such research errors?
(a)    What is the difference between Quantitative and Qualitative research ?
(b)    Which of the following questions can be tested experimentally and which can not? Where a test is possible, briefly suggest an approach. Where a test is not possible, explain why?
i.    Do children from urban areas drink more coffee and less milk than those from suburban areas?
ii.    Would frequent shoppers reactions to a retailer changing his store layout differ from those of infrequent shoppers?
iii.    Should a petrol pump provide a soft drink vending machine at the outlet?
iv.    How to compare the effectiveness of two faculty members teaching Quantitative Techniques to different sections in a management institute?
v.    How to sensitize DTC Bus drivers towards safe driving on Delhi roads?  

3.    Suppose, your company has spent a large amount on advertising its Products, what will be the methodology you will use to gauge the effectiveness of the same, from various segments like a) Whole Seller, b) Retailer & c) Consumers
4.    What are the bases on which Market Segmentation is created? Explain the segmentations with reference to Indian Consumer Market?

Section B


A Print media company, for the last 5 years were producing a monthly English magazine. This magazines basically covered all aspects, like main news from politics, sports, entertainment, kids specific, portion business etc. It was a 132 page magazine and had their target market as `English Magazine Readers – All India. The magazine through its subscription and commercial space sold had achieved `Break Even Point’. There was certain change in the top management, and as per their planning, they wanted to change this print production to an weekly periodical.
A Survey amongst the `Present Readers’ of the magazine was done, as to the topic choice, length of presentation, area that they want covered, style that they prefer and the like. The new magazine was launched, with proper promo and all. Post six months, the Research & Development wing of the magazine found, that `Gross Readership of the magazine has gone down, thus the commercial, rate and quantum space sold ratio has also declined
The management was a bit confused, because they had designed and edited the magazine as per the `Would be Readers Expectations’. They now wanted to study the reason for not achieving the same.

Question 5 :

a.    By deploying marketing research how will you ascertain the reasons for failure of this product?
b.    What kind of sampling method would you use and why?

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